Updated On - March 12th 2024, Updated By - Tabrez


Hislop College Admission 2024: is started on 01 July 2024` (tentative) for UG and PG courses for the academic session 2024-25. The college offers various courses such as BA, BCom, BSc, MA, MCom, and MSc. The online application form has been released on the official website www.hislopcollege.ac.in, the application form's last date was 28 April 2024 tentatively.

Hislope College provides a variety of courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in addition to advice on doing research in specific disciplines. The application process to undergraduate programmes begins tentatively in the month of the First week of June 2024, while finalization of Admission from the merit list is tentatively in the month of First week of June 2024 tentatively.

Established in 1883 is Hislop College in Nagpur. It was constructed in Nagpur's Mahal district, currently called Civil Lines District. Nagpur lacked a college until 1882, despite being the capital of the Central Provinces. First established in Nagpur, this college. 

Hislop College had a relationship with the University of Calcutta up to 1904. It then had a connection to Allahabad University. The University of Nagpur was connected with five colleges up till 1923. Thereafter, Hislop College joined Nagpur University in the latter half of 1923.

The college is well-liked in Nagpur and the area around it, and it's regarded as one of the top universities in Maharashtra. Hislop College just received Historic Status from UGC. Hislop College is one of the three colleges from Maharashtra that have received this designation. Stephen Hislop, a Scottish missionary who was a distinguished preacher, educator, and geologist, is the name of the college.

Hislop College Admission 2024 Latest Update 

  • Hislop College Admission form 2024-25 released will be on 15 March 2024 for UG, PG, PG Diploma and Higher Learning & Research courses.
  • Hislop College Admission  UG, PG, PG Diploma and Higher Learning & Research admission form 2024-25 last date will be 18 June 2024*.

Hislope College Admission 2024

The Hislop College provides 9-PhD research courses in addition to 4 postgraduate-PG degree programmes in over 12 specialities and 6 undergraduate-UG degree programmes. It has received approval from NAAC and UGC. Undergraduate and graduate programme admissions are determined primarily by merit or examination scores.

Hislop College students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities and hobbies. To promote their overall growth, the college provides a variety of certificate programmes and add-on classes. The college reiterates its dedication to developing the brains, characters, and careers of the next generation. Every student will graduate with a variety of talents including subject knowledge, analytical abilities, critical thinking, resourcefulness, accountability, effective communication, ethical and moral principles, and reflective learning.

Hislope College UG Admission 2024

Hislop College provides 3-year undergraduate programmes in BA, B.Com, B.Sc, and BCA. The results of the qualifying examination are used to determine admission into UG programmes.

  • Candidates must have achieved success in a relevant stream at the 12th-grade level.
  • According to performance on the most recent qualifying exam, admission is awarded.




English, Hindi, Sanskrit, History, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Science, Marathi, and Communicative English


Business Administration 


Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Electronics, and Computer Science


General and Computer Applications

Hislope College PG Admission 2024

The school provides admission to postgraduate programmes in MA, M.Sc, M.Com, MCM, and PGDCA, for which admission is granted based on performance in the prerequisite test. While there are six specializations available for the M.Sc. programme, there are four for the MA.



Selection Process


English, Hindi, Psychology, and Sociology

Based on Merit


Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology







Hislop College Admission 2024 Last Date


Last Date 

Application Form Release Date

April 2024 tentative

Admission Last Date

29 July 2024 Tentative

Merit List

June 2024

Hislope College Application Process

The college's website is where applicants should submit their online admissions applications. The procedures are as follows:

  • visit the college's official website.
  • Build a profile and include your contact information, home address, and educational background.
  • Provide all necessary relevant documentation.
  • Your parent's signature and your own should be uploaded in scanned form.
  • After saving, fill out the application.
  • Choose your course and subject Based on your grade in the prior class (for Science students).
  • Attach the required documents (X/XII/graduation transcripts).
  • Online payment is required through online mode.
  • Finally, submit the application form.

Required Documents to be submitted-

  • Mark sheet for the X and XII leaving exams Mark sheets. 
  • Aadhaar card 
  • Passport Size Photographs
  • Certificate of Caste 
  • Certificate of Baptism (for Christian Students)
  • Certificate in Sports, Certificate in Immigration, and Certificate in Eligibility

Hislope College Placements

The college has a separate placement and training cell that organizes several programmes, including technical workshops, TCS-certified courses, skill development seminars, as well as numerous other activities, such as recruitment drives. The Cell has consistently provided the best selection ratio and prepares students to enter the workforce. Among the top employment agencies are:

  • Infosys
  • TCS
  • Wipro
  • HDFC Bank
  • Concentrix

Hislop College Admission 2024 Contact Details

  • Address: Hislop College, Temple Road, Civil lines, Nagpur - 440001, Maharashtra, India
  • Email: principal@hislopcollege.ac.in, pirncipalhislop1883@gmail.com
  • Phone: +91 7122532004, +91 8275490446
  • Fax: +91 7122527760

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