University/College/Institute University/College/Institute (ACM) Aryakul College of Management - College (AGI) Avanthi Group of Institutions - College (AIEMS) Amruta Institute Of Engineering & Management Sciences - College (AIMS) Al-ameen Institute of Management Studies - College (APEX DELHI) Apex India Vidhyapeeth - College (APGC) Aristotle PG College - College (ARCJMC LUCKNOW) Azaz Rizvi College of Journalism & Mass Communication - College (ASARCH) Acharya's NRV School of Architecture - College (ASEI) AS Educare Institute - Institute (ASOC) Amity School of Communication - College (AUDIOLIFE) AudioLife School of Sound Engineering - College (BDSC) Best Dental Science College - College (BNCP) Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy - College (BVCOE) Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering - College (CBGKM) Chandra Bhanu Gupta Krishi Mahavidyalaya - College (CCE) Cheran College of Engineering - College (CMSBS) CMS Business School - College (DBGI) Don Bosco Group of Institutions - Institute (DCE) Dhaya College of Engineering - College (DPMC) Doon (P.G.) Paramedical College & Hospital - College (EDC) EThames Degree College - College (GBNIP) G.B.N Institute of Pharmacy - College (GKM) GKM College of Engineering & Technology - College (IARI) Indian Agricultural Research Institute - College (IASMS) Indian Academy School of Management Studies - College (IDRBT) Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology - College (IIIT BANGALORE) International Institute of Information Technology - College (IIPR BANGALORE) Indian Institute Of Psychology And Research - College (INES) I-Nurture Education Solutions - College (ISMT) International School of Management and Technology - College (JCCL) Jitendra Chauhan College of Law - College (KIP) Kalol Institute of Pharmacy - College (KKCP) K.K. College of Pharmacy - College (KMCHCOP) KMCH College of Pharmacy - College (LCRA) Lotus Clinical Research Academy - Institute (LDAC) L.D. Arts College - College (LMITM) Lucknow Model Institute of Technology and Management - College (MGIP) Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Pharmacy - College (MIT) Millia Institute of Technology - College (MMC) Madurai Medical College - College (NAMIPS) NAM Institute of Professional Studies - College (NIMS) Neelachal Institute of Medical Sciences - College (NIT) Nightingale Institute of Technology - College (NMIMS) NMIMS-Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce - College (PCPS) Priyadarshini College of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (PMCOA) PM College of Architecture - College (PPGBC) P.P.G. Business School - College (RRASECE) RRASE College of Engineering - College (RVS) RVS College of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (SAJC) Seth Anandram Jaipuria College - College (SERC) Suddhananda Engineering & Research Centre - College (SGI) Sagar Group of Institutions - College (SIP) Siddhartha Institute of Pharmacy - College (SITAR) Sampoorna Institute Of Technology & Research - College (SITG) Sabar Institute of Technology for girls - College (SMCP) St Mary's College of Pharmacy - College (SMSPC) Smt. S.M. Shah Pharmacy College - College (SNMPPC) Smt N.M. Padalia Pharmacy College - College (SPCP) Sai Pranavi College of Pharmacy - College (SVCE) Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Bangalore - College (SVVIT) Sri Vidya Vinayaka Institute Of Technology - College (SWCP) Shadan Women s College of Pharmacy - College (SXC) St. Xavier's College - College (TRRCP) Teegala Ram Reddy College of Pharmacy - College (UBS MUMBAI) Universal Business School - College (VC) Vidyasagar College - College (VCE) Vinayaga College of Education - College (VCP) Vivekananda College of Pharmacy - College (VESASC) Vivekanand College Of Arts And Commerce - College (VINSRC) Vydehi Institute of Nursing - College (VIPS) Visveswarapura Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (VITM) Vidyadaan Institute of Technology and Management - College (YATCH) Yatch Infotech - College (YDIT) Yellamma Dasappa College of Engineering - College (ZHC) Zakir Hussain College - College Air Hostess Academy - AHA New Delhi - Institute BBS Institute of Management Studies - BBSIMS - Institute BK Institute of Education and Technology - BKIET - Institute Delhi Institute of Paramedical Technology - Institute East Point College of Higher Education - College EMPI Institute of Advertising & Communication - Institute Florence Academy of Fashion, Design and Language - Institute Heights Institute of Fashion and Technology - Institute Hindustan Institute of Technology - Institute Institute of Professional Studies and Research - IPSAR - Institute International Institute of Culinary Arts - IICA - Institute NIMT Mahila Institute for Hotel Management and Catering Technology - NIMTMIHMCT - Institute Sai Academy - Institute Sivanthi Aditanar College - College Spectrum Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research - SIPSAR - Institute St. Francis De Sales College - College The Jewellery Design and Technology Insitute - Institute Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering and Technology - VIET - Institute ( SMSUOH) School of Management Studies-university of Hyderabad - Institute ( ST. XAVIERS) St. Xavier's P.g. College - Institute (A N College) Anugrah Narayan College,Patna - College (AAASCC) Al Ameen Arts, Science & Commerce College - College (AAC) Arul Anandar College - College (AACL) Al-Ameen College of Law - College (AACP) Al Ameen College of Pharmacy - College (AACW) Anna Adarsh College for Women - College (AADC) Al Ameen Degree college - College (AAIMSCA) Arjun College of Technology & Sciences - College (AAIST) Arignar Anna Institute of Science and Technology - College (AAKCBA) Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration - College (AAMC) Al-Ameen Medical College - College (ABBS) Acharya Bangalore B-school - College (ABC) Arcade Business College - College (ABIHM) Arabinda Basu Institute of Hotel Management - College (ABIPER) Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education & Research - College (ABMTR) Academy of Business Management Tourism & Research - College (ABS MUMBAI) Acton Business School - College (ABS) Adarsh Business School - College (ABS) Affinity Business School - College (ABWC) Annie Besant Women's College - College (AC GOA) Alpine Center The Swiss Business School for Hotel and Tourism Education - College (ACA) Aditya College of Architecture - College (ACAS) Angappa College of Arts and Science - College (ACDS) Aditya College of Design Studies - College (ACE) Acharya College of Education - College (ACE) Alpha College of Engineering Bangalore - College (ACE) Atharva College of Engineering - College (ACEIT) Arya College of Engineering & I.T. - College (ACERC) Arya College of Engineering & Research Centre - College (ACET) Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology - College (ACET) Asian College of Engineering and technology - College (ACET) Azad College of Engineering and Technology - College (ACHARYA) Acharya Institutes - College (ACL) Dr. Ambedkar College of Law - College (ACM) Apex College of Management - College (ACMS) Annex College of Management Studies - College (ACMSS) Anupama College Of Management Studies and Science - College (ACN) Adarsha College of Nursing - College (ACN) Aditya College of Nursing - College (ACNC) Apollo College of Nursing - College (ACP) Arya College of Pharmacy - College (ACPR) Aryakul College of Pharmacy & Research - College (ACRI) Agricultural College & Research Institute - College (ACSCE) ACS College of Engineering - College (ACT CHENNAI) Alagappa College of Technology - College (ACT) Agni college of Technology - College (ADA Bandlaguda ) Aurora's Design Academy - Bandlaguda - College (ADC) Abhyudaya Degree College - College (ADC) Ahmedabad Dental College - College (ADC) Aryabhatta Degree College - College (ADC) Awadh Dental College - College (ADC) Azad Degree College - College (ADVED) Advait Vedanta Institute of Technology - College (AEC) Apollo Engineering College - College (AEC) Arunai Engineering College - College (AEC) Assam Engineering College - College (AECS BANGALORE) AECS Maaruti College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre - College (AECS) Amrith Educational & Cultural Society - College (AECSMCN) AECS Maaruti College of Nursing - College (AEMI) Aum Engineering and Management Institute - College (AFC) Annai Fathima College of Arts & Science - College (AGBS) Amity Global Business School, Ahmedabad - College (AGBS) Amity Global Business School, Kolkata - College (AGBS) Amity Global Business School,Chennai - College (AGBS) Amity Global Business School,Mumbai - College (AGBS) Amity Global Business School,Orissa - College (AGBS) Amity Global Business School,Patna - College (AGC) Aryakul Group of Colleges - College (AGCB) Acharya Girish Chandra Bose College - College (AGI) Anurag Group of Institutions - College (AGI) Apex Group Of Institutions, Jaipur - College (AGRAGAMI) Agragami Institute of Management and Technology - College (AGRAGAMI) Agragami Institute of Management and Technology - College (AHCE) Abhinav Hi-tech College of Engineering - College (AHCET) Al Habeeb College of Engineering and Technology - College (AHMCT) Academy of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - College (AIACTR) Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research - College (AIAEIT) Ahmedabad Institute of Aeronautical Engineering and Information Technology - College (AIAIMS) Anjuman-i-islams Allana Institute of Management Studies - College (AIBM) Aakash Institute of Business Management - College (AICR) Apheta Institute of Clinical Research - College (AID) Apeejay Institute of Design - College (AIE) Amity Institute of Education - College (AIET) Apex Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (AIET) Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (AIET) Arya Institute Of Engineering & Technology - College (AIET) Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (AIET) Azad Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (AIETM) Arya Institute of Engineering Technology & Management - College (AIFT) Aruna Institute of Fashion Technology - College (AIGS) Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies - College (AIHE) Aryavart Institute of Higher Education - College (AIHS) Acharya Institute of Health Sciences - College (AIHT) Anand Institute of Higher Technology - College (AIHTM) Amazon Institute of Hotel Management - College (AIIMAS) All India Institute of Management Studies - College (AIIMES) Auston Institute of International Management and Engineering Studies - College (AIIMS) All India Institute of Medical Sciences - College (AIIS) Al-Ameen Institute of Information Sciences - College (AILS) Arunodaya Institute of Legal Studies - College (AIM LUCKNOW) Aurous Institute of Management - College (AIM) Advanced Institute of Management - College (AIM) Army Institute of Management - College (AIM) Asan Memorial Institute of Management - College (AIMFILL) Aimfill International - College (AIMFILL) Aimfill International, Bangalore - College (AIMIT) Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology - College (AIMS ) Aims Institutes , Bangalore - College (AIMS) Aakson Institute For Management Studies - College (AIMS) Akshaya Institute of Management Studies - College (AIMS) Apex Institute of Management & Science - College (AIMT GUWAHATI) Asian Institute of Management and Technology - College (AIMT) Alpine Institute of Management & Technology - College (AIMT) Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology - College (AIMTS) Alpha Institute of Management and Technology Science - College (AIPR) Azad Institute of Pharmacy and Research - College (AISFM) Annapurna International School of Film and Media - College (AIT KOLKATA) Adamas Institute of Technology - College (AIT) Acharya Institute of Technology - College (AIT) Adithya Institute of Technology - College (AIT) Ahmedabad Institute of Technology - College (AIT) Amina Institute of Technology - College (AITD) Agnel Institute of Technology and Design - College (AITM) Abhinav Institute of Technology & Management - College (AITM) Aryavart Institute of Technology & Management - College (AITS) Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences - College (AITS) Aryabhata Institute of Technology & Science - College (AJKIM) Ajk Institute of Management - College (AKSMC) Aks Management College - College (AMA) Attitude Management Academy - College (AMC) Administrative Management College - College (AMC) Ananda Mohan College - College (AMCEC) AMC Engineering College - College (AMCN) Annai Meenakshi College of Nursing - College (AMCSFNCK) Association of The Managements of Self Financing Nursing Colleges of Kerala - College (AMIRAJ) Amiraj College Of Engineering And Technology - College (AMS) Aaalim Muhammed Salegh Academy of Architecture - College (AMS) Academy of Management Studies - College (AMSASCW) Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts & Science College for Women - College (AMSCE) Aalim Muhammed Salegh College Of Engineering - College (AMSCLW) AMS College of Law for Women - College (AMSOM) Amrut Mody School of Management - College (AMSSI) Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics - College (ANACEMS) ANA College of Engineering and Management studies - College (ANDC) Acharya Narendra Dev College - College (AOA) Academy of Architecture , Mumbai - College (AOAA) Academy of Applied Arts North Campus - College (AOPC) A-One Pharmacy College - College (APAA) Andhra Pradesh Aviation Academy - College (APAJI) Apaji Institute of Mathematics & Applied Computer Technology - College (APC) Acharya Prafulla Chandra College - College (APCC) Acharya Patashala College of Commerce - College (APEX KOLKATA) Academy for Professional Excellence - College (APEX) Apex Institute of Technology and Management - College (APGC - MOOSARAMBAGH) Aurora`s Pg College - Moosarambagh - College (APGC) Agrawal P.G. College - College (API) Auroras Pharmacy Institute - College (APIHM ) Asia Pacific Institute of Management - College (APLL) Apll Center of Excellence - College (APSCE) APS College Of Engineering - College (AQIBM) Al-qurmoshi Institute of Business Management - College (ARI Delhi) Asian Retail Institute - College (ARMCET) ARM College of Engineering and Technology - College (ASA) Aayojan School of Architecture - College (ASB) Amrita School of Business - Department of Management Studies - College (ASBM) Aradhana School of Business Management - College (ASBM) Asian School of Business Management - College (ASBT) Aegis School of Business & Telecommunication - College (ASCDC) ASC Degree College - College (ASCOM) Amrita School Of Communication - College (ASCOM) Amrita School Of Communication - Institute (ASE) Amrita School of Engineering - College (ASEAM) Asia School of Engineering & Management - College (ASL) Acharya School of Law - College (ASLPCET) A.S.L. Pauls College of Engineering and Technology - College (ASM) Astha School of Management - College (ASMIT) Arya School of Management & Information Technology - College (ASMT) Avinashilingam School of Management Technology - College (ASOB) Alliance School of Business - College (ASOIT) Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology - College (ATC) Ansal Technical Campus - College (ATMGBS) ATM Global Business School - College (AUCBM) Anwar-ul-uloom College of Business Management - College (AUCP) Anwarul Uloom College of Pharmacy - College (AURA DELHI) Aura Institutions - College (AV COLLEGE) AV College of Arts, Science & Commerce - College (AVASC) Annai Violet Arts & Science College - College (AVCE) Annai Veilankanni's College of Engineering - College (AVIT) Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology - College (BACET) B.A. College of Engineering & Technology - College (BAE) Basava Academy of Engineering - College (BBC) Budge Budge College - College (BBCET) Biff and Bright College of Engineering and Technology - College (BBCIT) Bankatlal Badruka College for Information Technology - College (BBDCDS) Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences - College (BBDEC) Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - College (BBDNIIT) Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology - College (BBDNITM) Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology & Management - College (BBHMC) Bhagawan Buddha Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital - College (BBIT) Budge Budge Institute of Technology - College (BC) Brindavan College - College (BCC) Bangalore City College - College (BCCA) Badruka College Of Commerce & Arts - College (BCCA) Badruka College of Commerce and Arts - College (BCCAS) Basaveshwara College Of Commerce, Arts & Science - College (BCE) Brindavan College of Engineering - College (BCET) Bangalore College of Engineering and Technology - College (BCEW) Bilal College of Education for Women's - College (BCIIT) Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Information Technology - College (BCIP) Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Physiotherapy - College (BCIPS) Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies - College (BCL) Basavashree College of Law - College (BCN) Banasawadi College of Nursing - College (BCN) Billroth College of Nursing - College (BCP) Bihar College Of Pharmacy - College (BCPGC) Badruka College Post Graduate Centre - College (BCSM) Biyani College of Science and Management - College (BCWCLC) Bishop Cotton Women's Christian Law College - College (BDC) B.D. College - College (BEA) Beehive Education Academy - College (BEC) Bangabasi Evening College - College (BEC) Basavakalyan Engineering College - College (BEC) Bhaskar Engineering College - College (BEC) Bhubaneswar Engineering College - College (BECT ) Beehive College - College (BETHUNE) Bethune College - College (BGBC) Biyani Girls B.ed College - College (BGC) Bagru Girls College - College (BGC) Barasat Government College - College (BGC) Bhairab Ganguly College - Institute (BGI) Brainware Group of Institutions - College (BGSESGOI) Brilliant Grammar School Educational Society's Group of Institutions - College (BGSSAP) BGS School of Architecture and Planning - College (BHCA) Dr. Baliram Hiray College of Architecture - College (BHKM) Bamanpukur Humayun Kabir Mahavidyalaya - College (BHMCCH) Bengal Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital - College (BHMRC) Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre - College (BIDS) Bangalore Institute of Dental Sciences - College (BIDSH) Buddha Institute of Dental Science & Hospital - College (BIEM) Bhalchandra Institute of Education & Management - College (BIET) Balaji Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (BIET) Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (BIET) Bhadrak Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (BIET) Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (BIET) Brilliant Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (BIFT) Badruka Institute of Foreign Trade - College (BIHER) Bharath Institute of Higher Education And Research - College (BIHTS) BIHTS Institute of Management - College (BILAMS) Birla Institute of Liberal Arts and Management Sciences - College (BIMS BANGALORE) Bangalore Institute of Management Studies - College (BIMS) Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science - College (BIMS) Bora Institute of Management Sciences - College (BIMSR) Bhava Institute of Medical Science and Research - College (BIMTECH) Basudev Institute of Management & Technology - College (BIT JAIPUR) Birla Institute of Technology - College (BIT) Bangalore Institute of Technology - College (BIT) Bengal Institute of Technology - College (BJB COLLEGE) B.J.B. Autonomous College - College (BKC COLLEGE) Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College - College (BKGC) Bijoy Krishna Girls' College - College (BKIET) BK Institute of Education and Technology - College (BKMIBA) B K Majumdar Institute of Business Administration - College (BKSBM) B K School of Business Management - College (BMACW) BMS College For Women - College (BMBCN) B.M. Birla College of Nursing - College (BMC) Bangabasi Morning College - College (BMCHRCCN) Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Centre College of Nursing - College (BMCW) Bhaktavatsalam Memorial College for Women - Institute (BMGC) Blue Mountains Group of Colleges - College (BMIT JAIPUR) Baldev Ram Mirdha Institute of Technology - College (BMS) BMS Institute of Technology & Mgmt - College (BMSCE) BMS College of Engineering - College (BMSSOA) BMS School of Architecture - College (BMWC) Baldwin Methodist Womens College - College (BNC) BN College, Patna - College (BNCET LUCKNOW) B.N. College of Engineering & Technology - College (BNMIT) B.N.M Institute of Technology - College (BNPCFW) Bojjam Narasimhulu Pharmacy College For Women - College (BNSC) Bhavan's New Science College - College (BPC) Bapuji Pharmacy College - College (BPC) Bhaskar Pharmacy College - College (BPCSE) Biju Pattnaik College of Science & Education - College (BPGCFW) Bharat for Women - College (BPIBS) Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies - College (BPIITM) Biju Patnaik Institute of Information Technology and Management Studies - College (BPIT) Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - College (BPPIMT) B.P. Poddar Institute of Management & Technology - College (BRALC) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law college - College (BRECW) Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women - College (BRM LAW COLLEGE) B.R.M. Govt. Law College - College (BRMIMT) BRM Institute of Management & Information technology - College (BSIT) Bandari Srinivas Institute of Technology - College (BSNV PG COLLEGE) Bappa Sri Narain Vocational P.G. College - College (BSRACAC) Bhavan's Sheth R.A. College of Arts and Commerce - College (BSSA) Balwant Sheth School of Architecture - College (BTI) Bangalore Technological Institute - College (BTLITM) BTL Institute of Technology and Management - College (BTTC) Bombay Teacher's Training College - College (BTTC) Bombay Teachers' Training College - College (BURHANI COLLEGE) Burhani College of Commerce & Arts - College (BVCP) Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy - College (BVRIT) BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women - College (BWC) Bharathi Women's College - College (BWMC) Baldwin Women's Methodist College - College (CAM UTKAL) Centre for Agri-management, Department of Business Administration - College (CAMC) Cavalier Animation & Technologies Pvt.Ltd - Institute (CATS) College of Advanced Technology Studies - College (CBACAS) CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science - College (CBM) C.B.M College of Arts and Science - College (CBPC) Chilkur Balaji Pharmacy College - College (CBTV) Chilkur Balaji Institute of Technology - College (CC) Columbia College, Bangalore - College (CCC) Charu Chandra College - College (CCMC) Canadian Computer and Management Center - College (CCN) Columbia College of Nursing - College (CDE) Centre for Design Excellence - College (CDIEC) Color design India Education Centre - College (CDRF) Chennai Dental Research Foundation - College (CDSRC) College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre - College (CEC) Capital Engineering College - College (CET BHUBANESWAR) College of Engineering & Technology - College (CFM) Centre for Financial Management - College (CIASIS) Centre for International Alliances-school of International Studies - College (CIBT) Coimbatore Institute of Management and Technology - College (CIEM) Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management - College (CIET) Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (CIFE) Central Institute of Fisheries Education - College (CIHCCP) Cheran's Institute of Health Sciences College Of Pharmacy - College (CIITM) Compucom Institute of Information Technology & Management - College (CIMAGE PATNA) Catalyst Institute of Management and Advance Global Excellence - College (CIME) College of IT & Management Education - College (CIMS) Capital Institute of Management & Science - College (CIMS) Carreograph Institute of Management Studies - College (CIMS) College of Innovative Management & Sciences - College (CIMSR) Combined (P.G.) Institute of Medical Sciences & Research - College (CIMT) Central Institute of Management and Technology - College (CIPET) Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology - College (CIRS) Chakradhara Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences - College (CIST) Cochin Institute of science and Technology - College (CIT) Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore - College (CIT) Camellia Institute of Technology - College (CIT) Chennai Institute of Technology - College (CIT) Coimbatore Institute of Technology - College (CLBMCP) C L Baid Metha College of Pharmacy - College (CMC) Coimbatore Marine College - College (CMI) Chennai Mathematical Institute - College (CMPHMC) Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic Medical College - College (CMRCBS) CMR Center for Business Studies - College (CMRCET) CMR College of Engineering & Technology - College (CMRCP) CMR College of Pharmacy - College (CMREC) CMR Engineering College - College (CMRIMS) CMR Institute of Management Studies (Autonomous) - College (CMRIT) CMR Institute of Technology - College (CMS COIMBATORE) CMS Academy of Management and Technology - College (CMSCET) CMS College of Engineering and Technology - College (CMSCSC) CMS College of Science and Commerce - College (CNASC) Chennai National Arts and Science College - College (CNKRCP) C.N.K. Reddy College of Pharmacy - College (COCAS) College of Commerce, Arts and Science - College (COMMITS) Commits Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication - College (COP) College Of Pharmacy - Madras Medical College - College (CPGIDSH) Career Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital - College (CPJ College) Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law - College (CPJIMT) Chanderprabhu Jain Institute of Management & Technology - College (CRKIM) CRK Institute of Management - College (CSBM) Camellia School of Business Management - College (CSC) Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science & Commerce - College (CSCASC) Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science and Commerce - College (CSN) Chinai - School of Nursing - College (CSSSM) Chembur Sarvankash Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya - College (CSTM) Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine - College (CTC) Chanakya Technical Campus - College (CTE) Vijaya Teachers College - College (CTKEC) Christ The King Engineering College - College (CUFE) Christ University-Faculty of Engineering - College (CUSAC) C.U. Shah Arts College - Institute (CUSAT COCHIN) Department of Polymer Science Rubber Technology - College (CUSP) C. U. Shah College of Pharmacy - College (CVRCA) C.V.Raman Computer Academy - College (CVRCE) C.V. Raman College of Engineering - College (CVRCE) CVR College of Engineering - College (CVRE) C. V. Raman College of Engineering - College (CWC) Chellammal Women's College - College (CWC) Children Welfare Centre College of Law - College (CWCE) Central Women's College of Education, Lucknow - College (DAC) Dinabandhu Andrews College - College (DACE) Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering - College (DACHMCH) Dr. Abhin Chandra Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital - College (DAGLC) Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College - College (DAIMS) Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies - College (DAITM) Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of Technology & Management - College (DAPMRVDC) D.A. Pandu Memorial R.V Dental College - College (DASM) Dr. Asha Smriti Mahavidyalaya - College (DBCSM) Don Bosco College of Science and Management - College (DBGI) Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions - College (DBGI) Don Bosco Group of Institutions - College (DBIMS) Dev Bhoomi Institute of Management Studies - College (DBIPUC) Don Bosco Independent P.U. College - College (DBIT) Don Bosco Institute of Technology - College (DBLIB) Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology - College (DBPRMDC) Dewan Bahadur Padma Rao Mudaliar Degree College - College (DBRACL) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law - College (DBRAIDSH) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute Of Dental Sciences & Hospital - College (DBRAIMT) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Management & Technology - College (DBS) Doon Business School - College (DCAAS) Doon (P.G) College of Agriculture & Allied Science - College (DCAC) Delhi College of Arts and Commerce - College (DCAST) Doon Post Graduate College of Agriculture Science and Technology - College (DCE) Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering - College (DCG) Deshbandhu College for Girls - College (DCMS) Divine College of Management Studies - College (DCMTE DEHRADUN) Drona`s College of Management & Technical Education - College (DCTE) Deepshikha College of Technical Education - College (DDC) Delhi Degree College - College (DDMC) Dum Dum Motijheel College - College (DFI) Delhi Film Institute - College (DHSKCC) D H S K Commerce College - College (DIAS) Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies - College (DIAS) Delhi Institute of Aeronautical Sciences - College (DIET) Dhruva Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (DIET) Doon Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (DIMR) Delhi Institute of Management & Research - College (DIMR) Doon Institute of Management and Research - College (DIMT) Delhi Institute of Management & Technologies - College (DIPSAR) Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research - College (DIRD) Delhi Institute of Rural Development Nangli Poona Campus - College (DIT) Dream Institute of Technology - College (DITE) Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering - College (DITM DELHI) Delhi Institute of Technology & Management - College (DITMR) Delhi Institute of Technology Management & Research - College (DITPS) Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences - College (DJAD) DJ Academy of Design - College (DJAMS) DJ Academy for Managerial Excellence - College (DJFT) Department of Jute and Fibre Technology - College (DKBC) Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharya College - College (DKSGI) Deepshikha Kala Sansthan Group of Institutions - College (DLC) Dispur Law College - College (DMBS) David Memorial Business School - Institute (DMC) Derozio Memorial College - College (DMCE) Datta Meghe College of Engineering - College (DMCP) David Memorial College of Pharmacy - College (DMI) DMI College of Engineering - College (DMS IITD) Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology - College (DOMS MGR) Dr. M.G.R. Educational And Research Institute - College (DOON ) Doon Institute of Management & Technology - College (DRIT) Dr. Radhakrishnan Institute of Technology - College (DRKIST) DRK Institute of Science and Technology - College (DRSMCE) Dr. Sri. Sri. Sri. Shivakumara Mahaswamy College of Engineering - College (DSATM) Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - College (DSBA) Dayananda Sagar Business Academy - College (DSBA) Dayananda Sagar Business Academy - Institute (DSCASC) Dayananda Sagar College of Art Science & Commerce - College (DSCDS) Dayananda Sagar College of Dental Sciences - College (DSCE) Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering - College (DSCE) Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering - College (DSCN) Dayananda Sagar College of Nursing - College (DSCP) Dayananda Sagar College of Pharmacy - College (DSCSDEC) Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College - College (DSDA) Davinci School of Design and Architecture - College (DSI) Dayananda Sagar Institutions - College (DSJB) Dayanand Sagar Junior Business School - College (DSM) Deccan School of Management - College (DSM) Delhi School of Management - College (DSMDC) Darshan Singh Memorial Degree College - College (DSP) Deccan School of Pharmacy - College (DSPA) Deccan School of Planning and Architecture - College (DSRCISH) Dr. S. R. Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing - College (DTGI) Down Town Group of Institutions - College (DTLC) Daulatbhai Trivedi Law College - College (DVCE) Doon Valley College of Education - College (EAST) Eastern Academy Of Science And Technology - College (EATM) Einstein Academy of Technology and Management - College (EBA) Emcons Business Academy - College (EBS) Evolve Business School - College (ECET) Easa College of Engineering & Technology - College (ECET) Ellenki College of Engineering and Technology - College (ECN) Ellen College of Nursing - College (ECUBE) Ecube Global College - College (EDCH) Eklavya Dental College & Hospital - College (EIILM) Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management - College (EIM) Eastern Institute of Management - College (Eimes) Education Institute of Management & Engineering Studies - College (ELCME) Era's Lucknow College of Management & Education - College (EMGKYWC) E.M.Gopalakrishna Kone Yadava Women's College - College (EMPEEIHMCT) Empee Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - College (ESBS) EVA Stalin Business School - College (ESICDC) ESIC Dental College & Hospital - College (EWCP) East West College of Pharmacy - College (EWIT) East West Institute of Technology - College (FABS) Fazlani Altius Business School - College (FAME) First Academy of Media and Entertainment - College (FC BANGALORE) Fullinfaws College - College (FC) Fatima College - College (FCM ) Faran College of Management - College (FCN) Faran College of Nursing - College (FCRCE) Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering - College (FCRIT) Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology - College (FIMT) Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology - College (FIMT) Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology - College (FIMTS) Future Institute of Management Technology and Science - College (FIN) Fortis Institute of Nursing - College (FMCET) Fatima Michael College of Engineering and Technology - College (FMS) Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi - College (FMS-IRM) Institute of Rural Management - College (GACC) Gujarat Arts and Commerce College - Evening - College (GACM) Govt Arts College For Men - College (GACOE) Ghulam Ahmed College of Education - College (GAET COCHIN) Global Academy for Education and Training - College (GASC) Gujarat Arts and Science College - College (GAT) Global Academy of Technology - College (GBIP) Gurram Balanarsiah Institute of Pharmacy - College (GBPEC) G.B.Pant Govt. Engineering College - College (GBS) Glf Business School - College (GBS) Govindam Business School - College (GC) Goutham College - College (GCA) Guwahati College of Architecture - College (GCASC) Govt College of Arts, Science & Commerce - College (GCC) Gauhati Commerce College - College (GCC) Genius Choice College - College (GCC) Government City College - College (GCCBA) Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration - College (GCCCMS) GCC Centre of Management Studies - College (GCCW) Goodwill Christian College for Women - College (GCEC) Global Centre for Entrepreneurship and Commerce - College (GCECT) Government College of Engineering & Ceramic Technology - College (GCELT) Government College of Engineering and Leather Technology - College (GCEM) Gopalan College of Engineering and Management - College (GCG) Gaya College - College (GCHCE) Goa College of Hospitality & Culinary Education - College (GCMAT) Gupta College of Management and Technology - College (GCMT) Glorious College of Management & Technology - College (GCN) Global College of Nursing - College (GCP) Government College of Pharmacy - College (GCRI AHMEDABAD) Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute - College (GCT) Government College of Technology - College (GDC MUMBAI) Government Dental College - College (GDC) Goa Dental College - College (GDC) Government Dental College - College (GDC) Govt. Degree & PG College - College (GDC) Govt. Dental College - College (GDCH) Tamil Nadu Government Dental College & Hospital - College (GDCW) Government Degree College for Women - College (GDMM) Ganga Devi Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College (GEC) Gandhi Engineering College - College (GEC) Global Education Centre - College (GEMA) Global Entrepreneurship & Management Academy - College (GEMHRC) GEM Hospital and Research Centre - College (GEMS) Gems B School - College (GFEC) Green Fort Engineering College - College (GFGC) Government First Grade College Krishnarajapuram - College (GFI) Glaamour School of Fashion & Interiors - College (GGI) Ganga Group of Institutions - College (GGI) Global Group of Institutions - College (GIAS) Global Institute of Advance Studies - College (GIAST) Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training - College (GIBS) Gitarattan International Business School - College (GIET) Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (GIET) Gandhi Institute of Excellent Technocrats - College (GIFT) Gandhi Institute for Technology - College (GIFT) Global Institute of Fashion Technology - College (GIFT) Global Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata - College (GIM) Gujarat Institute of Management - College (GIM) Guruvayurappan Institute of Management - College (GIMS) Global Institute of Management Science - College (GIMS) Greenway Institute of Management Studies - College (GIMT GUWAHATI) Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Management and Technology - College (GIMT) Gandhi Institute of Management and Technology - College (GIMT) Gurukul Institute of Management and Technology - College (GIPS) Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Pharmaceutical Science - College (GISIPS) Gyani Inder Singh Institute of Professional Studies - College (GIT) Global Institute of Technology - College (GIT) Gurukula Institute of Technology - College (GITA) Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement - College (GITAM) Gandhi Institute of Technology & Management - College (GITAM) Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management - College (GITAMST) GITAM School of Technology - College (GJALC) Gopaldas Jhamatmal Advani Law College - College (GJCCASW) St. Georges Jayaraj Chelladurai College of Arts and Science for women - College (GJCP) Gyana Jyothi College of Pharmacy - College (GKCEM) Greater Kolkata College Of Engineering and Management - College (GLC MUMBAI) Government Law college , Mumbai - College (GLC) Government Law College, Madurai - College (GLS) GLS (Shailesh R. Parikh) Institute of Computer Technology - College (GLSIBA) GLS Institute of Business Administration - College (GLSICA) G.L.S. Institute Of Computer Application - Institute (GLSICA) G.L.S. Institute Of Computer Application - College (GM) Gyanodaya Mahavidyalaya - College (GMASC) Govt. Maharana Acharya Sanskrit College - College (GMC) Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram - College (GMIST) Gunamay Majumdar Institute of Science & Technology - College (GMIT) Gargi Memorial Institute of Technology - College (GMR HYDERABAD) GMR School of Business - College (GMS) Gurukul Management Studies - College (GNCASC) Guru Nanak College of Arts Science and Commerce - College (GNCER) Guru Nanak College of Education and Research - College (GNIDSR) Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Science & Research - College (GNIMS MUMBAI) Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies - College (GNIPST) Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science And Technology - Institute (GNIPST) Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science And Technology - College (GNIT) Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - College (GNITC) Guru Nanak Institute of Management - College (GNITM) Gokaran Narvadeshwar Institute Of Technology & Management - College (GNITS) G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science - College (GNKMS) GNK Institute of Management Studies - College (GPI) Institute,Patna - Institute (GPRCP) G.Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy - College (GRCCM) Government Ramnarayan Chellaram College of Commerce and Management - College (GRCP) Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy - College (GRD) GRD Group Of Institutios - College (GRDCE) Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of Education - College (GRDCE) Guru Ram Das College of Education - College (GRG) GRG School of Management Studies - College (GRGCE) G.R. Govindarajulu College of Education - College (GRKC) Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law - College (GRMEC) Gopal Ramalingam Memorial Engineering College - College (GRT CHENNAI) GRT Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (GRV) GRV Business Management Academy - College (GRV) Guru Raghavendra Vidyadeep Business Management Academy - College (GSBT) Gojan School of Business and Technology - College (GSC) Government Science College - College (GSFGI) Gyan Sagar Foundation Group of Institutions - College (GSMC) Seth GS Medical College - College (GSSJCW) Guru Shree Shantivijai Jain College for Women - College (GTRTC) GOVT.TOOLROOM AND TRAINING CENTRE,BANGALORE - College (GVP) Gujarat Vidyapith - College (GZIITM) GZ Institute of Information Technology & Management - College (HACC) H.A. College of Commerce - College (HBS) Heritage Business School - College (HBS) Hindustan Business School - College (HC) Hindustan College - College (HCC) Heramba Chandra College - College (HCET) Hindusthan College of Engineering & Technology - College (HCN) Harsha Group of Educational Institutions-College of Nursing - College (HCPRC) Hillside College Of Pharmacy And Research Centre - College (HCW) Hasanath College for Women - College (HECT) Hindusthan Institute of Technology - College (HETC) Hooghly Engineering and Technology College - College (HGC) Handique Girls' College - College (HGC) Harimohan Ghosh College - College (HGCE) Hasmukh Goswami College of Engineering - College (HIHM) Herbarium Institute of Hotel Management - College (HIHM) Herbarium Institute of Hotel Management - College (HIHM) Hollywood Institute of Hotel Management - College (HIHM) Hope Institute of Hospitality Management - College (HIMS) Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences - College (HIMSR) Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research - College (HIPER) Hygia Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research - College (HIPR) Himalayan Institute of Pharmacy & Research - College (HIRALAL COLLEGE) Hiralal Majumdar Memorial College - College (HIT) Hi-tech Institute of Technology - College (HIT) Himalayan Institute of Technology - College (HIT) Hitech Institute of Technology - College (HIT) Horizon Institute of Technology - College (HITK) Heritage Institute of Technology - College (HITM LUCKNOW) Himalayan Institute of Technology and Management - College (HITS) Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science - College (HJCE) Hansraj Jivandas College of Education - College (HKAC) H K Arts College - College (HKBKCE) HKBK College of Engineering - College (HKCP) H.K. College of Pharmacy - Institute (HKCP) H.K. College of Pharmacy - College (HLCC) H. L. College of Commerce - College (HLCC) HL College of Commerce - College (HLYITM) Heera Lal Yadav Institute of Technology and Management - College (HMBS) Holy Mary Business School - College (HMCE) Hemnalini Memorial College of Engineering - College (HMDC) Hindi Mahavidyalaya Degree College - College (HMPGC) Holy Mother PG College - College (HMRITM) HMR Institute of Technology & Management - College (HOSMAT) Hosmat Educational Institute - College (HPDCPGC) Hyderabad Presidency Degree College & PG Centre - College (HSM) Hyderabad School of Management - College (HSMS) Himalayan School of Management Studies - College (HTDCH) Hi-Tech Dental College & Hospital - College (HVBS) Happy Valley Business School - College (IACM DELHI) IACM Institute - College (IACN) Indian Academy College of Nursing - Institute (IADA) Indian Academy Of Dramatic Arts - College (IADC) Indian Academy Degree College - College (IAEC) Indian Academy Evening College - College (IAGI) Indian Academy Group of Institutions - College (IAME) International Academy of Management & Entrepreneurship - College (IAME) International Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship - College (IARI) Indian Agricultural Research Institute - College (IAS) IAS Academy , Kolkata - College (IBA BANGALORE) Indus Business Academy - College (IBAB) Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology - College (IBCS) Institute of Business & Computer Studies - College (IBF) Institute of Banking & Finance - College (IBM DARBHANGA) Institute of Business Management - College (IBMR AHMEDABAD) IBMR Business School - College (IBMR KOLKATA) Institiute of Business Management & Research - College (IBMRIBS) Institute of Business Management & Research International Business School - College (IBMT BANGALORE) Institute of Business Management & Technology - College (IBRAD) Ibrad School of Management & Sustainable Development - College (IBS DEHRADUN) ICFAI Business School - College (IBS JAIPUR) IBS Business School - College (IBS) IBS Business School - College (IBS) IBS Business School - College (IBS) IBS Business School, Bangalore - College (IBS) ICFAI Business School - College (IBS) Innovation-the Business School - College (IBSAMS) Indian Business School of Advanced Management Studies - College (IBSAMS) Indian Business School of Advanced Management Studies - College (ICAT BANGALORE) Image College of Arts Animation & Technology - College (ICBS) Imperial College of Business Studies - College (ICCMRT) Institute of Co-operative & Corporate Management, Research & Training - College (ICE MUMBAI) ICE College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - College (ICE) Indus College of Engineering - College (ICF) International College of Fashion - College (ICLESMJC) India Cultural League Education Society's Motilal Jhunjhunwala College - College (ICM DEHRADUN) Institute of Cooperative Management - College (ICM) Institute of Co-operative Management - College (ICOFP DELHI) International College of Financial Planning - College (ICOFP DELHI) International College of Financial Planning - College (ICOFP) International College of Financial Planning - College (ICOFP) International College of Financial Planning - College (ICRI BANGALORE) Institute of Clinical Research - College (ICRI DEHRADUN) Institute of Clinical Research - College (ICRI) Institute of Clinical Research,Delhi - College (ICSWAP) Roda Mistry College of Social Work and Research Centre - College (ICT MUMBAI) Institute of Chemical Technology - College (IDA) IDA - Interior Design Academy - College (IDC) Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology - College (IDC) Islamia Degree College - College (IDP) ID Patel College of Education, Ahmedabad - College (IDS) Institute of Dental Sciences - College (IDS) Institute of Dental Sciences Bareilly - College (IDS) Institute of Dental Sciences,Bhubaneswar - College (IEA) Institute of Environmental Architecture - College (IEM LUCKNOW) Institute of Environment & Management - College (IEM) Institute of Engineering and Management - College (IEMS GUWAHATI) Institute of Engineering & Management Studies - College (IESMCRC) Indian Education Society, Management College and Research Centre - College (IET LUCKNOW) Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (IET) Institute of Engineering and Technology ,Lucknow - College (IFHE) IFHE - Faculty of Science and Technology - College (IFHE) The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education - College (IFIMGI) IFIM Group of Institutions - College (IFM DELHI) The Institute of Finance and Management - College (IGCDE) Indira Gandhi College of Distance Education - College (IGCN) Indira Gandhi College of Nursing - College (IGE) Institute of Genetic Engineering - College (IGICM) Indira Gandhi Institute of Co-operative Management - College (IGIDR) Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research - College (IGIPESS) Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences - College (IGIT) Indira Gandhi Institute of Management and Technology - College (IGMGS) Institute of Genetic Medicine & Genomic Science - College (IHA) Indian Hotel Academy, Delhi - College (IHMCT) CHTS Institute of Hotel Management Catering and Tourism - College (IIAD) Indian Institute of Art & Design - College (IIAMR) Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and Research - College (IIAS) IIAS School of Management - College (IIAS) Indian Institute of Aeronautical Science - College (IIBM PATNA) Indian Institute of Business Management - College (IIBMS MUMBAI) The Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies - College (IIBMS MUMBAI) The Indian Institute of Business Management & Studies - College (IIBMS) Indian Institute of Business Management and Studies - College (IIBS BANGALORE) International Institute of Business Studies - College (IIBS KOLKATA) International Institute of Business Studies - College (IIC) Institute of Indian Culture - College (IICI) College of Advance Studies - College (IIDEAS) Indian Institute for Development in Education and Advanced Studies - College (IIDR) Indic Institute of Design and Research - College (IIE) INFO Institute of Engineering - College (IIE) Info Institute of Engineering - College (IIEM) Impact Institute of Event Management - College (IIERD) ICG Institute of Educational Research and Development - College (IIFALDC) IIFA Lancaster Degree College - College (IIFT BANGALORE) Indian Institute of Fashion Technology - College (IIFT KOLKATA) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade - College (IIFT) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi - College (IIGJ JAIPUR) Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery - College (IIHM) Indian Institute of Hotel Management - College (IIHM) International Institute of Hotel Management - College (IIHM) International Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore - College (IIHMR JAIPUR) Institute of Health Management Research - College (IIIE) Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering - College (IIIM JAIPUR) International School of Informatics & Management Technical Campus - College (IIIT DELHI) Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - College (IIIT) Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow - College (IIIT) Indian Institute of Information Technology,Guwahati - College (IIITM) Incline Institute of IT & Management - College (IIITM) Incline Institute of IT & Management - College (IIKM) IIKM Business School - College (IIKM) IIKM Business School - College (IIL) Indian Institute of Logistics - College (IIL) Indian Institute of Logistics - College (IILM JAIPUR) IILM Academy of Higher Learning - College (IILM LUCKNOW) IILM Academy of Higher Learning - College (IIMET) International Institute of Management Engineering & Technology - College (IIMM DELHI) Indian Institute of Materials Management - College (IIMM) Indian Institute of Materials Management - College (IIMM) International Institute of Mass Media - College (IIMMI) International Institute of Management Media and Information Technology - College (IIMPS) Isara Institute of Management & Professional Studies - College (IIMRPBS) IIMR Pharma Business School - College (IIMS) International Institute of Management Sciences - College (IIMS) Invertis Institute of Management Studies - College (IIMTS) International Institute of Management and Technical Studies - College (IIMTSL) Ideal Institute of Management and Technology & School of Law - College (IIRS) Indian Institute of Remote Sensing - College (IIRS) Indian Institute of Remote Sensing - Institute (IIRS) Indian Institute of Remote Sensing - College (IISC) Indian Institute of Science - College (IISD KOLKATA) Institute for Inspiration & Self Development - College (IISE) International Institute for Special Education - College (IISWBM) Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management - College (IIT Bhubaneswar) Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar - College (IIT Delhi) Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi - College (IIT Guwahati) Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati - College (IIT Hyderabad) Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad - College (IIT Madras) Indian Institute of Technology Madras - College (IIT Patna) Indian Institute of Technology Patna - College (IIT) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - College (IIT) Indian Institute of Technology Goa - College (IITC) India International Trade Centre - College (IITM Janakpuri ) Institute of Innovation in Technology and Management - College (IITM) Indraprastha Institute of Technology and Management - College (IITM) Institute of Information Technology and Management - College (IITRM) Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management - College (ILAM BANGALORE) Institute of Logistics & Aviation Management - College (ILEAD KOLKATA) Ilead Institute of Leadership Entrepreneurship and Development - College (ILI DELHI) The Indian Law Institute - College (ILS) Institute of Life Science - College (IMA CHENNAI) International Maritime Academy - College (IMA) Institute of Mathematics & Applications - College (IMC DELHI) International Management Centre - College (IMCFTS) Institute of Mass Communication Film and Television Studies - College (IMCOST) ASM's Institute of Management & Computer Studies - College (IMI) Indian Management Institute - College (IMMT DEHRADUN) Institute of Media, Management and Technology - College (IMRT LUCKNOW) Institute of Management Research and Technology - College (IMS KOLKATA) IMS Institute of Management Study - College (IMSBS) IMSBusiness School - College (IMU MUMBAI) Marine Engineering and Research Institute - College (INC) Ikon Nursing College - College (INIFD CHENNAI) Inter National Institute for Fashion Design - College (INIFD) Inter National Institute of Fashion Design , Ahmedabad - College (INIFD) Inter National Institute of Fashion Design,Delhi - College (INIFD) International Institute of Fashion Design , Mumbai - College (INSD) International School of Design - College (IOBM) Institute of Business Management - College (IP) Indraprastha College for Women - College (IPCL) Indira Priyadarshini College of Law - College (IPE) Institute of Public Enterprise - College (IPEE) Institute of Professional Education & Entrepreneurship - College (IPER) Institute of Professional Education and Research - College (IPER) IPER Business School - College (IPGDCW) Indira Priyadarshini Govt. Degree College for Women - College (IPGMER) Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research - College (IPHH) Institute of Public Health and Hygiene - College (IPNAHM) IP Nehru Academy of Hotel Management - College (IPS) IPS Business School - College (ISB) International School of Business - College (ISBC) Indian School of Business and Computing - College (ISBF) Indian School of Business & Finance - College (ISBM) Indian School of Business Management & Administration, Ahmedabad - College (ISBM) Indian School of Business Management & Administration, Bangalore - College (ISBM) Indian School of Business Management & Administration, Delhi - College (ISBM) Indian School of Business Management & Administration, Jaipur - College (ISBM) Indian School of Business Management & Administration,Kerla - College (ISBM) International School of Business & Media - College (ISBM) Isb&m School of Communication - College (ISBR) ISBR Business School - College (ISI) Indian Statistical Institute - College (ISLEC) ISL Engineering College - College (ISME) International School of Management Excellence - College (ISMS BANGALORE) International School of Management Sciences - College (ISMS) Indian School of Management and Studies - College (ISSM) Indian School of Science and Management - College (ISTTMTBS) ISTTM Technology Business School - College (ITDC) Isabella Thoburn Degree College - College (ITER) Institute of Technical Education and Research - College (ITM DEHRADUN) Institute of Technology and Management - College (ITM LUCKNOW) Institute of Technology & Management - College (ITM) ITM Business School - College (ITM) ITM Business School - College (ITMIHM) Institute of Hotel Management - College (ITMSATP) ITM School of Architecture and Town Planning - College (IZEEBS) IZEE Business School - College (JAGRUTI COLLEGE) Jagruti Institute of Technology - College (JBAS) Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women - College (JBCMET) Jai Bharath College of Management & Engineering Technology - College (JBIETH) J.B. Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (JBIMS MUMBAI) Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies - College (JBIMS) Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies - College (JBIT) JB Institute of Technology Dehradun - College (JBLC) J.B. Law College - College (JBRAC) JBR Architecture College - College (JC) Jain College, Jamshedpur - College (JCE) Jerusalem College of Engineering - College (JCMST) Jyoti College of Management Science and Technology - College (JCMST) Jyoti College of Management, Science and Technology - College (JCP) Jaipur College of Pharmacy - College (JCPS) Jaya College of Paramedical Sciences - College (JCT) JCT College of Engineering and Technology - College (JDBI) J. D. Birla Institute - College (JDC) Jagruthi Degree College - College (JDC) Jogamaya Devi College - College (JDCN) Jahnavi Degree College - College (JDIFT) JD Institute of Fashion Technology,Delhi - College (JDPGC) J.D. P.G. College - College (JDWC) J.D. Women's College - College (JEC) Jaipur Engineering College - College (JEC) Jawahar Engineering College - College (JEC) Jaya Engineering College - College (JEC) Jeppiaar Engineering College - College (JECRC) Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre - College (JECRC) JECRC UDML College of Engineering - College (JFGC) Janatha First Grade College - College (JGI) Jaya Group of Institutions - College (JH) JAMIA HAMDARD - College (JIB) Jaipur Institute of Biotechnology - College (JIEM) Jaipur Institute of Engineering and Management - College (JIMS) Jagannath Institute of Management Sciences - College (JIMS) Jagannath International Management School - College (JISSR) Jayadev Institute of Social Sciences and Research - College (JIST) Jntuh Institute of Science and Technology - College (JIT JAIPUR) Jaipur Institute of Technology - College (JIT) Jain Institute of Technology - College (JIT) Jyothy Institute of technology - College (JJIAA) Sir JJ Institute of Applied Art - College (JKSICC) J K S Inter College of Commerce - College (JMC) Jamshedpur Womens College - College (JMISH) JM Institute of Speech and Hearing , Patna - College (JNC) Jyoti Nivas College - College (JNIT) JaganNath Gupta Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (JNSMS) Jawaharlal Nehru School of Management Studies, Department of Business Administration - College (JNTUHCEH) Jntuh College of Engineering Hyderabad - College (JPGC) Jesus PG College - College (JSB) Jansons School of Business - College (JSEC) Jaya Sakthi Engineering College - College (JSSATEB) JSS Academy of Technical Education - College (JVIT) Jnana Vikas Institute of Technology - College (KAHE) Karpagam Academy of Higher Education - College (KAT BANGALORE) Kuoni Academy of Travel - College (KAUTILYA JAIPUR) Kautilya Institute of Technology and Engineering and School of Management - College (KBCC) Khudiram Bose Central College - College (KBS BANGALORE) Koshys Business School - College (KC College) Kishinchand Chellaram College - College (KC) Kanchrapara College - College (KC) Kidderpore College - College (KCA) Krupajal Computer Academy - College (KCC) Karim City College - College (KCCMS) K C College of Management Studies - College (KCDS) Krishnadevaraya College Of Dental Sciences - College (KCE) Karpagam College of Engineering - College (KCEC) Kathir College of Engineering - College (KCEC) Kathir College of Engineering - College (KCGCT) KCG College of Technology - College (KCLC) Kishinchand Chellaram Law College - College (KCM) Karnataka College of Management - College (KCMT) Khandelwal College of Management Science and Technology - College (KCN) Koshys College of Nursing - College (KCOP) Karnataka College of Pharmacy - College (KCP) Karpagam College of Pharmacy - College (KCP) Krupanidhi College of Physiotherapy - College (KCPGC) Kali Charan P.G College - College (KCS) Kingston Group Of Colleges - College (KCSKNCAS) K.C.S.Kasi Nadar College of Arts & Science - College (KCT) Kalaivani College of Technology - College (KCT) Kct Business School - College (KCTM) Karrox College of Technology & Management - College (KEC) Krupajal Engineering College - College (KESBKSAMHSCC) KES BK Shroff of Arts and MH Shroff College of Commerce - College (KFMSR) Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences & Research - College (KGCAS) KG College of Arts and Science - College (KGCN) KG College of Nursing - College (KGI) Koustuv Group of Institutions - College (KGI) Krupanidhi Group of Institutions - College (KGISLIIM) KGISL Institute of Information Management - College (KGISLIT) KGiSL Institute of Technology - College (KGRCOET) K G Reddy College of Engineering and Technology - College (KHS) Karmashree Hiteswar Saikia College - College (KIEM) Kaizen Institute of Event Management - College (KIHEAT) Kamal Institute of Higher Education & Advance Technology - College (KIHMCT) King Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - College (KIIT) Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - College (KIM) Kasturi Institute of Management - College (KIMS) Koshys Institute of Management Studies - College (KIMSR) Kempegowda Institute of Management Studies and Research - College (KIMT) Kalinga Institute of Management & Technology - College (KIMT) Kukreja Institute of Management and Technology - College (KINS) Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences - College (KIPT) Kempegowda Institute of Physiotherapy - College (KIST) konark institute of science and technology - College (KIT) Kelvin Institute of Technology - College (KITE) Kukreja Institute of Teacher's Education - College (KITRC) Kalol Institute Of Technology & Research Centre - College (KJ SOMAIYA) K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research - College (KJC) Kristu Jayanti College - College (KJSAC) K J Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce - College (KJSBSP) K J Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham - College (KJSCAC) K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce - College (KJSCCETR) K. J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education Training and Research - College (KJSCE) K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering - College (KJSIEIT) K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology - College (KJSSV) K.J. Somaiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetham - College (KKACC) K K Arts and Commerce College - College (KKCAS) Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science - College (KKCFA) Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts - College (KKIT) Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology - College (KKMII) K.K. Modi International Institute - College (KKSGSC) K K Shashtri Goverment Science College - College (KKSJMSC) K K Shah Jarodwala Maninagar Science College - College (KLESIDS) KLE Society s Institute of Dental Sciences - College (KLESSNC) KLE Society's S Nijalingappa College - College (KMBB) KMBB College of Engineering and Technology - College (KMCHCN) K.M.C.H. College of Nursing - College (KMCP) K M College of Pharmacy - College (KMIO) Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology - College (KMIT) Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology - College (KNNCN) K N N College of Nursing - College (KNRCER) Kasireddy Narayan Reddy College of Engineering & Research - College (KNSIT) KNS Institute of Technology - College (KPBHCC) K. P. B. Hinduja College of Commerce - College (KPRIET) KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (KPRIT) Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology - College (KRBGC) Kamakhya Ram Barooah Girls' college - College (KRGIPS) Kasturi Ram Global Institute of Professional Studies - College (KRMDC) Kashi Ram Memorial Degree College - College (KRVIA) Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture and Environmental Studies - College (KSBM) Kazian Global School of Business Management - College (KSFT) Kiit School of Fashion Technology - College (KSGCAS) K.S.G.College of Arts and Science - College (KSIT) KS Institute of Technology - College (KSM) Krupanidhi School of Management - College (KSSBM) K.S. School of Business Management - College (KTVR) KTVR Knowledge Park for Engineering and Technology - College (KUSETM) KU School of Engineering Technology and Management - College (KVCET) Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology - College (KVGIT) Khandelwal Vaish Girls Institute of Technology - College (KVIMIS) KV Institute of Management and Information Studies - College (LBC) Lakshmibai College - College (LBIIHM) Lakshya Bhartee Institute of International Hotel Management - College (LBS) Loyola Business School - College (LBS) Loyola Business School - College (LBSCP) Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Pharmacy - College (LBSGCM) Lal Bahadur Shastri Girls College of Management - College (LBSIM) Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management - College (LBSIMDS) Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Development Studies - College (LCLD) Libra College of Law - College (LCN) Lourdes College of Nursing - College (LCSM) Lorven College of Science and Management - College (LDC) Lucknow Degree College - College (LDCE) L.D. College Of Engineering - College (LDCE) LD College of Engineering - College (LDSC) Laxman Devram Sonawane College - College (LEHI) Lotus Eye Hospital and Institute - College (LFDC) Little Flower Degree College - College (LFIMT) Landmark Foundation Institute of Management And Technology - College (LID) Lakhotia Institute of Design Banjara Hills - College (LIET) Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (LIIMS) Lorven International Institute of Management Studies - College (LIM) Lotus Institute of Management - College (LIOP) Lucknow Institute of Pharmacy - College (LIT ) Lucknow Institute of Technology - College (LIT) Loyola Institute of Technology - College (LJCCA) L J College of Computer Application - College (LJIBA) L.J. Institute of Business Administration - College (LJIMS) L.J. Institute of Management Studies - College (LJNJMM) LJNJ Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College (LJSOA) L.J. School of Architecture - College (LLC) Lucknow Law College, Lucknow - College (LLDIMS) Lingaya's Lalita Devi Institute of Management and Sciences - College (LMA) London Management Academy - College (LMCP) L. M. College of Pharmacy - College (LMEC) Latha Mathavan Engineering College - College (LNMCBM) LN Mishra College of Business Management - College (LNMIT JAIPUR) The LNM Institute of Information Technology - College (LORAA) LORAA Business Academy - College (LSM) Logic School of Management - College (LSR) Lady Shri Ram College for Women - College (LSRSA) L. S. Raheja School of Architecture - College (LTCE) Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering - College (LTCN) Leelabai Thackersey College of Nursing - College (LTMMC) Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College - College (LU BA) Department of Business Administration - College (MACC) M.A.Chidambaram College - College (MACERC) Maharishi Arvind College of Engineering & Research Centre - College (MACET) Maulana Azad College of Engineering and Technology - College (MACM&MCW) Maharani`s Arts, Commerce and Management College for Women - College (MAHERFET) Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research Faculty of Engineering & Technology - College (MAIDS) Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences - College (MAIMS) Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Managment Studies - College (MAKCP) MAK College of Pharmacy - College (MAM) Maharaja Agrasen Mahavidyalaya - College (MANAV INSTITUTE) Manav Institute of Technology and Management - College (MASC) Madha Arts and Science College - College (MBICEM) Madhu Bala Institute of Communication & Electronic Media - College (MBIT) Meera Bai Institute of Technology - College (MBKIM) Maa Bhagavata Kunwar Institute of Management - College (MBPACC) MB Patel Arts Commerce College - College (MBS) Mayfair Business School - College (MBSSPA) MBS SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE - College (MC ) Maheshtala College - College (MCBM) Moghal College of Business Management - College (MCC) Madras Christian College - College (MCC) Mahaveer College of Commerce - College (MCC) Mount Carmel College, Bangalore - College (MCC) Mysore Correspondence College - College (MCE) Magna College of Engineering - College (MCE) Mangayarkarasi College of Engineering - College (MCE) Meenakshi College of Engineering - College (MCE) Moghal College of Education - College (MCET ) Methodist College of Engineering & Technology - College (MCET) Moghal College of Engineering & Technology - College (MCET) Mumtaz College of Engineering & Technology - College (MCGCBM) Mc Gupta College of Business Management - College (MCMT) Mumbai College of Management Technology & Research - College (MCN) Miranda College of Nursing - College (MCNL) Maharishi College of Natural Law - College (MCP) Mallige College of Pharmacy - College (MCP) Meenakshi College of Physiotherapy - College (MCPH) Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities - College (MCW) Meenakshi College for Women - College (MD COLLEGE) Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, Science and Commerce - College (MDC) Madina Degree College - College (MDCH) Madha Dental College and Hospital - College (MDLC) Maharshi Dayanand Law College - College (MDM) Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith - College (MDPGC) Mumtaz Degree And P.G. College - College (MDSMC) Shri. M.D. Shah Mahila College - College (MEASI) MEASI Academy of Architecture - College (MEASI) Measi Institute of Management - College (MEASTRO) Maestro School of Planning and Architecture - College (MEC) Maharaja Engineering College - College (MEC) Maheshwara Engineering College - College (MEC) Mahindra École Centrale - College (MERI) Management Education & Research Institute - College (MES COLLEGE GOA) M.E.S. College of Arts & Commerce - College (MESCO COLLEGE) Mesco Institute of Management and Computer Sciences - College (MESCOP) M.E.S College of Pharmacy - College (MET) Mumbai Educational Trust Institute of Pharmacy Degree - College (MFGC) Mariyappa First Grade College - College (MFT) Madras Institute of Fashion Technology - College (MGASC) Mar Gregorios Arts & Science College - College (MGC) Mahatma Gandhi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (MGC) Muralidhar Girls' College - College (MGCPSMCE) Modern Girls College Of Professional Studies And Modern College Of Education - College (MGEC) Maharani Girls Engineering College - College (MGEC) Mahatma Gandhi Engineering College - College (MGIT) Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology - College (MGLC) Mahatma Gandhi Law College - College (MGMT) M.G. Institute of Management and Technology - College (MGSI) M G Science institute - College (MGTTC) Mirza Ghalib Teacher's Training College - College (MHMCH) Metropolitan Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital - College (MHSSCOE) Anjuman-I-Islam's M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering - College (MIDAS) MARG Institute of Design & Architecture Swarnabhoomi - College (MIET) Madha Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (MIET) Mahavir Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (MIHMCT) Madras Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - College (MIIT) Dr. Mahalingam International Institute of Technology - College (MIM) Maharishi Institute Of Management - College (MIM) Mascot Institute of Management - College (MIM) Michael Institute of Management - College (MIMS ) MediCiti Institute of Medical Sciences - College (MIMT) Minerva Institute of Management & Technology - College (MIOT) Miot International - College (MIOTCN) MIOT College of Nursing - College (MIP) Maheshwara Institute of Pharmacy - College (MIPGS) Matrusri Institute of Pg Studies - College (MIPS EDUCATION) Mbitious Institute of Professional Studies - College (MISS) Madurai Institute of Social Sciences - College (MIST) Mahaveer Institute of Science and Technology - College (MIT HYDERABAD) Maheshwara Institute of Technology - College (MIT) Madras Institute of Technology - College (MIT) Mahadevi Institute of Technology - College (MIT) Maharaja Institute of Technology - College (MIT) Mallabhum Institute of Technology - College (MITM) Maryland Institute of Technology & Management - College (MITM) Modern Institute of Technology and Management - College (MITM) Mukesh Institute of Technology & Management - College (MITS LUCKNOW) Maharana Institute of Technology & Science - College (MJCET) Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology - College (MJCOE) Michael Job Memorial College of Education for Women - College (MKBCN) Mother Krishna Bai College of Nursing - College (MKESCL) M.K.E.S College of Law - College (MKPPGCD) M.K.P. (PG) College - College (MKS COLLEGE) M.K. Sanghvi College Of Commerce And Economics - College (MKVC) Mrs KMPM Vocational College - College (MLA) Malleswaram Ladies' Association First Grade College for Women - College (MLRIP) MLR institute of Pharmacy - College (MLRITM) Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology & Management - College (MLRSM) Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management - College (MM MUMBAI) Maharashtra Mahavidyalaya - College (MMC) Magadh Mahila College - College (MMP) Smt. Maniben M.P. Shah Women's College of Arts and Commerce - College (MNCO) M.N.College of Optometry - College (MNDC) M.N. Degree College - College (MNIT JAIPUR) Malviya National Institute of Technology - College (MNIT) Malaviya National Institute of Technology - College (MNLC) I. M. Nanavati Law College - College (MNLC) Maneklal Nanavati Law College - College (MNMA) Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain School of Architecture - College (MNMJEC) Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College - College (MNRCOP) MNR College of Pharmacy - College (MNWC) Maniben Nanavati Women's College - College (MOPVCW) M.O.P. Vaishnav College For Women - College (MPAMHCCW) M P Arts & M H Commerce College for Women - College (MPBIM) MP Birla Institute of Management - College (MPC) Mumtaz PG College - College (MPDC) Sri Mahesh Prasad Degree College - College (MPEC) Maharaja Prithvi Engineering College - College (MPI) Maharshi Parshuram Institute - College (MPSGCHT) Dr. MPS Group College of Hotel Management - College (MPSTME) Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering - College (MRADC) Mathrushri Ramabai Ambedkar Dental College - College (MRCET) Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology - College (MRLC) MIES RM Law College - College (MSACN) Mohamed Sathak A.J. College Of Nursing - College (MSAJE) Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering - College (MSAJP) Mohamed Sathak A.J. College of Pharmacy - College (MSB) MITS School of Biotechnology - College (MSBM) Mantra School of Business Management - College (MSC) Maharaja Srischandra College - College (MSC) The Madras Sanskrit College - College (MSCAS) Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science - College (MSCW Maharani s Science College for Women - College (MSE) Madras School of Economics - College (MSEC) Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College - College (MSEC) MS Engineering College - College (MSI) Maharaja Surajmal Institute - College (MSIT) Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology - College (MSM) Madurai School Of Management - College (MSOB) Marc School of Business - College (MSOBD) Millennium School of Business - College (MSORM) Manipal School of Regenerative Medicine - College (MSRCASC) MS Ramaiah College of Arts Science & Commerce - College (MSRCP) M.S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy - College (MSRDC) M S Ramaiah Dental College & Hospital - College (MSRIT) M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology - College (MSSLC) Marwadi Siksha Samithi Law College - College (MSSM) Meenakshi Sundararajan School of Management - College (MSSW) Madras School of Social Work - College (MTCN) Medical Trust College of Nursing - College (MTCP) Mother Teresa College of Pharmacy - College (MVM) M V Media Institute - College (MVPGC) Mahila Vidyalaya P.G. College - College (MVSREC) MVSR Engineering College - College (NAEMD AHMEDABAD) National Academy of Event Management & Development - College (NAEMD AHMEDABAD) National Academy of Event Management & Development - College (NAEMD) National Academy of Event Management & Development - College (NAEMD) National Academy of Event Management & Development - College (NAEMD) National Academy of Event Management & Development - College (NAGLS) N.A. Global Law School - College (NAISH) Naseema Institute of Speech and Hearing - College (NAM) Nimbus Academy of Management - College (NAMS) National Academy of Management Studies - College (NASC) Nehru Arts and Science College - College (NASCHMC) Nas Catering & Hotel Management College - College (NBCPGS) Nava Bharathi College of P.g Studies - College (NBM ) Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya - College (NBS) Narayana Business School - College (NBS) National Business School - College (NC) Nalanda College - College (NCAAS) Nehru College of Aeronautics & Applied Sciences - College (NCAS) Nazareth College Arts Science - College (NCET) Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology - College (NCJ) Jaipur Hospital College Of Nursing - College (NCP) Nargund College of Pharmacy - College (NCRDSIP) NCRD'S Sterling Institute Of Pharmacy - College (NCW) Hindu College for Women - College (NCW) Nirmala College for Women - College (NDC) Noble Degree College - College (NDC) The National Degree College - Institute (NDC) The National Degree College - College (NDIIM) New Directions International Institute of Management - College (NDIIT DELHI) New Delhi Institute for Information Technology & Management - College (NDIM) New Delhi Institution of Management - College (NDRC) Nalanda Dance Research Centre - College (NEF COLLEGE) NEF College of Management & Technology - College (NEF) National Education Foundation's Law College - College (NEIMS JORHAT) North East Institute of Management Science - College (NERIM) North Eastern Regional Institute of Management - College (NGA) New Generation Academy for Education - College (NGADKMC) N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College - College (NGCCA) Navgujarat College of Computer Application - College (NGI) Nova Group of Institutions - Hyderabad - College (NGPIT) Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology - College (NHCE) New Horizon College of Education - College (NHCM) New Horizon College Marathalli - College (NHEI) New Horizon Educational Institutions - College (NHMC) Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College - College (NIAM DELHI) NIAM Institute of Applied Management - College (NIAS KOLKATA) Nalanda Institute of Advanced Studies - College (NIBE) National Institute of Business Excellence - College (NIBMS) National Institute of Business Management Studies - College (NICE) NICE Technologies - College (NID) National Institute of Design - College (NIEM) National Institute of Event Management - College (NIEM) National Institute of Event Management - College (NIEPMD) National Institute for Empowerment of Persons With Multiple Disabilities - College (NIER) National Institute for Education and Research - College (NIET) Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (NIET) NIGAM Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (NIFD HYDERABAD) Inter National Institute of Fashion and Interior Design - College (NIFD) National Institute of Fashion Designing, Bhubaneswar - College (NIFT) National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bhubaneswar - College (NIFT) National Institute of Fashion Technology, Hyderabad - College (NIFT) National Institute of Fashion Technology,Bangalore - College (NIFT) National Institute of Fashion Technology,Kolkata - College (NIFT) National Institute of Fashion Technology,Patna - College (NIH) National Institute of Homeopathy - College (NIHM) The National Institute of Hotel Management - College (NIHMT) National Institute of Hotel Management & Tourism - College (NIKC) Natya Institute of Kathak and Choreography - College (NIMES) Nobel Institute of Management & Engineering Studies - College (NIMH) National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped - College (NIMIS BANGALORE) National Institute of Management & Information Sciences - College (NIMMS) National Institute of Medical and Management Studies - College (NIMS) National Institute of Management Studies - College (NIMS) Nightingale Institute of Management Studies - College (NIMS) Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences - College (NIMSR) National Institute of Medical Science & Research - College (NIMT Delhi) Northern Institute of Management and Technology - College (NIMT) National Institute of Management & Technology, - College (NIMT) Nimt Global Institute of Management & Technology - College (NIN) National Institute of Nutrition - College (NIN) Nightingale Institute of Nursing, Bangalore - College (NIPS DELHI) Noble Institute of Professional Studies - College (NIRM AHMEDABAD) National Institute of Retail and Management - College (NIST KOLKATA) Nist School of Education - College (NISWASS) National Institute of Social Work and Social Sciences - College (NIT DELHI) National Institute of Technology - College (NIT SILCHAR) National Institute of Technology - College (NIT) Nalanda Institute of Technology - College (NIT) Narula Institute of Technology - College (NIT) National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur - College (NIT) National Institute of Technology Patna - College (NIT) Nehru Institute of Technology - College (NITHM HYDERABAD) Dr. YSR National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management - College (NITMAS) Neotia Institute of Technology Management and Science - College (NITMS) Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences - College (NITS) Nagarjuna Institute of Technology & Science - College (NITTE) Nitte School of Fashion Technology and Interior Design Bangalore - College (NITTTR KOLKATA) National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research - College (NM) Nachuni Mahavidyalaya - College (NMC) Narvadeshwar Management College - College (NMCH) Nalanda Medical College & Hospital - College (NMIET) NM Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (NMIMS) Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies - College (NMIMSSL) NMIMS School of Law - College (NMIT) Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - College (NMITD) Deccan Education Societys Navinchandra Mehta Institute of Technology and Development - College (NMREC) Nalla Malla Reddy Engineerng College - College (NMSSVCW) N.M.S. Sermathai Vasan College for Women - College (NMSSVN COLLEGE) Sangam S Vellaichamy Nadar College - College (NMSSVNC) Nadar Mahajana Sangam S Vellaichamy Nadar College - College (NNCHS) Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science - College (NNDC) Netaji Nagar Day College - College (NPGC) National PG College - College (NPGC) Noble P.G. College - College (NPGC) Nova P.G. College - College (NPSBCET) New Prince Shri Bhavani College of Engineering and Technology - College (NRAISMC) NRAI School of Mass Communication - College (NRIBM) N R Institute of Business Management - College (NSA) Nehru School of Architecture - College (NSB BANGALORE) National School of Business - College (NSHMKC) NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata - Group of Instituions - College (NSIBM) N.S.I.B.M, Jamshedpur - College (NSIBM) Netaji Subhas Institute of Business Management - College (NSICS) Netaji Subhash Institute of Computer Science - College (NSICS) Netaji Subhash Institute of Computer Science - Institute (NSIT) Narnarayan Shastri Institute of Technology - College (NSIT) Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology - College (NSSCE) Nagrik Shikshan Sanstha College of Education - College (NSTM) Nimbus School of Technology and Management - College (OACN) Omayal Achi college of Nursing - Institute (OASITM) Oas Institute of Technology and Management - College (OBS) Oakbrook Business School - College (OCEM) Oxford College of Engineering and Management - College (OCL) Oriental College of law - College (OCN) Oriental College of Nursing - College (OCON) Owaisi College of Nursing - College (OCP) Oriental College of Pharmacy - College (OCP) Oxford College of Pharmacy - College (ODC) The Oxford Dental College - College (OEC) Koustuv Institute of Self Domain - College (OEC) Orissa Engineering College - College (OGI) Oxbridge Group of Institutions - College (OIIFT) Orissa Institute of Interior & Fashion Technology,Jamshedpur - College (OIM) Optimist Institute of Management - College (OMSM) OAA-mavmm School of Management - College (OSBM) Odisha School of Business Management - College (OSBMA) Osiyan School of Business Management and Animation - College (PAC) Picasso Animation College,Bangalore - College (PACET ) P.A. College of Engineering and Technology - College (PADMA COLLEGE) Padma College of Management & Science - College (PARISHKAR) Parishkar College Of Global Excellence - College (PASFST) Pearl Academy- School of Fashion Styling and Textile - College (PATKAR) S. S. & L. S. Patkar College of Arts & Science & V. P. Varde College of Commerce & Economic - College (PBCE) P.B. College of Engineering - College (PC) Pachaiyappas College - College (PCAS) Pioneer College of Arts and Science - College (PCBM) Priyadarshini College of Business Management - College (PCCSM) Patliputra College of computer Science and Management - College (PCCSR) Priyadarshini College of Computer Science & Research - College (PCET) Park College of Engineering and Technology - College (PCL) Panchami College of Law - College (PCM) Pioneer College of Management - College (PCMHHC) Pratap Chandra Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital & College - College (PCMT) Pailan College of Management and Technology - College (PCN) Pragathi College of Nursing - College (PCOE) Pasha College of Education - College (PCP) Park College of Technology - College (PCPS) Riyadarshini College of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (PDC) Patna Dental College - College (PDCAS) Prof.Dhanapalan College Of Arts & Science - College (PDDUGGC) Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Govt. Girls P.G. College - College (PDDUGGDC) Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Government Girls Degree College - College (PDLCCE) Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College Of Commerce And Economics - College (PDSCN) Princess Durru Shehvar College of Nursing - College (PEC) Panimalar Engineering College - College (PEC) Progressive Engineering College - College (PECRC) Pinkcity Engineering College & Research Center - College (PERIIT) PERI Institute of Technology - College (PESCP) PES College of Pharmacy - College (PESLC) PES Law College - College (PESU) PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore South Campus - College (PGCS) Post Graduate College of Science - College (PGDCS) Post Graduate Department of Computer Science - College (PGM) Paschim Guwahati Mahavidyalaya - College (PIA) Park Institute of Architecture - College (PIC) Poddar International College - College (PICASSO JAIPUR) Picasso Academy of Event Management - College (PIDSRC) Panineeya Mahavidyala Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Center - College (PIET) Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (PIHMCT) Pinnacle Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology - College (PIM) Pendekanti Institute of Management - College (PIMS) Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences - College (PIMS) Padmashree Institute of Management Studies - College (PISM) Patel Institute of Science and Management - College (PIT) Panimalar Institute of Technology - College (PJCMT) PJ College of Management & Technology - College (PKMKCP) Principal K M Kundnani College of Pharmacy - College (PKVCET) Prince Dr. K. Vasudevan College of Engineering and Technology - College (PLC) Patna Law College - College (PLC) Pendekanti Law College - College (PMCC) Periyar Management and Computer College - College (PMTC) Poddar Management and Technical Campus - College (PMTCAM) PMT College Of Airline Management - College (PMV) Panihati Mahavidyalaya - College (PMV) Pragati Mahavidyalaya - College (PMV) Pragati Mahavidyalaya - College (PNDPC) Pasha Noble Degree & P.G College - College (PNRCP) Prathap Narender Reddy College of Pharmacy - College (PNSIT) PNS Institute of Technology - College (PPGCN) PPG College of Nursing - College (PPGIEM) Prem Prakash Gupta Institute of Engineering & Management - College (PPGIT) PPG Institute of Technology - College (PPNS JAIPUR) Private Physiotherapy Nursing & Para Medical Institutions Society of Jaipur - College (PRAKASH COLLEGE) Prakash College of Commerce & Science - College (PRIP) Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy - College (PRR) Padala Rama Reddy Law College - College (PSA) Prahar School of Architecture - College (PSBM) Pinnacle School of Business Management - College (PSBM) Pinnacle School of Business Management - College (PSG COIMBATORE) PSG Institute of Advanced Studies - College (PSGCN) P.S.G. College of Nursing, Coimbatore - College (PSGCP) P.S.G College of Pharmacy - College (PSGIM) Psg Institute of Management - College (PSGITAR) PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research - College (PSGRKCW) PSGR Krishnammal College for Women - College (PSMCET) Pujya Shri Madhavanji College of Engineering and Technology - College (PSOM) Poornima School of Management - College (PSV) Prince Shri Venkateshwara Arts and Science College - College (PSVPEC) Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College - College (PTECE) P.T.R. College of Engineering & Technology - College (PVPPCOE) Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering - College (PVSGPGC) Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha Samskrita Graduation and Post-Graduation Center - College (PWC) Patna Women's College - College (PWCIT) Pestle Weed College of Information Technology - College (QEMGCW) Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women - College (QMC) Queen Mary's College - College (RA) Rachnoutsav Academy - College (RAC) Ranganathan Architecture College - College (RADIOEM) Rachana Sansad Reify Institute of Event Management - College (RAIT) Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology - College (RAM) Ramanashree Academy of Management - College (RBGC) Rani Birla Girls College - College (RBGJC) R.B. Gothi Jain college - College (RBIMS AHMEDABAD) R. B. Insitute of Management Studies - College (RBS CHENNAI) Rai Business School - College (RBS CHENNAI) Rai Business School - College (RBVRR COLLEGE) Raja Bahadur Venkata Rama Reddy Womens College - College (RBVRR WCP) RBVRR Women's College of Pharmacy - College (RC JAIPUR) Regional College - College (RCA) Rizvi College of Architecture - College (RCCIIT) RCC Institute of Information Technology - College (RCE) Roorkee College of Engineering - College (RCED) RVS College of Engineering and Technology - College (RCET) Raja College of Engineering and Technology - College (RCEW) Rajasthan College of Engineering for Women - College (RCHE) Regional College of Higher Education - College (RCIT) R.C. Institute of Technology - College (RCM) Regional College of Management - College (RCN) Roohi College of Nursing & College of Management - College (RCP ) Regional College of Pharmacy - College (RCSS) Rajagiri College of Social Sciences - College (RCSS) Rajagiri College of Social Sciences - School of Management - College (RDC) Rishi Degree College - College (RDCH) Rajasthan Dental College and Hospital - College (RDIAS) Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies - College (REC ) Ranganathan Engineering College - College (REC) Raajdhani Engineering College - College (REC) Rajdhani Engineering College - College (RERF) Regent Education and Research Foundation - College (REVA COLLEGE) Reva First Grade College - College (RG BARUAH) Radha govinda Baruah College - College (RGBS) Ratan Global Business School - College (RGC) Rathinam Group of Colleges - College (RGCE) Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering - College (RGCN) Rajiv Gandhi college of Nursing - College (RGIPT) Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology - College (RGIT) MCT Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - College (RGIT) Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - College (RGKC) R.G. Kedia College - College (RGKCC) R G Kedia College of Commerce - College (RHPACC) R.H. Patel Arts & Commerce College - College (RICM) Regional Institute of Cooperative Management - College (RIE) Regional Institute of Education - College (RIET JAIPUR) Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (RIMS BANGALORE) Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies - College (RIMS) Rugved Institute of Management Studies - College (RIMT) Rajshree Institute of Management & Technology - College (RISM) REVA Institute of Science & Management - College (RIT) Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology - College (RIT) Roorkee Institute of Technology - College (RITM) Rameshwaram Institute of Technology & Management - College (RITM) Reva Institute of Technology & Management - College (RIZVI COLLEGE) Rizvi College of Arts Science & Commerce - College (RJ) Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti's Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College - College (RJS COLLEGE) Rjs Institute of Mangement Studies - College (RJTCC) R J Tibrewal Commerce College - College (RKC) R.K. Degree College - College (RKDC) Ram Krishna Dwarika College - College (RKGGDC) Raj Kumar Goel Girls Degree College - College (RL INSTITUTE) R.l. Institute of Management Studies - College (RLC) Rizvi Law College - College (RLINS) RL Institute of Nautical Sciences - College (RLJIT) R L Jalappa Institute of Technology - College (RLSY) Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav College - College (RMI) Raffles Millennium International - College (RMI) Raffles Millennium International, Hyderabad - College (RMRC) Ramakrishna Mission Residential College - Institute (RMVC) Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College - College (RMVCC) Ramkrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College - College (RNSIT) R.N.S. Institute of Technology - College (RNSIT) R.N.S. Institute of Technology - Institute (ROOTS COLLEGE) ROOTS International School of Business & Management - College (ROSARY COLLEGE) Rosary College of Commerce & Arts - College (RPAFGC) RPA First Grade College - College (RPC) Rajasthan Pharmacy College - College (RPDC) Rajendra Prasad Degree College , Bareilly - College (RPGC) Rama PG College - College (RPM) Rameshwar Das Pannalal Women's College - College (RPPGC) R.P. (PG) college, Bareilly - College (RPSIT) R P Sharma Institute of Technology - College (RRCE) Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering - College (RRCMSCA) R.R. College of Management and Computer Sciences - College (RRDCH) Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital - College (RRIAS) RR Institute of Advanced Studies - College (RRIMT) R R Institute of Modern Technology - College (RRIT) RR Institute of Technology - College (RRPGC) Ronald Ross P.g. College - College (RRSA) R.R. School of Architecture - College (RRSC) R.R.S College - College (RRSCET) RRS College of Engineering and Technology - College (RS COLLEGE) RS College of Management & Science - College (RSAC LUCKNOW) Remote Sensing Applications Centre - College (RSBG) Royal School of Business - College (RSGDC) Ramadhin Singh Girls' Degree College - College (RSKS) Jaipur Campus - College (RSMT) Royal School of Management & Technology - College (RSSLC) Rabindra Shiksha Sammilani Law College - College (RSSM Jaipur) Rajasthan Swayat Shasan Sansthan Rajasthan Swayat Shasan Mahavidyalaya - College (RUHS CDS) RUHS College of Dental Sciences - College (RUIA COLLEGE) Ramnarain Ruia College - College (RV BANGALORE) D A Pandu Memorial RV Dental College - College (RVCA) R V College of Architecture - College (RVIM) RV Institute of Management - College (RVS) RVS College of Arts and Science - College (RVS) RVS Dental College and Hospital - College (RVSCAS) R.V.S College of Arts & Science - College (RVSCCA) RVS College Of Computer Application - College (RVSCET) R.V.S. College of Engineering and Technology - College (RVSIMSR) RVS Institute of Management Studies & Research - College (RVSSA) R.V.S. School of Architecture - College (RVSTC) RVS Technical Campus - College (SAA) SAN Academy of Architecture - College (SABS) Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies - College (SACASC) St. Andrew College Of Arts Science & Commerce - College (SACSMAVMM) SACS MAVMM Engineering College - College (SAE) Sasurie Academy of Engineering - College (SAFT DEHRADUN) School of Art and Fashion Technology - College (SAKEC) Shah And Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College - College (SALEC) Sal Education Campus - College (SALIP) SAL Institute of Pharmacy - College (SAM) Srusti Academy of Management - College (SAMA) Sahara Arts and Management Academy - College (SAMC) Shri Arvind Mahila College - College (SAMS) Sadhna Academy For Media Studies - College (SAMS) Sambhram Academy of Management Studies - College (SAMSCET) Sams College of Engineering and Technology - College (SAMSKRUTI) Samskruti Group of Institutions - College (SAPCW) St. Ann's PG College for Women - College (SASC) Sri Hayagreeva Arts and Science College - College (SBBPDC) Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel Degree College - College (SBBSC) Shri Brijlal Biyani Science College - College (SBC) School of Broadcasting & Communication - College (SBCE) Sri Balaji College of Education - College (SBCE) Sri Balaji College of Education - College (SBCET) Sri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology - College (SBCM) St. Bosco College of Management - College (SBDC) S.B. Deorah College - College (SBIHM) Sbihm School of Management - College (SBIHM) Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management - College (SBIT) Sujala Bharathi Institute of Technology - College (SBM) N.m.i.m.s. School of Business Management - College (SBM) Scientific Bio-Minds - College (SBMJC) Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College - College (SBNITM) Shri Bhawani Niketan Institute of Technology & Management - College (SBPGM) Sri Balaji PG Mahavidyalaya - College (SBS LUCKNOW) Sherwood Business School - College (SBS) School of Business Studies - College (SBS) Skyline Business School - College (SBS) Skyline Business School, Delhi - College (SBSC) Shaheed Bhagat Singh College - College (SBSCTM) Sardar Bhagat Singh College of Technology & Management - College (SBSEC) Shaheed Bhagat Singh Evening College - College (SC) Sanskrit college - College (SC) Sathaye College - College (SC) Seshadripuram College - College (SC) Shyamaprasad College - College (SC) Sibsagar College - College (SC) Sourashtra College - College (SCAC) Senthamarai College of Arts & Science - College (SCAS) Sindhi college of Arts & Science - College (SCAT) Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology - College (SCC ) Silicon City College - College (SCC) Scottish Church College - College (SCC) Sindhi College of Commerce - College (SCC) St. Claret College - College (SCCE) St. Charles College of Education - College (SCDE) Saraswati College of Distance Education - College (SCE) Sapthagiri College of Engineering - College (SCE) Saranathan College of Engineering - College (SCE) SB (PG) College of Education - College (SCE) Shivalik College of Engineering - College (SCE) Suguna College of Engineering - College (SCECR) Shivrath Center of Excellence in Clinical Research - College (SCERT) State Council of Educational Research and Training - College (SCET ) Shadan College of Engineering and Technology - College (SCETW) Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women - College (SCIMT) St. Catherine Institute of Management & Technology - College (SCIMT) St. Catherine Institute of Management & Technology - College (SCITS) Sree Chaitanya Institute of Technological Sciences - College (SCKMCC) Shah C. K. Municipal Commerce College - College (SCL) Siddharth College of Law - College (SCM) Sherwood College of Management - College (SCN) Sarvodaya College of Nursing - Institute (SCN) Shantidhama College of Nursing - College (SCON) Sneha College of Nursing - College (SCP) Shadan College of Pharmacy - College (SCPI) Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institutes - College (SCPM) Sherwood College of Professional Management - College (SCSA) Sasi Creative School of Architecture - College (SCSB) Sasi Creative School of Business - College (SCSC) Sankara College of Science and Commerce - College (SCTC) Sri Chaitanya Technical Campus - College (SCTE) Sibsagar College of Teachers Education - College (SCTIT) SCT Institute of Technology - College (SDAD) Surjan Devi Anusuiya Devi Degree College - College (SDADC) Surjan Devi Anusuiya Degree College - College (SDBI) Shree Dev Bhoomi Institute of Education Science & Technology - College (SDC) Sadhana Degree College - College (SDC) Saveetha Group of Collleges - College (SDC) Sreenidhi Degree College - College (SDNBVCFW) Srimathi D.N. Bhat Vaishnav College For Women - College (SDPGCW) Sujatha Degree and PG College for Women - College (SDSM) Shri Darshanam Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya - College (SDUIM) Sri Devaraj Urs Institute of Management - College (SDVMM) Shree Dev Vidyapeeth Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College (SEACSAM) S.E.A. College of Arts, Commerce and Science - College (SEC) Seacom Engineering College - College (SEC) Sophitorium Engineering College - College (SEC) Sphoorthy Engineering College - College (SEC) Sri Sai Ram Engineering College - College (SEC) Surendranath Evening College - College (SECE) Sri Eshwar College of Engineering - College (SECTI) Siwan Engineering College & Technical Institute - College (SEDC) Seshadripuram Evening Degree College - College (SERC) Suddhananda Engineering and Research Center - College (SERI) School For e education Research and innovation - College (SETCHAT) Shah Education Trusts College of Hospitality (Hotel Management) & Tourism - College (SFCW) St. Francis College for Women - College (SFGC) Seshadripuram First Grade College - College (SFIT) St. Francis Institute of Technology - College (SGGSC) Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Patna - College (SGI) Sai Group of Institutions - College (SGI) SB Group of Institutions - College (SGI) Surya Group of Institutions - College (SGITC) Sri Guru Institute of Technology - College (SGM) Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya - College (SGMM) Shri Gadge Maharaj Mahavidyalaya - College (SGOI) Suddhananda School of Management and Computer Science - College (SGRRITS) Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology & Science - College (SGSGDC) Sri Gulab Singh Govt Degree College - College (SGSMC) Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College - College (SHAFT) Shaft Academy of Media Arts - College (SHCM) St. Hopkins College of Management - College (SHGFC) Sacred Heart Girls First Grade College - College (SHGI) St.Hopkins Group of Institution - College (SHM) School of Hotel Management - College (SIAE) Syamaprasad Institute of Advance Education - College (SIBM HYDERABAD) Samskruti Institute of Business Management - College (SIBM) Shayona Institute of Business Management Shayona Institute of Business Management, Ahmedab - College (SICAS) Soka Ikeda College of Arts & Science for Women - Institute (SICAS) Soka Ikeda College of Arts & Science for Women - College (SICM) Seshadripuram Institute of Commerce & Management - College (SIESCOMS) SIES College of Management Studies - College (SIESGST) SIES Graduate School of Technology - College (SIET) Siddhartha Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (SIET) Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (SIIP) Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy - College (SIIS) SAN International Info. School - College (SIIT JAIPUR) Sine International Institute of Technology - College (SIITAM) Sun International Institute for Technology & Management - College (SIM) Saraswat Institute of Management - College (SIM) SIET Institute of Management - College (SIM) Sindhi Institute of Management - College (SIMCB) Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication - College (SIMCS JAIPUR) Subodh Institute of Management & Career Studies - College (SIMIT) Siddhpura Institute of Management & IT - College (SIMS CHENNAI) Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies - College (SIMS) Sankara Institute of Management Science - College (SIMS) Seshadripuram Institute of Management Studies - College (SIMS) Shushruti Institute of Management Studies - College (SIMS) Soundarya Institute of Management and Science - College (SIMSRC) Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre - College (SINAS) Shrey Institute of Nursing & Allied Sciences - College (SIOT) Saraswati Institute of Technology - College (SIPAS) Sai Institute of Paramedical & Allied Science - College (SIPAS) Sai Institute of Paramedical & Allied Sciences - College (SIPGC) Sri Indu P.g College - College (SISH) Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing - College (SIST) Srinidhi Institute of Science and Technology - College (SIT) Shankara Institute of Management - College (SIT) Shankara Institute of Technology - College (SIT) Silicon Institute of Technology - College (SITE) Shibani Institute of Technical Education - College (SITM GUWAHATI) Scholar's Institute of Technology & Management - College (SITS) Sarada Institute of Technology and Science - College (SIWSC) S.I.W.S College - College (SJBCN) SJB College of Nursing - College (SJBIT) SJB Institute of Technology - College (SJC) St. Joseph's College, Bangalore - College (SJCBSE) Supreme Knowledge Foundation -Sir J.C. Bose School Of Engineering - College (SJCC) St. Joseph College of Commerce - College (SJCE) St. Joseph's College of Engineering - College (SJCET) Sri Jayadev College of Education and Technology - College (SJCPS) Sri Jayadev College of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (SJHWCT) Smt. Jamnabai H. Wadhwa College of Technology - College (SJIT) St. Joseph's Institute of Technology - College (SJJCA) Sir J. J. College of Architecture - College (SJMSOM) Shailesh J Mehta School of Management - College (SJNPGC) Shri Jai Narain P.G. College - College (SJPGC) St. John's PG College - College (SJRC) SJR College of Science, Arts and Commerce - College (SJRSIET) Shri Jeet Ram Smarak Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (SJSMVCAS) Sri Jeyandra Saraswathy Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science - College (SKAMCH) Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital & Research Centre - College (SKASC) Sri Krishna Arts and Science College - College (SKC) Shree Karni College - College (SKCET) Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology - College (SKCT) Sri Krishna College of Technology - College (SKCW) Shri Krishnaswamy College For Women - College (SKDC) Sri Krishna Degree College - College (SKGSLS) Smt. Kamlaben Gambhirchand Shah Law School - College (SKIP JAIPUR) Swami Keshvanand Institute of Pharmacy - College (SKIT) Sri Krishna Institute of Technology - College (SKKCE) SMT. Kapila Khandvala College of Education - College (SKLC) Shri Krishan Law College - College (SKPASCW) Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts & Science College for Women - College (SKREC) SKR Engineering College - College (SKSCN) Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy College of Nursing - College (SKSJTI) Govt. Sri Krishnarajendra Silver Jubilee Technological Institute - College (SKTC) Swasthya Kalyan Technical Campus - College (SLAEC) Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engineering College - College (SLASLC) Sir L. A. Shah Law College - College (SLC) Sarsuna Law College - College (SLCB) Seshadripuram Law College - College (SLCCP) SLC'S College of Pharmacy - College (SLCHE) St. Lawrence College of Higher Education - College (SLCIET) SLC's Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (SLCS) Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science - College (SLDCN) Smt. Lakshmi Devi College of Nursing - College (SLMBVBGDC) Saroj-Lal Ji Mehrotra Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Girl s Degree College - College (SLN COLLEGE) SLN College of Arts & Commerce - College (SLNC) Sri Lakshmi Nursing College - College (SLRTCE) Shree L R Tiwari College of Engineering - College (SLSCUST) School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology - College (SLU) S.L.U.Arts and H. & .P Thakore Commerce College for Women - College (SM) Sonarpur Mahavidyalaya - College (SMASC) Sri Muthukumaran Arts and Science College - College (SMC) Sampurna Montfort College - College (SMCET JAIPUR) Stani Memorial College of Engineering & Technology - College (SMCET) St. Michael College of Engineering and Technology - College (SMEC) Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College - College (SMGACW) Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College for Women - College (SMGI) St. Mary's Group of Institutions - College (SMI) Sinhgad Management Institute - College (SMIT) Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology - College (SMK) Sammilani Mahavidyalaya - College (SMKC) Sree Muthukumaraswamy College - College (SMKFIT) SMK Fomra Institute of Technology - College (SMPBAP) Shri M.P & B.A Patel (Detrojwala) Arts & Commerce College For Girls - College (SMPGC) Stani Memorial PG College - College (SMPIC) S.M. Patel Institute of Commerce - College (SMS LUCKNOW) School of Management Sciences - College (SMS NIT) School of Management Studies - Narula Institute of Technology - College (SMSGJDC) Shree Mangilal Sunderbai Gotawat Jain Degree College - College (SMSIT) S.M.S. Institute of Technology - College (SMTC) St. Mary's Technical Campus - College (SMVIMS) Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Management Studies & Research - College (SNC) Saraswathi Narayanan College - Institute (SNCET) St. Mary's College of Engineering & Technology - College (SNCN) Smt. Nagarathnamma College Of Nursing - College (SNCW) Sarojini Naidu College For Women - College (SNGCC) Sree Narayana Guru College of Commerce - College (SNGIMS) Sree Narayana Guru Institute of Management Studies - College (SNIST) Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology - College (SNMV COLLEGE) S Nehru Maha Vidyalaya Art And Science College - College (SNMV) Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science - College (SNRSC) S.N.R. Sons College - College (SNSCE) SNS College of Engineering - College (SNSCT) SNS College of Technology - College (SNSRCAS) Dr. S.N.S. Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science - College (SNT COIMBATORE) SNT Global Academy of Management Studies and Technology - College (SNVM) Sarojini Naidu Vanita Mahavidyalaya - College (SOA) School Of Aeronautics - College (SOA) School of Architecture Apex Group of Institutions - College (SOCET) Silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology - College (SODS) UPES School of Design Studies - College (SPA) School of Planning and Architecture - College (SPCE MUMBAI) Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel College of Engineering - College (SPCE) Shri Pillappa College of Engineering - College (SPCET) St Peter's College of Engineering and Technology - College (SPCP) St. Pauls College of Pharmacy - College (SPECH) St. Peter's Engineering College - College (SPGC) Shia P.G. College - College (SPICE) St. Pauls Institute of Communication Education - College (SPIDMS) Sardar Patel Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences - College (SPIMS) Sree Pashmi Institute of Management and Science - College (SPIPS) St.Peter's Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (SPIT) Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Sardar Patel Institute of Technology - College (SPIT) Sardar Patel Institute of Technology - College (SPMCW) Shyama Prasad Mukherji College for Women - College (SPS) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (SRAJAN) Srajan Institute of Management & Technology - College (SRCAS) Sree Ramu College of Arts and Science - College (SRCASW) Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Science for Women - College (SRCASW) Sri Ramakrishna College Of Arts & Science For Women - College (SRCC) Shri Ram College of Commerce - College (SRCM CHENNAI) Sri Ramachandra College of Management - College (SRCP) Sri Ramachandra College of Pharmacy - College (SRDCH) Sri Ramakrishna Dental College & Hospital - College (SREC) Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College - College (SREC) Sri Ramanujar Engineering College - College (SRGCDSH) Sri Rajiv Gandhi College of Dental Sciences & Hospital - College (SRIET) Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (SRIHM) Sheila Raheja Institute of Hotel Management - College (SRIMT LUCKNOW) S.R. Institute of Management & Technology - College (SRIMT) Shri Ram Institute of Management & Technology - College (SRIMVIT) Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology - College (SRIPS) Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Science - College (SRIT) Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology - College (SRITE) Sri Ram Institute of Teacher Education - College (SRKVCOE) Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education - College (SRM LUCKNOW) SRM Business School - College (SRM) Easwari Engineering College - College (SRMAC) Smt. Sushilaben Ramniklal Mehta Arts College - College (SRMCRI) Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute - College (SRMSCET) Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering and Technology Bareilly - College (SRMSI) Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institutions - College (SRMSWCET) Shri Ram Murti Smarak Womens College of Engineering and Technology - College (SRNM) Nadar Mahajana Sangam S.vellaichamy Nadar College - College (SRSCSC) Sri Ramalinga Sowdambigai College of Science and Commerce - College (SRSIT) Sri Revana Siddeshwara Institute of Technology - College (SRSMM) Sahu Ram Swaroop Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College (SRSPM) Shri Rishikesh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, D.d.vispute College of Pharmacy & Research Center - College (SRTC) Shri Rameshwar Tripathi College - College (SRTMU) Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University - University (SSACC) Shree Sahjanand Arts and Commerce college - College (SSASC) Sri Subash Arts & Science College - College (SSB BANGALORE) Srishti School of Business - College (SSB) Synergy School of Business - College (SSC) Shri Shikshayatan College - College (SSCASR) Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research - College (SSCCE) Sree Shiv Chaitanya College of Education - College (SSCDS) Sri Sai College of Dental Surgery - College (SSCICP) SSJ College of Pharmacy - College (SSCUACG) Smt. Sadguna C U Arts College for Girls - College (SSDDC) Smt. Shanti Devi Degree College - College (SSDPGC) Sri Sai Degree and PG college - College (SSE) Saveetha School Of Engineering - College (SSEC) Sri Sairam College of Engineering - College (SSES) Sri Sarvajna College of Education - College (SSGI) Sree Sastha Group of Institutions - College (SSIM) S.S. Institute of Management - College (SSIM) SS Institute of Management - College (SSIT) Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology - College (SSITMS) Sri Sai Institute of Technology and Management Studies - College (SSJEC) SSJ Engineering College - College (SSJGC) Seth Soorajmull Jalan Girls' College - College (SSJSLC) S. S. Jain Subodh Law College - College (SSJSMM) S.S Jain Subodh PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College (SSJSMM) SS Jain Subodh PG Mahaila Mahavidyalaya - College (SSJSPGC) S. S. Jain Subodh P. G. College - College (SSMC) Symbiosis School of Media and Communication - College (SSMRV COLLEGE) S.S.M.R.V Degree College - College (SSMRV) Sivananda Sarma Memorial RV Degree College - College (SSN) Ssn School of Management - College (SSPGC) Sai Sudhir PG College - College (SSSIAM) Shri Sai Siddhartha Institute Of Aviation And Management - College (SSSV) Sri Sathguru Sangeetha Vidyalayam College of Music - College (SSTC) Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College - College (SSVIM) Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Management - College (SSVIT) Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Technology - College (STASC) St. Thomas Arts And Science College - College (STBC) St. Britto's College - College (STC) Secondary Training College - College (STC) Sir Theagaraya College - College (STCET) St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology - College (STGCE) St. Gonsalo College of Education - Institute (STI) Shraddha Technical Institute - College (STTC) Sanjay Teacher's Training College,Jaipur - College (SUBASIT) SUBAS Institute of Technology - College (SUCL) Sultan-Ul-Uloom College of Law - College (SUDPGC) Shree Uma degree & P.G College - College (SURANA) Surana College - College (SUUCP) Sultan Ul Uloom College of Pharmacy - College (SUUCP) Sultan Ul Uloom College of Pharmacy - Institute (SVBPGC) Shree Veer Balika PG College - College (SVCA) Sri Venkateswara College of Architecture - College (SVCCAM) Sri Venkateswara College of Computer Applications and Management - College (SVCET) Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology - College (SVCP) Surabhi Educational Society s Sri Venkateshwara College of Pharmacy - College (SVCT) Sri Venkateswara College of Technology - College (SVDCHC) Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital - College (SVIE) Sri Venkateswara Institute of Engineering - College (SVITMS) Sharada Vikas Institute of Technology and Management Studies - College (SVKM) Svkm's Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy - College (SVLC) Swami Vivekananda Law College - College (SVNC) Sri Vishnu Nursing College - College (SVPKMIIS) Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's Institute of International Studies - College (SVSCE) SVS College of Engineering - College (SVSET) Swami Vivekananda School Of Engineering & Technology - College (SVSSA) SVS School of Architecture - College (SVWC) Sree Vani Womens College - College (SWE) Shadan Women's College of Engineering and Technology - College (SWE) Shadan Women's College of Engineering and Technology - College (SWEC) Sridevi Women's Engineering College - College (SXC) St. Xavier's College, Kolkata - College (SXC) St. Xaviers College - College (SXPGC) St. Xavier s P.G. College - College (TAC) The American College - College (TACT) Trident Academy of Creative Technology - College (TAGI) Teachers' Academy Group of Institutions - College (TASC) Texcity Arts and Science College - College (TAT) Trident Academy of Technology - College (TBS) Taxila Business School - College (TCC) Tolani College of Commerce - College (TCE) Thiagarajar College of Engineering - College (TCET) Thakur College of Engineering & Technology - College (TCR) Thiagarajar College - College (TCSC) Thakur College of Science & Commerce - College (TCSC) Thakur College of Science and Commerce - College (TCSC) Tilak College Of Science And Commerce - College (TDCH) Tagore Dental College & Hospital - College (TDL) TDL College of Engineering and Management Sciences - College (TEC) Tagore Engineering College - College (TEC) Thangavelu Engineering College - College (TEC) Third Eye College - College (TEC) Tirumala Engineering College - College (TGC) Tirupati Group of Colleges - College (TGCS) Tagore College of Arts and Science - College (THC) The Heritage College - College (THKJC) Taradevi Harakhchand Kankaria Jain College - College (Tias) Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies - College (TICT) Techno India College of Technology - College (TIFR) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - College (TIHS) Tapindu Institute of Higher Studies - College (TIHS) Tapindu Institute Of Higher Studies - Institute (TIMS) T John Institute of Management and Science - College (TIMS) Techno Institute of Management Sciences - College (TIMT) Triambke Institute of Management & Technology - College (TIPS) Trinity Institute of Professional Studies - College (TISS) Tata Institute of Social Sciences - College (TITS) Turbomachinery Institute of Technology and Sciences - College (TJC) T John College - College (TJGI) T. John Group of Institutions - College (TJIT) T J Institute of Technology - College (TJIT) T John Institute of Technology - College (TKRCET) TKR College of Engineering and Technology - College (TKRCN) TKR College of Nursing - College (TKRCOP) Teegala Krishna Reddy College of Pharmacy - College (TLC) Teacher's Law College - College (TMA) Tritya Maritime Academy - College (TMDCH) Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital - College (TMG COLLEGE) TMG College of Arts & Science - College (TNAU) Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute - College (TNC) The New College - College (TNC) Thiruthangal Nadar College - College (TNCE) Tamilnadu College of Engineering - College (TNILS) Tamil Nadu Institute of Labour Studies - College (TNMCM) Topiwala National Medical College - College (TOCS) The Oxford College of Science - College (TP) Times Pro, Chandigarh - College (TP) Times Pro, Gujarat - College (TP) Times Pro, Hyderabad - College (TPG) Times Pro. , Mumbai - College (TQMCFM) The Quaide Milleth college for men - College (TSA) Tamilnadu School of Architecture - College (TSAP) Thakur School of Architecture And Planning - College (TSBL) The School of Business Logistics - College (TSCFM) Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management - College (TSEI)Town School Education Initiatives - College (TSITW) Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women - College (TSM) Thiagarajar School of Management - College (TSNCAS) T.S.Narayanaswami College of Arts & Science - College (TTS) The Techno School - College (TULAS INSTITUTE) Tula's Institute the Engineering & Management College - College (UAC) Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College - College (UBS) Universal Business School - College (UBS) Utkarsh Business School - College (UC) Universal College - College (UCC) Union Christian College - College (UCETW) Ultra College of Engineering and Technology for Women - College (UCP) Ultra College of Pharmacy - College (UCST) Uttaranchal College of Science & Technology - College (UCTBS) Uttaranchal College of Technology and Biomedical Sciences - College (UCTBS) Uttaranchal College of Technology and Biomedical Sciences - College (UDMRI) Uttaranchal Dental and Medical Research Institute - College (UEM) University of Engineering & Management - College (UID) United World Institute of Design - College (UID) Unitedworld Institute of Design - College (UIMT) Ushodaya Institute of Management and Technology - College (UIT DEHRADUN) Uttaranchal Institute of Technology - College (UMDC) United Mission Degree College - College (UMIT) Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - College (UOT) University of Technology - Sanganer - College (UPDCRC) Uttar Pradesh Dental College and Research Centre - College (UPESCCE) University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - Centre for Continuing Education - College (UPGCM) Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management - College (USBM) United School of Business Management - College (USCN) Universal School & College Of Nursing - College (USICT) University School of Information & Communication Technology - College (VALIA COLLEGE) Valia Chhaganlal Laljibhai College Of Commerce & Valia Leelavantiben Chhanganlal Col - College (VALUE INSTITUTE) Value Education of Marketing and Entrepreneurship Development - College (VBCE) Viswa Bharathi College of Engineering - College (VBI) Vision & Beyond Institute - College (VBI) Vision & Beyond Institute - College (VBIT) Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology - College (VBS) Versatile Business School - College (VC) Vijaya College ,Bangalore - College (VC) Vivekananda College - College (VCAS) Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science - College (VCASC) VVES Vikas College of Arts Science & Commerce - College (VCC) Vivekanand Commerce College - College (VCDE) Vaishnavi College for Distance Education - College (VCE) Vaigai College of Engineering - College (VCE) Vignan College of Education - College (VCET) Velammal College of Engineering and Technology - College (VCL) Visveswarapura College of Law - College (VCL) Vivekananda College of Law - College (VCN) Viswass College of Nursing - College (VCN) Vivekananda College of Nursing - College (VCP) Vaageswari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences - College (VCP) Vijaya College of Pharmacy - College (VCW) Valliammal College For Women - College (VCW) Vivekananda College For Women - College (VDCASCPGS) Vivekananda Degree College of Arts, Science, Commerce - College (VEC) Velammal Engineering College - College (VEERAYATAN) Veerayatan Institute of Computer Application and Business Administration - College (VELS) Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies - College (VELTECH) Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology - College (VES COLLEGE) VES's College of Arts Science and Commerce - College (VESCP) Vivekanand Education Society's College of Pharmacy - College (VESIT) Vivekananda Education Societys Institute of Technology - College (VETFGC) VET First Grade College - College (VGEC) Vishwakarma Government Engineering College - College (VGH) VG Healthcare - College (VGI) Vivekananda Group of Institutions - College (VGIET) Vedic Gurukul Institute of Engineering and Technology - College (VGVC) V.G. Vaze College - College (VIA) Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture - College (VIBRM) Vaishali Institute of Business & Rural Management - College (VIET) Viswam Institute of Engineering & Technology - College (VIFT) Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology - College (VIIT) VI Institute of Technology - College (VIMS) Vivekananda Institute of Management Studies - College (VIMS) Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre - College (VIMSK) Vaageswari Institute of Management Sciences - College (VIMT) Vinayaka Institution of Management and Technology - College (VIPS) Varu Institute of Professional Studies - College (VIT) Velammal Institute of Technology - College (VIT) Vemana Institute of Technology - College (VIT) Vidyalankar Institute of Technology - College (VIT) Vivekanand Institute Of Technology - College (VITS) Vignan Institute of Technology & Science - College (VITSM) Vidyasthali Institute of Technology, Science & Management - College (VIVEK COLLEGE) Vivek College of Commerce - College (VJIT) Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - College (VJRC) Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College - College (VJTI) Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - College (VKACAID) Vastu Kala Academy college of Architecture and Interior Design - College (VKDC) Vishal Kanya Degree College - College (VKIT) Vivekananda Institute of Technology - College (VKITS) Vijaya Krishna Institute of Technology and Sciences - College (VLBJCAS) V.L.B Janakiammal College of Arts and Science - College (VLC) Vidyasthali Law College - College (VLS) Vivekananda Law School - College (VM) Vanijya Mahavidyalaya - College (VMDCW) Villa Marie Degree College for Women - College (VMMC) Vardhman Mahavir Medical College - College (VMSPM) Vidyasthali Group Of Institutions - College (VMTW) Vignan's Institute of Management and Technology for Women - College (VNC) Venkateswara Nursing College - College (VSAP) Vaishnavi School Of Architecture And Planning - College (VSBCETC) VSB College of Engineering Technical Campus - College (VSIT) Vidyalankar School of Information Technology - College (VSIT) Vishnu Sree Institute of Technology - College (VSJMC) Vivekanand School of Journalism and Mass Communication - College (VSSW) Vidyasagar School of Social Works - College (VTRSAC) Vel Tech Ranga Sanku Arts College - College (VVISM) Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems and Management - College (VVISM) Vishwa Vishwani School of Business Hyderabad - College (VVIT) Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology - College (VVIT) Vijaya Vittala Institute of Technology - College (WCC) Women's Christian College - College (WIC) Williams International College - College (WII) Wildlife Institute of India - College (WINGS COLLEGE) Wings Creations College of Art media & Design - College (WISDOM) Women's Institute for Studies in Development Oriented Management - College (WIT) Women Institute of Technology - College (WSB) Woxsen School of Business - College (WWI) Whistling Woods International - College (XIBMS) Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies - College (XICA) Xaviers Institute of Computer Application - College (XIE) Xavier Institute of Engineering - College (XIMB) Xavier Institute of Management - College (XITE) XITE College,Jamshedpur - College (YC) Yadava College - College (YIT JAIPUR) Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology - College (YMCACPE) YMCA College of Physical Education - College (YMTDC) Y.M.T. Dental College and Research Institute - College A N S College, Patna - College A.G. College of Education Admission, Coimbatore - College A.K.G Memorial Co-Operative College of Nursing, Kannur - College A.M Informatics, Delhi - College A.V. College of Arts Science and Commerce - College A.V.G.E.Is College For Women - College AAFT School of Advertising - College AAFT School of Animation - College AAFT School of Cinema - College AAFT School of Creative Business - College AAFT School of Fashion Design - College AAFT School of Mass Communication - College AAFT School of Performing Arts - College Aakriti Institute for Art, Animation and Gaming - AIAAG - Institute Aarogyam Medical College and Hospital - AMCH - College Aarti Institute of Professional Studies - Institute Aastha College - College Abdullah Women’s College - College ABES Engineering College - College Abhi Institute of Hotel Management - Institute Abhilashi University | Chachyot (Himachal Pradesh) - University Academy of Animation and Gaming - AAG - Institute Academy of Applied Arts - Institute Academy of Hospital Administration - AHA - College Academy of Hospital Administration - AHA, - Institute Academy of Radio Management - Institute Academy of Technology and Management - ATM Global Business School - Institute Academy of Technology and Management - ATM Global Business School - Institute Accman Institute of Management - Institute Acharaya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University | ANGRAU - University Acharaya Nagarjuna University [ANU] - University Acharya Vinoba Bhave Mahavidyalaya - College ACME College of Engineering - College AD The Design School - College Adamas University - University Adarsh Group of Institutions, Bangalore - College Adarsh Mahila Teacher's Tranning College, Jaipur - College Adesh Para Medical College - College Adesh University | AU | Bathinda ( Punjab ) - University Adikavi Nannaya University | ANU | Andhra Pradesh - University Adithya Institute of Management, Bangalore - College Aditi Mahavidyalaya - College Aditya College of Law - College Aditya College of Pharmacy and Science - College Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Bangalore - College Aditya Prakash Jalan Teachers Training College - College Admerit College, Patna - College Administrative Staff College of India - College Aeronautical Society of India - College Aeroventure Aviation Academy - College Aeroventure Aviation Academy - Institute AES Institute of Computer Studies, School of Computer Studies - College AET College, Bangalore - College AFMC College - College Agharkar Research Institute - Institute Aglow Institute of Media Studies - AIMS - Institute Agragami Group of Educational Institution - College Ahilya Bai College of Nursing - College Ahmedabad Physiotherapy College, Ahmedabad - College Ahmedabad University - University Air Hostess Pilot Academy - Institute Airborne Academy - Institute AISECT University | AU | Jharkhand - University Aishabai College of Education, Mumbai - College AJ Aviation Academy, Bangalore - College Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College - College Ajeenkya D Y Patil University - University AJK College of Arts and Science - College AJK Mass Communication Research Centre - College Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College - College Akal University - University Akbar Peerbhoy College of Commerce and Economics - College Akhil Bhartiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad - College Akhil Parwatiya Sewa Samiti, Nainital - College AKS Institute of Management Excellence - AKSIME - Institute AKS University - University Al Shifa College of Nursing, Malappuram - College Al-ameen College of Education, Bangalore - College AL-Ameen Institute of Information Technology - Institute AL-Ameen Institute of Information Technology - Institute Al-Falah university - University Alagappa University - University Alena Mahavidyalay - College Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped - AYJNIHH - Institute Aliah University (AU) | West Bengal - University Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology - College Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology - College Aligarh College Of Pharmacy - College Aligarh Muslim University | AMU | Aligarh - University Aligarh Unani / Ayurvedic Medical College & ACN Hospital - College All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health - College All India Institute of Local Self Government - AIILSG Narela - Institute All India Institute of Local Self Government - AIILSG Narela - Institute All India Institute of Local Self Government - AIILSG New Delhi - Institute All India Institute of Technology and Management - College All India Management Association - College Allahabad Degree College - College Allahabad State University [Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University] - University Allahabad University - University Alliance University - University Alpha Plus Education - College AM Jain College, Chennai - College Amala College of Nursing, Thrissur - College Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy - Institute Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy, New Delhi - College Amar Jyoti Rehabilitation and Research Centre - College Amar Jyoti Research and Rehabilitation Centre - College Ambedkar University Delhi [AUD] - University Ambika Pratap Narain PG College - College AMET University | Chennai - University Amiruddaula Islamia Degree College - College Amitha B.Ed. Teachers Training College, Bangalore - College Amity Business School - ABS Gurgaon - College Amity Business School - ABS Noida - College Amity Centre for e-Learning - College Amity College of Commerce and Finance - College Amity College of Corporate Warfare - College Amity Institute of Anthropology - Institute Amity Institute of Behavioural Health and Applied Science - Institute Amity Institute of Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Management - Institute Amity Institute of Education - Institute Amity Institute of Education - Institute Amity Institute of Energy and Environment - Institute amity institute of energy and environment - Institute Amity Institute of English and Business Communication - Institute Amity Institute of Event Management - Institute Amity Institute of Food Technology - Institute Amity Institute of Information Technology - Institute Amity Institute of Information Technology - Institute Amity Institute of Leadership and Communication - College Amity Institute of Nano-Technology - Institute Amity Institute of NGO Management - Institute Amity Institute of Pharmacy - AIP - Institute Amity Institute of Physiotherapy - Institute Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences - Institute Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering and Management - Institute Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism - AITT - Institute Amity Institute of Vocational and Industrial Training - AIVIT - Institute Amity Law School - College Amity school of Computer science - College Amity School of Engineering and Technology - College Amity School Of Fine Art - College Amity School Of Foreign Languages - College Amity School Of Insurance Banking & Actuarial Science - College Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development - College Amity School of Performing Arts - College Amity School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - College Amity School Of Rural Management - College Amity School of Urban Management - College Amity University Kolkata - University Amity University | Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) - University Amity University | Jaipur ( Rajasthan ) - University Amity University | Mumbai - University Amity University | Raipur (Chhattisgarh) - University Amity University | Ranchi (Jharkhand) - University Amity University, Noida - University Amity University Gurugram | Haryana - University Amman College of Education, Chennai - College Amrapali International Institute Of Hotel Management - Institute Amrapali International Institute of Hotel Management - AIIHM - Institute Amrita College of Education, Chennai - College Amrita School of Medicine | Kochi - University Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | Coimbatore - University AMS College of Teacher Education,Hyderabad - College Anand Agricultural University (AAU) - University Anand College of Pharmacy - College Anand Engineering College - College Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur - College Anant National University | Ahmedabad - University Anchor Aviation and Marine Academy - AAMA - College Andhra University | Visakhapatnam (AU) - University Angels College of Education, Chennai - College Anitoons The School of Animation - College Anna University | Chennai (Tamil Nadu) - University Annai College of Education, Chennai - College Annai Fathima College of Education, Chennai - College Annai Saraswathi College of Education, Chennai - College Annai Veilankanni College for Women - College Annai Veilankanni Group Of Educational Institutions, Chennai - College Annai Veilankanni's College of Education, Chennai - College Annamalai University - University Annie Besant College for Women - College Annie Besant College of Engineering and Management - College Ansal University (Sushant University) - University Ansaldo College of Education, Chennai - College Anupma College of Engineering - ACE - College AP Goyal Shimla University | Shimla | Himachal Pradesh - University AP Sen Memorial Girls Degree College - College Apar India House Institute Of Management & Technol - College Apar India Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Apeejay College of Engineering - College Apeejay Institute of Design - Institute Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication - AIMC - Institute Apeejay School of Management - College Apeejay Stya University | Haryana - University Apex India Vidyapeeth - College Apex Professional University | Pasighat - University APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (AKTU) - University Aplomb Institute - Institute Apollo College of Education, Chennai - College Apollo Group Of Colleges, Chennai - College Apollo Physiotherapy College, Hyderabad - College Apostle Institute of Technology - Institute Apparel Training and Design Centre - College Apparel Training and Design Centre - ATDC Noida - Institute Apparel Training and Design Centre - ATDC Noida - College Appin Technology Lab - College APS College of Commerce - College APS College of Education - College Aptech Aviation and Hospitality Academy - AAHA Noida - College Aptech Aviation and Hospitality Academy - AAHA Noida - Institute Aptech Computer Education - College Aptech Computer Education - College Aquinas College, Cochin - College Aravali Group Of Institutions, Jaipur - College Arch Academy of Design, Jaipur - College Arch College of Design and Business, Jaipur - College Archana College of Nursing, Pathanamthitta - College Arena Animation - College Arena Animation - College Arena Animation in Noida Sector 18 - College Arena Animation,main Campus Sector 62 - College Arihant college - College Arise Business School - College Arjunganj Vidya Mandir Degree College - College Army Institute of Education - College Army Institute of Education - AIE - Institute Arni University | Kathgarh | Himachal Pradesh - University Arunachal University Of Studies - University Arunodaya University | Itanagar - University Arya Mahila TTCollege, Jaipur - College Aryabhatt College of Engineering and Technology - College Aryabhatt College of Engineering and Technology - College Aryabhatta B-school - College Aryabhatta College, New Delhi - College Aryabhatta Knowledge University | Patna - University Asan Memorial Educational Institutions - College Ashoka University | Sonipat (Haryana) - University Ashtavakra Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research - Institute Asia Wine Service and Education Centre India - AWSEC - College Asia-Pacific Institute of Management - AIM - Institute Asian Academy of Cuinary Art - AACA - Institute Asian Academy Of Culinary Art - College Asian Academy of Film & Television - College Asian Academy of Film and Television - AAFT - Institute Asian Business School - College Asian Educational Institute - Institute Asian Institute of Management Studies - Raja Garden Centre - Institute Asian Retail Institute - Institute Asians Institute Of Technology, Jaipur - College Asra Institute Of Advanced Studies - Institute Assam Agricultural University - University Assam Don Bosco University - University Assam Down Town University - University Assam Kaziranga University - University Assam Rajiv Gandhi University Of Cooperative Management - University Assam Science And Technology University - University Assam University - University Assam Women's University - University Assayer Institute of Innovative Education - Institute Assefa College of Education, Madurai - College Assisi College of Nursing - [ACN], Kottayam - College Astron College of Education - College Asutosh College, Kolkata - College Aswini College of Nursing, Thrissur - College Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi Vishwavidyalaya (ABVHV) - University Ateway Institute of It and Management, New Delhi - College Athena School of Management , Mumbai - College Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College - ARSDC - College Atria Institute of Technology - College Aura Business School - College Auro University - University Aurora's Pg College - Ramanthapur - College Aurora's Scientific Technological & Research Academy - Bandlaguda - College Avadh Girls Degree College - College Avadh Law Colleg - College Avanthi Degree & P.G. College - College Avantika University - University Aviation and Hospitality Academy - AHA New Delhi - Institute Aviationbaba Aero Services Private Limited - College Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women - College Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore - University AVK Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College Awadh Centre of Education - ACE - College Awadhesh Pratap Singh University - University Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Seth R. V. Ayurved Hospital, Sion, Mumbai - College Ayurveda College Sulur, Coimbatore - College Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College, New Delhi - College Ayush and Health Sciences University of Chhattisgarh - University Azeezia Nursing College, Kollam - College Azim Premji University - University B. Borooah College, Guwahati - College B. M. Law College - College B. S. College,Patna - College B.B.S. Institute of Management Studies logo BBS Institute of Management Studies - BBSIMS - Institute B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology - College B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology - University Baba Bariyar Shah Degree College - College Baba Bariyar Shah Mahavidyalaya - College Baba Farid University of Health & Medical Sciences - University Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University - University Baba Hari Dass College of Pharmacy and Technology - College Baba Haridass Institute of Nursing Education - Institute Baba Mastnath University - University Baba Narayan Das TT College, Jaipur - College BABA Raghav Das Medical College (BRD) Gorakhpur - College Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Law College, Lucknow - College Baba Saheb Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar College of Agricultural Engg & Technology - College Baba Vishwanath Mahavidyalaya - College Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University - University Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University - University Babu Banarasi Das University - University Baby Memorial College Of Nursing, Kozhikode - College Baddi University of Emerging Sciences & Technology - University Badruka College Pg Centre - College Bagru Shikshak Prashikhan Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur - College Bahra University - University Baji Rout Memorial College - College Balajee Academy of Talents - Institute Balaji Institute of Management Studies - BIMS - Institute Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - Institute Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Information Technology - Institute Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Physiotherapy - BCIP - Institute Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies - Institute Banasthali University - University Banda University of Agriculture & Technology - University Bangabasi College, Kolkata - College Bangalore City College of Education, Bangalore - College Bangalore School of Business - College Bangalore University - University Bankura University | BU | West Bengal - University Bapu Graphics Multimedia Computer Education - College Bapu Nature Cure Hospital & Yogashram - College Bapujee College - College Bapuji Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore - College Bareilly College, Bareilly - College Bareilly International University - University Barkatullah University | BU | Madhya Pradesh - University Baruipur College - College Basant Lal Memorial College Of Education - College Bastar University - University Basudev Memorial Girls Degree College - College BBS College of Engineering & Technology - College BBS Institute of Pharmaceutical and allied Sciences - Institute BBS Institute of Pharmacy and Applied Science - BBSIPAS - Institute BCF College of Nursing, Kottayam - College Beehive College of Advance Studies - College Beehive College of Engineering & Technology - College Beehive College Of Management And Technology - College Belda College - College Bengaluru North University - University Bennett University - University Berhampur University - University Beri Institute of Technology Training and Research - Institute BES College of Education, Bangalore - College BES Degree College Jayanagar - College Bes Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College BET College of Management and Science - College BETHESDA PRIMARY TEACHER'S EDUCATION COLLEGE RANCHI - College Bethesda Women Teachers Training B.Ed College - College BFIT Group of Institutions - College BFIT Institute of Science & Research - College Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya (BPSMV) - University Bhagini Nivedita College, New Delhi - College Bhagwan Mahavir College of Education - College Bhagwan Mahavir College of Education - College Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - BPIT - Institute Bhagwant University - University Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University (BKNMU) - University Bharat Alternative Therapy Research Academy - College Bharat Alternative Therapy Research Academy - Institute Bharat Institute of Paramedical Technology - Institute Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research - University Bharathi College of Education - College Bharathiar University | BU | Tamil Nadu - University Bharathidasan University | BU | Tamil Nadu - University Bharati College - College Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University - University Bharati Vidyapeeth Group of Colleges - College Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management - BVICAM - Institute Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan - College Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Hazarimal Somani College of Arts and Science - College Bharti Institute of Vedic Astrology - BIVA - Institute Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management - BSTTM - College Bharti Vidyapeeths College of Engineering - College Bhartiya Skill Development University - University Bhartiyam Institute of Professional Education and Technology - Institute Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences - Institute Bhatkhande Music School - College Bhavan's College - College Bhavna Trust's Junior & Degree College of Commerce & Science - College Bhawani Prasad Pandey PG College - College Bhim Rao Ambedkar College - College Bhim Rao Ambedkar College - College Bhonwal School of Education - College BHU - [Banaras Hindu University] - University Bhupal Nobles University - University Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University - University Bhuwaneshwari Dayal College - College Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya - University Bidhannagar College, Kolkata - College Bihar Agricultural University - University Bihar College of Teacher Education, Patna - College Biju Patnaik University of Technology - University Bijupattanaik College of Hotel Management Tourism and Social Work, Bhubaneswar - College Bilaspur Vishwavidyalaya - University Bioinformatics Institute of India - BIT - Institute Birjhora Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Bongaigaon - Institute Birla Global University - University Birla Institute of Technology - Noida - Institute Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra], Ranchi - University Birla Institute of Technology and Science - University Birsa Agricultural University - University Bishamber Sahai Degree College - College Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science - College Bishop Heber College Tiruchirappalli - College Bishop Johnson College of Science & Commerce - College Bitcom Services Pvt. Ltd - College BITS Goa - BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus - College Biyani Group of Institutions, Jaipur - College BJR Government Degree college - College BL College Of Education - College BLB Institute of Financial Markets - BIFM - Institute BLDE University - University Blue Mountains College of Hotel Management - College Blue Mountains College of Teachers Education, Dehradun - College Blue Sky Academy of Aviation and Hospitality Management - Institute Blue Sky Aviation Academy - Institute BM College of Education - College BM College of Technology and Management - College BM Law College Muzaffarnagar - College BM Ruia Girls College - College BML Munjal University - University Bodoland University - University Brainware University - University Brainz Institute of Design Studies, Ahmedabad - College BRD Medical College & Nehru Hospital - College Brightmoon Teacher's Training College, Jaipur - College Brindavan Group of Institutions - College Bse Institute Limited , Mumbai - College Buddha Institute of Aviation Technology - BIAT - Institute Bundelkhand University - University Bunts Sangha's S.m. Shetty College of Science, Commerce and Management Studies, Mumbai - College Burdwan University - University Burhani College of Arts and Commerce - College C. Kandaswami Naidu College - College C. U. Shah University - University C.M.S College of Education, Coimbatore - College Caba Innovatives - College Calcutta Girls' College - College Calcutta University | CU | West Bengal - University Calicut University - University Calorx Teachers’ University - University Canossa College of Nursing, Kannur - College Capital Business School - College Cardamom Planter's Association College - College Career Education Institute - CEI - Institute Career Point University - University Career Point University | Kota | Rajasthan - University Caritas College of Nursing - [CCN], Kottayam - College Carmel College for Women - College CB Bhandari Jain College for Women - College CBM College of Arts and Science - College CC Sheth College of Commerce, Ahmedabad - College CCS University - University Center of Food Technology - College Central Agricultural University - University Central India Institute of Management Studies - Institute Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering - Institute Central Institute of Buddhist Studies (CIBS) - University Central Institute of Fisheries Education - University Central Institute of Management & Technology - College Central Institute Of Medicinal And Aromatic Plants - Institute Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar - Institute Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute - Institute Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack - Institute Central University of Gujarat - University Central University Of Haryana - University Central University of Himachal Pradesh - University Central University Of Jammu - University Central University of Jharkhand - University Central University Of Karnataka - University Central University of Kashmir - University Central University of Kerala - University Central University Of Odisha - University Central University of Punjab - University Central University of Rajasthan - University Central University of South Bihar - University Central University of Tamil Nadu - University Central University of Tibetan Studies - University Central Women’s College Of Education - College Centre for Development of Advanced Computing - College Centre of Computer Education - College Centurion University of Technology and Management - University Century Foundation College of Education, Coimbatore - College CEPT University - University CES College of Arts and Commerce - College CG Mantra - Digital Media Academy - College CG Mantra Digital Media Academy - Institute Chakbast Road Kaiserbagh Lucknow - College Chanakya National Law University - University Chanderprabhu Jain Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Chandigarh University - University Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College - College Chandra Dental College - College Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology (CSAUK) - University Chandrawati Tiwari Girls Degree College - College Charat Niketan Vishwa Bharati Kanya Mahavidyalaya - College Charuchandra College - College Charusat University of Science and Technology - University Chaudhary Bansi Lal University Bhiwani, Haryana - University Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University - CCSHAU - University Chaudhary Charan Singh Mahavidyalaya - College Chaudhary Devi Lal University | Haryana - University Chaudhary Partap Singh Memorial College of Education - College Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University (CRSU) - University Chauri Belha Mahavidyalaya - College Chellammal Women College - College Chennai Mathematical Institute - University Cherraan's College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore - College Chet Ram Sharma College of Education - College Chetana's R. K. Group of Institutions , Mumbai - College Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE) - University Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Kanpur University - University Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya - University Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University - University Children’s University - University Chinmaya Degree College - College Chitkara University - University Chitkara University Punjab - University Chittaranjan College - College Christ college - College Christ University | CU | Karnataka - University Christian College, Bangalore - College Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore - College Christian School of Health Sciences - College Christian Training College - College Chronicle Business Academy - Institute City Academy Degree College, Lucknow - College City College Jayanagar - College City College of Management - College City College of Management and Technology - College City Degree College of Management and Technology - College Clara's College of Commerce - College Clinical Research Education and Management Academy - College Clinical Research Education and Management Academy - CREMA - Institute Cluster University of Srinagar | CU Srinagar - University CMJ University - University CMP Degree College - College CMR Centre for Media and Management Studies - College Cmr Group Of Institutions - College Cmr Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College CMR Law School, Bangalore - College CMR University - University Cochin University of Science & Technology - University Cogent College of Advanced Studies - College College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology - College college of agriculture kanpur - College College of Art - College College of Arts and Crafts, Patna - College College of Commerce, Arts & Science, Patna - College College of Engineering Roorkee - College College of Engineering Science & Technology - College College of Engineering Trivandrum - College College of Hospitality and Management Studies - College College of Innovative Management & Science - College College of Management Studies - College College of Nursing, Nirmala Medical Centre, Muvattupuzha - College College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani - Institute College of Vocational Studies - College Computec Training Institute - Institute Cooch Behar College - College Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University - University Cosmic Business School - College Cosmic Institution of Neo Entertainment, Media and Arts - CINEMA - Institute Cosmopolitan College of Education, Chennai - College Cosmos College of Education - College Cotton University - University Courses offered by Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy - Institute CR Aviation Academy - Institute Cradle of Management Institute - CMI - Institute CRAFT Film School - College CRAFT Film School - College Crescent College of Education for Women, Madurai - College Crescent Institution of Nursing Alathur, Palakkad - Institute CSI Bishop Newbigin College of Education, Chennai - College CSI College of Education, Madurai - College CSKHPKV - Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya - University CT Institute Of Hotel Management, Jalandhar - Institute CT University - University CU Shah City Commerce College - College CU Shah Commerce College - College Culinary College of Hotel Managment and Catering Technology - College D S R Degree College - College D.A.V. College Muzaffarnagar - College D.A.V. P.G. College - College D.B.S. (P.G.) College , Dehradun - College D.G. Ruparel College of Arts Science and Commerce - College D.J. College Of Dental Sciences & Research - College D.J. College Of Dental Sciences & Research - College D.Y Patil Educational Society - University Dakshin Guwahati Bed College, Guwahati - College Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University - University Darjeeling Tea Research and Management Association - Institute Darshan College, Bangalore - College Dasmesh College of Physiotherapy - College Dasmesh Girls College of Education - College Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences - University Daulat Ram College - College Dav College Chandigarh - College DAV College Kanpur - College DAV PG College Gorakhpur - College DAV PG College, Dehradun - College DAV School of Business Management - College DAV University - University Davangere University - University Dayalbagh Educational Institute - University Dayanand Woman Training College - College Dayanand Women's Training College, Dehradun - College Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce - College Dayananda Sagar University - University Dayawanti Memorial College of Education - College DBS PG College, Dehradun - College Deccan College Postgraduate & Research Institute - University Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram University of Sciences & Technology - University Deen Dayal College of Law - College Deen Dayal College of Law - College Deen Dayal Rustagi College of Education - College Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University - University Deen Dayal Upadhyay Government Degree College - College Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College - College Deepshikha Group of Colleges, Jaipur - College Defence Institute of Advanced Technology - University DEI Faculty of Commerce - College DEI Faculty of Engineering - College DEI Faculty of Social Science - College Delhi Business School - College Delhi College of Advanced Studies - College Delhi College of Photography - College Delhi Film Institute - Institute Delhi Guitar School - College Delhi Heart and Lung Institute - Institute Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies - DIAS - Institute Delhi Institute of Aeronautical Science - Institute Delhi Institute of Early Childhood Care and Education - DIECCE - Institute Delhi Institute of Fashion and Technology - DIFT - Institute Delhi Institute of Fashion Technology - East of Kailash - Institute Delhi Institute of Fire Engineering - DIFE - Institute Delhi Institute of Rural Development - DIRD - Institute Delhi Paramedical and Management Institute - DPMI - Institute Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research University - University Delhi School of Business - College Delhi School of Economics - College Delhi School of Management - College Delhi School of Music - College Delhi School Of Photography Pvt Ltd - College Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research - College Delhi Teacher Training College - College Delhi Technological University - University Delhi University - University Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics - College Derozio Memorial College - College Desh Bhagat Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology - Institute Desh Bhagat University | DBU | Punjab - University Deshbandhu College - College Deshwal Institute of Information Technology and Management - DIITM - Institute Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya - University Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya - College Deva Nagri College - College Deva Nagri College - College Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya - University Devsthali Vidyapeeth - College DG Vaishnav College (DGVC) - College DGA Professioanl Institute - Institute DGA Professioanl Institute - Institute Dhanamanjuri University, Manipur - University Dhanwantari College - College Dhanwantari Nursing College - College Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty's Hindu College - College Dharmsinh Desai University - University Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology - University Diamond Harbour Women’s University - University Diana College of Education, Bangalore - College Dibrugarh University - University Digital Computers , Ahmedabad - College Digvijay Nath LT Training College - College Diksha PT College - College Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research - Institute Directorate of Rapeseed Mustard Research - Institute Disha Institute of Vaastu - Institute Disha Institute of Vaastu - Institute Dispur College, Guwahati - College Distance Education Academy - Institute DIT University - University DJ College of Engineering and Technology - College DMI College of Education,Chennai - College DN Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women - College DNS College of Engineering & Technology - College Dnyanprassarak Mandal's College of Arts Science Commerce Management Studies & Technology - College Dolphin Pg Institute of Biomedical & Natural Sciences, Dehradun - College Don Bosco Institute of Management Studies & Computer Application - College Doon College of Engineering & Technology - College Doon Institute of Education, Dehradun - College Doon Institute of Medical Sciences - Institute Doon P.G. Paramedical College & Hospital, Dehradun - College Doon University - University DPC Institute of Management - Institute DPC Institute of Management - Institute Dr (ACBR) B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research - College Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University - University Dr BR Ambedkar Open University - BRAOU - University DR G D Pol Foudation's YMT College Of Management - College DR GR Damodaran College of Science - College DR NGP Arts and Science College - College Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam University - University Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,Lucknow - University Dr. Ambedkar College of Commerce & Economics - College Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute - College Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University - University Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (DBATU) - University Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth - University Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, New Delhi - College Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Law University - University Dr. BR Ambedkar University - University Dr. BR Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, MP - University Dr. C.V. Raman University - University Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth - University Dr. Govind Prasad Rani Devi Patel Vidhi Mahavidyalaya - College Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar University - University Dr. K.N. Modi University - University Dr. KN Modi Engineering College - College Dr. M C Saxena Group of Colleges, Lucknow - College Dr. M.C. Saxena College of Engg. & Technology - College DR. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute - University Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute - Institute Dr. MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women - College Dr. MPS Memorial College of Hotel Management - College Dr. N.G.P. College of Education, Coimbatore - College Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences - University Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth - University Dr. R. V. Arts and Science College - College Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University - University Dr. Rajendra Prasad Training Institute - Institute Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University - University Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya Govt. Degree College - College Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University - University Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University - University Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University - University Dr. SNS College of Education, Coimbatore - College Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science - College Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College and Hospital - College Dr. Zakir Husain Institute - Institute Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University - University Dravidian University - University DREAM ZONE School of Creative studies - College Dronacharya College of Engineering - College Dronacharya College of Engineering - College Drona’s College of Management & Technical Education - College DS Actuarial Education Services Private Limited,Mumbai - College Ducat Institute of Professional Studies - Institute DVM College of Education - College Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering - College Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai - College Dwijendralal College KrishnaNagar - College DY Patil International University - University DY Patil Medical College Pune - College DY Patil University - University Dyal Singh College - College Dyal Singh Evening College - College E.M.G. Yadava Womens College - College East Point Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning In Management - University Ecole Hoteliere Lavasa - Institute ECube Global College - College Education Institute of Management and Engineering Studies - EIMES - Institute Education Institute of Management and Engineering Studies - EIMES - Institute EduProz Institute of Professional Studies - Institute EduProz Institute of Professional Studies - Institute Efforts Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Efforts Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Eikon Academy - Institute Eikon Academy - Institute Ekarma College, Bhubaneswar - College Elina Institute of Education - Institute Elina Institute of Education - Institute Elite College of Nursing Koorkkenchery, Thrissur - College Elite Group Of Institutions - College Elitte Hotel School (The Hospitality Institute),Kolkata - Institute EMDI Institute of Media and Communication - Institute EMDI Institute of Media and Communication - Institute EMPI B-school - College EMS College of Nursing Perinthalmanna, Malappuram - College English and Foreign Languages University - University Era University - University ERA's Lucknow Medical College - College Eram Girls Degree College, Lucknow - College Essel Institute of Fashion Technology - IFFT - Institute Eternal University - University Ethiraj College for Women - College European Management Institute - Institute Ewing Christian College - College Excel Business Academy, Bangalore - College Excel Law College - College Exterior Interior (P Ltd),Hyderabad - College Exterior Interior Ltd, Kolkata - College Exterior Interiors Limited,Delhi - College Eyes Multidesign, Cochin - College F-Tec Computer Education - College Faculty of Engineering and Technology - College Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology - FIMT - Institute Faith Institutions, Bangalore - College Fakir Mohan University - University Farook College - College Fashionista School - College FD Arts and Commerce College for Women - College Fergusson College - College FET Agra College - College Film Institute of eMITS - College First India School of Business - College Flame Institute of Film and TV Arts - Institute FLAME University - University Florence School and College of Nursing - College Forest Research Institute [ FRI ] Dehradun - University Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre - Institute Fortune Institute of Communication and Television - Institute Fortune Institute of International Business - FIIB - Institute Fostiima Business School - College Fr. Agnel College of Arts & Commerce - College Framebox Animation Visual Effects - College Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training - FIAT Dwarka - Institute Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training - FIAT Rajouri Garden - Institute Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training - FIAT South Extension - Institute Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training - FIAT Vikas Marg - Institute G .R. Govindarajulu College of Education, Coimbatore - College G H Raisoni University - University G-Line Academy - GLA - Institute G-TEC Computer Education - College G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering - University G.M. Sanghi College Of Commerce & Science - College G.P.S Degree College - College Galaxy Computers - College Galgotias Business School - College Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - College Galgotias Institute of Management and Technology - GIMT - Institute Galgotias University - University Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management - University Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan's Smt Surajba College of Education, Mumbai - College Gandhi Smarak Triveni Post Graduate College - College Gandhigram Rural Institute - University Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College - College Gangadhar Meher University - University Ganpat University - University Garden City University - University Garg Degree College Laksar Haridwar - College Gargi College, New Delhi - College Garware Institute of Career Education and Development - Institute Gateway Institute of IT and Management - Institute Gauhati Commerce College - College Gauhati University | GU | Assam - University Gautam Buddha Government Degree College - College Gautam Buddha University - University Gayatri Devi College of Education - College Gayatri International Institute of Planning and Management - Institute GD Goenka University - University Geeta Bajaj Women Teacher Training Institute, Jaipur - College Geetanjali University - University Geethanjali College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad - College Ghanshyamdas Saraf College of Arts & Commerce, Mumbai - College Ghanshyamdas Saraf College of Arts and Commerce - College GIBS Business School, Bangalore - College Ginni Devi Modi Girls (PG) College - College Ginni Devi Modi Girls P G College - College GITAM, Hyderabad - College Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training - Institute Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training - Institute GJU - Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology - University GLA University - University Global Business School - College Global College of Education, Hyderabad - College Global Entrepreneurship and Management Academy - GEMA - Institute Global Institute of Construction Management and Research - GICMAR - Institute Global Institute of Flight Kare and Management - GIFKM - Institute Global Institute of Information Technology - GIIT - Institute Global Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Global Institute of Management and Training - GIMT New Delhi - Institute Global Institute, Amritsar - Institute Global Merchant Navy Institute - Institute Glocal University - University GLS- Gujarat Law Society University - University GNA University - University Gniot College Of Management - College GNIT Girls Institute of Technology - Institute Goa University - University Goel Group of Colleges, Lucknow - College Goenka College of Commerce and Business Administration, Kolkata - College Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics - University Gondwana University - University Good Luck Institute of Education - GLIE - Institute Gossner College - College Gossner Theological College - College Government Arts College (Autonomous) - College Government Arts College for Men - College Government College of Arts Science and Commerce Quepem - College Government College of Education for Women, Coimbatore - College Government Degree College, Dehradun - College Government Degree College, Dehradun - College Government Degree College,Hyderabad - College Government First Grade College Vijayanagar - College Government MCA College, Ahmedabad - College Government Medical College, Kozhikode - College Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital - College Govt. College of Nursing, Alappuzha - College Govt. Degree College - College GR Memorial Nursery Teachers Training Institute - Institute Graduate School of Business Administration - College Graphic Era Hill University - University Graphic Era University Dehradun - University GRD (PG) IMT , Dehradun - College GRD Girls Degree College - College Grd Group Of Colleges,Coimbatore - College Great Mission Teacher's Training Institute - Institute Grow Institute of Education, Ahmedabad - College GSFC University - University GSVM Medical College - College Gt Educational Institutes, Bangalore - College Gujarat Arts and Commerce College, Ahmedabad - College Gujarat Ayurveda University - University Gujarat Institute of Hotel Management - Institute Gujarat National Law University - University Gujarat Technological University - University Gujarat University of Transplantation Sciences - University Gujarat University | GU | Ahmedabad - University Gujarat Vidyapith | GV | Ahmedabad - University Gulbarga University - University Gulzar Group of Institutes - Institute Gurgaon College of Engineering - College Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University - University Guru Arjan Dev Institute of Management and Information Technology - Institute Guru Ghasidas University - University Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University - University Guru Gram Business School - College Guru Hargobind Institute of Management and Information Technology - GHIMIT - Institute Guru Kashi University - University Guru Nanak College of Education - College Guru Nanak Dev University - University Guru Nanak Institute of Management - Institute Guru Nanak Khalsa College of Arts, Science & Commerce - College Guru Premsukh Memorial College of Engineering - College Guru Ravidas Ayurved University - University Guru Shree Shanti Vijai Jain College for Women - College Guru Teg Bahadur Institute of Technology - GTBIT - Institute Gurudas College, Kolkata - College Gurudeva Media and Animation College - College Gurugram University - University Gurukul Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya (GKV) - University Gurukul Mahavidyalaya Prashikshan Vibhaag - College Guwahati College, Guwahati - College Gyan Vikas Institute of IT and Management - Institute Gyandevi Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Gyanodaya Group of Institutions - Institute H. A. College of Commerce - College Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research - HIMSR - Institute Hamilton Academy of Design - Institute Hamstech Institute of Fashion & Interior Design, Hyderabad - College Hans Insititute - Institute HansRaj College DU - College Harcourt Butler Technical University - HBTU - University Hari Kishan Institute of Management Studies - Institute Haridev Joshi University of Journalism and Mass Communication - University Haridwar Ayurveda Medical College and Research Centre - HAMRC - College Harsh Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College Harsh Vidhya Mandir Group of Colleges - College Hasvita Group of Institutions, Hyderabad - College HBTI Kanpur - College HEC PG College - College Heera Lal Yadav Group Of Colleges, Lucknow - College Heeralal Yadav Balika Degree College - College Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya, Durg - University Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University - University Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University - University Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Medical Education University - University Herbarium Institute of Hotel Management HIHM - Institute Heritage Institute of Management and Communication - Institute Hi-Tech Group Of Colleges, Bhubaneswar - College Hidayatullah National Law University - University Hierank Business School - College Hillside Academy of Commerce, Bangalore - College Hillside Business School - College Hilton Institute of Fashion, Airlines and Academics - HIFAA - Institute Himachal Pradesh Technical University - University Himachal Pradesh University - University Himalayan Action Research Centre - College Himalayan College of Nursing - College Himalayan Institute if Technology Business School - Institute Himalayan University - University Himalayiya Ayurvedic Medical Collage & Hospital - College Himanshu Art Institute - Institute Himgiri Zee University - University Hindi Teachers Training College, Ahmedabad - College Hindu College - College Hindu College Moradabad - College Hindu Mission College of Nursing - College Hindustan College of Arts and Science - College Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science - [HITS], Chennai - University Hindusthan College of Education, Coimbatore - College Hindusthan Teachers Training Institute, Coimbatore - College Hira Lal Ram Niwas PG College - College Hiray Group Of Institutions - College Hislop College - College HLM Girls College Ghaziabad - College HLM Law College - College HLM Management College - College HMR Institute of Technology and Management - Institute Holkar Science College - College Holy Cross College for Women - College Holy Cross College of Nursing, Kollam - College Holy Family College of Nursing - [HFCN] - College Homi Bhabha National Institute - University Homi Bhabha State University - University Homoeopathy University, Jaipur - University Hooghly Mohsin College - College Hope Institute of Hospitality Management - HIHM - Institute Horticultural College And Research Institute - Institute HRD Degree & P.G College - College HRD Degree & P.G. College, Hyderabad - College Hyderabad School of Business - College I - Compass Computer & Management Institute - College I-Business Institute - Institute I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar - University I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad - College I.T.S Paramedical College - College IAAN School of Mass Communication - College IAMR B.Ed. College - College Iasam Academy - Institute IASE Deemed University - University ICARE Eye Hospital and Post Graduate Institute - Institute ICBM School Of Business Excellence - College ICFAI Business School - College ICFAI Business School - College ICFAI Business School - IBS Gurgaon - College ICFAI Business School, Jaipur - College ICFAI University Himachal Pradesh - University ICFAI University Jaipur - University ICFAI University Meghalaya - University ICFAI University Raipur - University ICFAI University Sikkim - University Ideal Institute of Management and Technology and School of Law - Institute IDS' National Institute of Real Estate Management - Institute IEC University - University IFIM College - College IFTM University - University IGU Meerpur - Indira Gandhi University - University IIF BUSINESS SCHOOL - College IIFA India, Jaipur - College IIFA Multimedia - College IIHMR University - University IILM Academy of Higher Learning - Institute IILM Academy of Higher Learning - College IILM Institute for Higher Education - College IIMC Indian Institute of Management and Commerce - College IIMT College of Engineering - College IIMT College of Science & Technology - College IIMT Engineering College - College IIMT University - University IIP Academy - Learn Professional Photography - Institute IIS University - University IIT Delhi - College Imayam Institute of Agriculture and Technology - Institute Impact College, Patna - College Impact Education Institute of Event Management - Institute Impact Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College Imperial Institute of Management Science and Research - IIMSR - Institute IMS Design and Innovation Academy - DIA - Institute IMS Engineering College - College IMS Ghaziabad Admission - College IMS Law College - College IMS Unison University - University IMS- Design & Innovation Academy - College Incline Institute of Information Technology and Management - Institute Inderprastha Dental College and Hospital - College Inderprastha Engineering College - College India Today Media Institute - ITMI - Institute Indian Academy - College Indian Academy of Dramatic Arts - IADA - Institute Indian Agricultural Research Institute - University Indian Business Academy - College Indian Business Academy-IBA - Institute Indian Film and Theatre Academy - Institute Indian Grassland And Fodder Research Institute - Institute Indian Hotel Academy - IHA - Institute Indian Institute of Aeronautical Science - IIAS - Institute Indian Institute of Aeronautics - IIA - Institute Indian Institute of Aircraft Engineering - IIAE - Institute Indian Institute of Financial Planing - IIFP - Institute Indian Institute of Foreign Trade - University Indian Institute of Horticultural Research - Institute Indian Institute Of Hospitality And Management - Institute Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - University Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM),Jabalpur - University Indian Institute of Materials Management - IIMM New Delhi - Institute Indian Institute Of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad - Institute Indian Institute of Packaging - IIP New Delhi - Institute Indian Institute of Plantation Management - Institute Indian Institute of Public Health - University Indian Institute of Public Health - IIPH New Delhi - Institute Indian Institute Of Pulses Research - Institute Indian Institute Of Rice Research - Institute Indian Institute of Science - University Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology - University Indian Institute of Teacher Education - University Indian Institute of Telecom Management - IITM - Institute Indian Institute of Yoga and Naturopathy - IIYN - Institute Indian Law Institute - University Indian Maritime University - University Indian Pacific Institute of Technology and Management - IPITM - Institute Indian School of Business - College Indian School of Business & Economics - College Indian School of Mines - University Indian Society for Technical Education - College Indian Veterinary Research Institute - University Indira Gandhi College of Distance Education - College Indira Gandhi College of Education, Chennai - College Indira Gandhi Girls Degree College - College Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research - University Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Science - Institute Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya - University Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU Admission - University Indira Gandhi PG College - College Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Science University - University Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya - University Indo Asian Academy Degree College - College INDO Asian Academy Evening College, Bangalore - College INDO Asian Women's Degree College - College Indo-Universal College - College Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - University Indrashil Institute Of Science And Technology - University Indus Business Academy - College Indus International University - University Indus University - University Indus World School Of Business - College Infinity Business School - College Inflight Air Hostess Training Institute - IAHTI - Institute Infotech Technology - College INJ Business School - College Inmantec Business School - College Innocent Hearts Group Of Institutions, Jalandhar - Institute Innovative College of Pharmacy - College Innovative Institute of Education and Technology - Institute Insoft Institute of IT and Management - Institute Inspiration College of Teachers Education - College Institute for Advanced Computer Technology - IACT - Institute Institute for Career Studies - ICS - Institute Institute for Integrated Learning in Management - IILM - Institute Institute for Media, Management and Communication Studies - IMCS - Institute Institute for Studies in Industrial Development - Institute Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi - College Institute of Advance Computing and Management - IACM - Institute Institute Of Advanced Research - University Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Chennai - College Institute of Advanced Study of Education, Chennai - College Institute of Agri-Business Management - Institute Institute Of Applied Sciences & Humanities - Institute Institute of Business Management - IIBM - Institute Institute of Chemical Technology - University Institute of Clinical Research India - ICRI - Institute Institute of Cooperative and Corporate Management Research & Training - College Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers - Institute Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Ropar - Institute Institute of Fire Engineering and Safety Management - NIFS - Institute Institute of Home Economics - Institute Institute of Home Economics, New Delhi - College Institute Of Hotel Management And Catering - Institute Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition - College Institute Of Hotel Management Catering Technology And Applied Nutrition - Institute Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition - Institute Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati - Institute Institute of Information Technology and Management - IITM - Institute Institute Of Infrastructure Technology Research And Management [IITRAM] - University Institute of Integrated Marketing Communication and Management - IIMCM - Institute Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences - University Institute of Logistics and Aviation Maanagement - ILAM - Institute Institute of Management and Development - Institute Institute of Management and Research - BVIMR - Institute Institute of Management and Resources - IMR - Institute Institute of Management and Technical Studies - IMTS - Institute Institute Of Management Studies - Institute Institute of Management Studies - IMS New Delhi - Institute Institute of Management Studies - IMS Noida - Institute Institute of Marketing Management - IMM - Institute Institute of Media Management, Technology & Agro Sciences - College Institute of Molecular Medicine - IMM - Institute Institute of Para Medical Technology - Institute Institute of Paramedical, Management and Technology - IPMT - Institute Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research - College Institute of Professional Studies and Research - IPSR - Institute Institute of Public Health and Hygiene - IPHH - Institute Integral University - University Integrated Institute Of Education Technology - Institute Integrated School of Education - College Integrated School of Law - College Inter National Institute of Fashion Design - INIFD Delhi - Institute Inter National Institute of Fashion Design - INIFD New Delhi - Institute International Career Academy - ICA - Institute International Centre For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology - College International College of Engineering - College International College of Financial Planning - College International Institute for Business and Management - Institute International Institute for Population Sciences - University International Institute of Business Management - Institute International Institute of Business Studies - Institute International Institute of Fashion Academy - IIFA - Institute International Institute of Fashion Technology - IIFT - Institute International Institute of Fashion Technology - IIFT Nariana - Institute International Institute of Fashion Technology - IIFT New Ashok Nagar - Institute International Institute of Fashion Technology - IIFT New Delhi - Institute International Institute of Fashion Technology - IIFT North Delhi - Institute International Institute of Health Management Research - IIHMR - Institute International Institute of Hotel Management - IIHM New Delhi - Institute International Institute of Hotel Management, Hyderabad - College International Institute of Information Technology - University International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) - University International Institute of Information Technology Chhattisgarh - University International Institute of Information Technology Karnataka - University International Institute of Information Technology(IIIT) - University International Institute of Management Media and Institute of Technology - IIMMIT - Institute International Maritime Institute - IMI - Institute International School for Applied Technology - College International School of Media and Entertainment Studies - College Invertis University, Bareilly - University IPD College - College IPS Law College - College Isabella Thoburn College - College ISBM University - University ISBR College, Bangalore - College Islamia Teachers Training College, Patna - College Islamiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore - College Islamic University of Sciences & Technology University - University Ismail National Mahila PG College - College Ismail Yusuf College of Arts, Science & Commerce - College ITERC College of Management - College ITM IHM Oshiwara - Institute ITM University - University ITM University Madhya Pradesh - University ITS Pharmacy College - College ITS Physiotherapy and Biotechnology College - College IVS School of Design, New Delhi - College J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education - College Jadavpur University - University Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit University - University Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University - University Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara University - University Jagannath International School - College Jagannath Prasad Bhagbandei Sahu Girls Degree College - College Jagannath University - University Jagran Institute of Management and Mass Communication - JIMMC - Institute Jagran Lakecity University - University Jagruti Degree and Post Graduate College - College Jahnavi Degree and PG College - College Jai Arihant College of Teacher Education - College Jai Hind College, Mumbai - College Jai Narain Vyas University - University Jai Prakash University - University Jain University - University Jain Vishva Bharati University - University Jaipur Golden Hospital Medical College - College Jaipur Hospital School of Nursing and Medical Training Centre, Jaipur - College Jaipur National University - University Jaipur Physiotherapy College and Hospital, Jaipur - College Jaipuria School of Business - College Jamia Hamdard University - University Jamia Millia Islamia University - University Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi - College Jamiat College of Pharmacy - College Jammu University - University Janaki Devi Vocational Centre - College Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth - University Janhit College of Law - College Janhit Institute of Education and Information - JIEI - Institute Janhit School of Management - College Janki Devi Memorial College - College Janki Prasad Chaudhary Mahila Mahavidyalya - College Janta Vedic College - College JAS College of Education,Coimbatore - College Jashbhai Maganbhai Patel College of Commerce - College Jasoda Devi Group Of Institutions, Jaipur - College Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University - University Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research - University Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya - University Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - University Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) - University Jaya Group of Intitutions - College Jayalakshmi Narayanaswamy College of Education, Chennai - College Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University - University Jaypee Business School - College Jaypee Institute of Information Technology - University Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology - University Jaypee University of Information Technology Himachal Pradesh - University JD Birla Institute - College JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore - College JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Guwahati - College JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Lucknow - College JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai - College JD National B.Ed. College - College JDS Degree College - College JECRC University - University Jesus and Mary College - College Jewellery Design and Technology Institute - JDTI - Institute JG Group Of Colleges, Ahmedabad - College Jhankar College of Education - College Jhargram Raj College - College Jharkhand Rai University - University Jharkhand Raksha Shakti University - University Jhunjhunwala Business School - College Jigsaw Edu Solutions Private Limited - College Jis Group of Institutions, Kolkata - College JIS University - University Jiwaji University, MP - University JK Business School - College JK LAKSHMIPAT UNIVERSITY - University Jodhpur National University - University Joseph School of Business Studies - College Josh Incorporation, Jaipur - College JRE School of Management - College JS University - University JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research - University JSS Academy of Technical Education - Institute JSS Science and Technology University - University Jubilee College , Bangalore - College Junagarh Agricultural University - University K S Saket PG College - College K. R. Mangalam Institute of Management - College K.C. Das Commerce College - College K.I.E.T College of Education, Bangalore - College K.K. Das College - College K.K.E.C.S. Institute of Management - College K.L.E. Society Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College K.L.N.B.Ed.College, Madurai - College K.M.D Memorial College of Education, Jaipur - College K.R. Mangalam University - University K.S Group of Institutions, Bangalore - College K.S.G. College of Arts and Science - College K.S.M. College of Education for Women, Madurai - College K.T.G. Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya - University Kailash Institute of Nursing and Para-Medical Sciences - KINPMS - Institute Kairalee Nikethan Golden Jubilee Degree College - College Kakatiya University - University Kalabhumi Arts- Painting, Drawing and Professional Fine Art Classes - College Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education - University Kalindi College, Delhi - College KALINGA INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY - [KIIT], BHUBANESWAR - University Kalinga University | KU | Chhattisgarh - University Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) - University Kalyani University | KU | West Bengal - University Kamala Nehru College - College Kamdhenu University Gujarat - University Kameshwar College of Education, Ahmedabad - College Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya - University Kamineni College of Nursing, Hyderabad - College Kamkus College of Law - College Kanhiyalal Maniklal Munshi Institute of Hindi and Linguistics - College Kannada University - University Kannur University - University Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College Kapi College of Education - College Karamat Husain Muslim Girls’ PG College - College Karnatak Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College Karnataka Folklore University - University Karnataka Janapada Vishwavidyalaya - University Karnataka Samskrit University - University Karnataka State Law University - University Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University - University Karnataka State Women University - University Karnataka University - University Karnataka Veterinary, Animal & Fisheries Science University - University Karnavati University - University Karpagam Academy of Higher Education - University Karpagam Arts and Science College - College Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore - College Kartik Oraon Degree College - College Kartik Oraon Degree College - College Karuna College of Nursing Chittoor, Palakkad - College Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences - College Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences - University Kashmir University | KU | J&K - University Kasturi Ram College of Higher Education - College Kathir College of Education, Coimbatore - College Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University - University Kazi Nazrul University - University KC Group Of Institutions, Nawanshahr - Institute KCC Institute of Technology and Management - Institute KD College Of Education - College Kelkar Education Trust's V.G. Vaze College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Kerala Agricultural University - University Kerala Kalamandalam - University Kerala University of Fisheries & Ocean Studies - University Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) - University Kerala University [KU] Thiruvananthapuram - University Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University - University KES Shroff College of Arts and Commerce - College Keshav Mahavidyalaya - College Kevlanand B Ed College - College Khallikote University - University Khalsa University - University Khandelwal Group Of Colleges, Bareilly - College Kharvel Subharti College of Pharmacy - College Khun Khun Ji Girls PG College - College Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu Arabi-farsi University, Lucknow - University KIET School of Pharmacy - College KIIT College of Engineering - College KIIT College of Engineering - College KIMS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram - College King Georges Medical University - University Kinkini Dhvani Institution of Performing Arts - Institute Kirori Mal College - College Kirti M Doongursee College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Kirti M Doongursee College of Arts, Commerce & Science - College Kisan Post Graduate College - College KK Wagh Education Society, Nashik - Institute KKHSOU | Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University - University KLDAV PG College - College KLE Academy Of Higher Education And Research - University KLE Technological University - University KMCT College of Nursing Manassery, Kozhikode - College KMG College of Education,Coimbatore - College KMPM Vocational College, Jamshedpur - College KNGD Modi Engineering College - College Knowledge Bites Pvt Ltd - College KNS World Management College - College Kolhan University | KU | Jharkhand - University Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation - University Kongunadu Arts and Science College - College Kooba Post Graduate College - College KOSHYS Institute of Management Studies - College Kota University - University Koyili College of Nursing, Kannur - College KP College of Management - College Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University - University Krishak (PG) College - College Krishna College of Education - College Krishna College of Law - College Krishna College of Pharmacy Bijnor - College Krishna College of Science and Information Technology - College Krishna Devi Girls Degree College - College Krishna Engineering College - College Krishna Institute Of Medical Sciences - University Krishna University | KU | Andhra Pradesh - University Krupanidhi Degree College, Bangalore - College Kruttika Institute of Technical Education, Bhubaneswar - College KSGH Music and Performing Arts University - University KSOU - Karnataka State Open University | Mysore - University Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit & Ancient Studies University - University Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture - Institute Kumaun University - University KUNWARI CHANDRAWATI MAHAVIDYALAYA - College Kurukshetra University - University Kushabhau Thakre Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar University - University Kuvempu University | Shimoga (Karnataka) - University KVM College of Nursing, Cherthala - College L.R.COLLEGE OF ADVANCE STUDIES - College L.S. Raheja College of Arts and Commerce - College Lady Doak College, Madurai - College Lady Hardinge Medical College - College Lady Irwin College - College Lady Irwin College, New Delhi - College Lady Willingdon Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Chennai - College Lakshmi Bai College - College Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education - University Lakulish Yoga University - University Lal Bahaduar Singh Esmrak Mahavidyalaya - College Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education - College Lal Bahadur Shastri PG College - College Lala Lajpat Rai College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai - College Lala Lajpatrai Group Of Institutions - College Lala Mahadev Prasad Verma Balika Mahavidyalaya - College Lala Mangat Ram Mahavidyalaya - College Lalbaba College - College Lalit Narayan Mithila University - University Law College Dehradun - College Lingaya’s University - University LISAA School of Design - College Lisieux College of Education,Coimbatore - College Little Flower Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre - [LIMSAR] Angamaly, Ernakulam - Institute LJ College of Commerce, Ahmedabad - College Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Lloyd Law College - College LN Group of Institutes - College LNCT University - University LNM Institute of Information Technology - University Lokmangal Institute of Versatile Education - Institute Lokmanya College of Computer Applications, Ahmedabad - College Lokmanya Tilak Group Of Institutions - College Lord Krishna College of Education - College Lord Krishna College of Engineering - College Lords Universal College - College Loreto College, Kolkata - College Lorven Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College Lourde College of Nursing, Taliparamba - College Lovely Professional University [ LPU ] - University Loyola College, Chennai - College Lucknow Christian College - College Lucknow University - University Lumding College, Guwahati - College Luther W. New Jr. Theological College - College Luvas - Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences - University M D College of Education - College M P Arts and M H Commerce College for Women - College M S Ramaiah University Of Applied Sciences - University M.E.T. Group of Institutions, Mumbai - College M.N.R Group Of Institutions, Hyderabad - College M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce - College M.S. Kakade College - College Mada Fashion Institute, New Delhi - College Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology - University Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College - College Madha College of Education, Chennai - College Madha Group Colleges - College Madhav University - University Madras Medical College Admission - College Madras University - University Madura College, Madurai - College Madurai Kamaraj University - University Magadh University - University Magnus Technology - College Mahadevi Kanya Pathshala Post Graduate College - College Mahalakshmi College For Girls - College Mahamaya Technical University - University Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya - University Maharaj Vinayak Global University - University Maharaja Agrasen College - College Maharaja Agrasen College, Bareilly - College Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Managment Studies - College Maharaja Agrasen University - University Maharaja Bijli Pasi Government PG College - College Maharaja Bir Bikram University - University Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand Vishwavidyalaya - University Maharaja Ganga Singh University - University Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University - University Maharaja Manindra Chandra College - College Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University - University Maharaja Surajmal Brij University - University Maharana Partap Horticultural University - University Maharana Pratap Engineering College - College Maharana Pratap Mahavidyalaya - College Maharana Pratap Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya - College Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology - University Maharani Avanti Bai College of Home Science - College Maharani's Arts, Commerce and Management College for Women - College Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University - University Maharashtra National Law University - University Maharashtra State Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology - Institute Maharashtra University of Health Sciences - University Maharishi Arvind Group of Institutions, Jaipur - College Maharishi Arvind Institute of Science & Management - College Maharishi Arvind University - University Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya - University Maharishi Markandeshwar University - University Maharishi Markandeshwar University Himachal Pradesh - University Maharishi University Of Management And Technology - University Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University - University Maharshi Panini Sanskrit Evam Vedic Vishwavidyalaya - University Maharshi Valmiki College of Education - College Mahatma Education Society`s Pillai's Group of Institution - College Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya - University Mahatma Gandhi Central University - University Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya - University Mahatma Gandhi College of Education - College Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth - University Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute - University Mahatma Gandhi Mission's College Of Engineering & Technology - College Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate College - College Mahatma Gandhi University Kerala - University Mahatma Gandhi University Meghalaya - University Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology Jaipur - University Mahatma Gandhi University Telangana - University Mahatma Gautam Budhh Mahavidyalya - College Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University - University Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce - College Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth - University Mahila Vidyalaya PG College - College Major Bihari Lal Memorial College of Education - College Makhanlal Chaturvedi University - University Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Medical College, Ernakulam - College Malda College - College Malini Kishor Sanghvi College of Commerce & Economics - College Malini Valley College of Education - College Malla Reddy College of Education, Hyderabad - College Malwanchal University - University Manav Bharti University Himachal Pradesh - University MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES - [MRIIRS], FARIDABAD - University Manav Rachna University - University Mandsaur University - University Mangalayatan University - University Mangalmay Institute of Management and Technology - Institute Mangalmay Institute of Management Studies - Institute Mangalore University - University Manipal Academy of Higher Education - University Manipal University - University Manipur University - University Manishi Mahila Mahavidyalaya - College Manjeera College of Education, Hyderabad - College Manonmaniam Sundaranar University - University Manrakhan Mahto B.Ed. College - College Mansarovar Group of Institutions - Institute Mar Baselios College of Nursing - [MBCN], Kothamangalam - College MAR Gregorious College - College Mar Sleeva College of Nursing, Kottayam - College Martin Luther Christian University - University Marwadi University | Rajkot (Gujarat) - University Marwari College - College MATS University - University Matsya University (RRBMU) - University Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology - University Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal - University Maulana Azad National Urdu University - University Maulana Mazharul Haque Arabic & Persian University - University Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics - College Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics - MAAC - Institute Maya Group Of Colleges, Dehradun - College Maya Institute of Technology & Management - College MBS School of Planning and Architecture - College MDU - Maharishi Dayanand University - University Measi College of Education, Chennai - College Medi-Caps University - University Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research - University Meenammal College of Education for Women, Madurai - College Meerut College - College Meerut Institute of Technology - Institute Mehra Group Of Institutes, Bangalore - College Mercy College of Nursing, Kottayam - College MES College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Bangalore - College MES Medical College and Hospital, Malappuram - College MES Teacher's College, Bangalore - College Meston College of Education, Chennai - College Met Group Of Institutions, Mumbai - College Metropolitan School of Management - College Mewar Girls Business School - College Mewar University - University MGM Institute of Health Sciences - University MGM Institute of Management - Institute Michael Job College of Arts & Science for Women Sulur - College Micro Info Web Pvt. Ltd. - College Midnapore College - College MIMS College of Allied Health Sciences Vazhayoor, Malappuram - College Mind Power Teacher Training College - College Minerva Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun - College Miranda House College, New Delhi - College MIT Art Design & Technology University - University MIT World Peace University - University Mithibai College Mumbai - College Mithibai College of Arts, Mumbai - College Mizoram University - University MJP Rohilkhand University - MJPRU - University MK Group Of Institutes, Amritsar - Institute MKP PG College,Dehradun - College MLA Academy of Higher Learning - College MLA College of Education - College MMH College Admission - College MMM) M.M.M. College Of Nursing - College Mod'art International, Mumbai - College Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce Pune - College Modern College of Law - MCL - College Modern College of Professional Studies - College Mody University - University Mody University of Science & Technology - University Mohamed Sathak A.J College of Physiotherapy, Chennai - College Mohammad Ali Jauhar University - University Mohanlal Sukhadia University - University Monad University - University Morning Star College, Kolkata - College Mother Teresa Women’s University - University Motherhood Ayurveda Medical College - College MotherHood University - University Moti Lal Nehru College, New Delhi - College Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management - College Motilal Nehru College - College Mount Carmel Business School - College MP Bhoj Open University - University MSU, Baroda - Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda - University Multanimal Modi College - College Mulund College of Commerce - College Mumbai College of Arts Commerce and Science - College Mumbai Group of Colleges, Mumbai - College Mumtaz Degree and PG College - College Murgaon Education Societys College of Arts and Commerce - College Music School of Delhi - College Muzaffarnagar Engineering College - College Muzaffarnagar Medical College - College Mvj Group Of Institutions - College MVN University - University N. K. T. National College of Education for Women, Chennai - College Nadar Mahajana Sangam S.vellaichamy Nadar College of Education, Madurai - College Nadar Mahajana Sangam Sermathai Vasan College for Women Avaniapuram - College Nagaland University - University Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Mumbai - College Nairs College of Education, Coimbatore - College Najath College of Nursing Aluva, Ernakulam - College Nalanda College of Education - College Nalanda Open University - University Nalanda University - University Nalini Devi Women's College of Teacher Education, Bhubaneswar - College Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University - University Nanak Chand Anglo Sanskrit College - College Nanak Chand Anglo Sanskrit College - College Naraina College of Engineering & Technology - College Narangi Anchalik Mahavidyalaya - College Narayan Zantye College of Commerce - College Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & Technology - University Nari Shiksha Niketan P.G. College - College Narsee Monjee college of Commerce and Economics - College Narsee Monjee Institute Of Management Studies - University Narvadeshwar Management College - College National Academy of Event Management and Development - NAEMD - Institute National Academy of Legal Studies & Research University - University National Brain Research Centre - University National College of Financial Managment - College National Dairy Research Institute - University National Forensic Sciences University - NFSU - University National Institute for the Visually Handicapped Regional Centre, Chennai - College National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur - College National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management - University National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences - University National Institute of Technology, Agartala - University National Law Institute University - University National Law School of India University Bangalore - University National Law University - University National Law University and Judicial Academy - University National Law University Odisha - University National Law University [NLUD] - University National Museum Institute of History of Arts, Conservation and Musicology - University National Post Graduate College - College National Research Centre For Agroforestry - Institute National Research Centre for Banana - Institute National Research Centre For Litchi - Institute National Research Centre on Equines - Institute National Research Centre Seed Spices - Institute National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) - University National University of Educational Planning and Administration - University National University of Study & Research in Law - University Nava Chaithanya Degree & P.G. College Narayanguda - College Nava Nalanda Mahavihara - University Navodya Education - College Navrachana University - University Navsari Agricultural University - University Navyug Kanya Degree College, Lucknow - College Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya - College Nayab Abbasi Girls Degree College - College NBA School of Business - College NDUAT College of Fisheries - College NDUAT College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry - College Nehru College of Nursing, Ottapalam - College Nehru Gram Bharati University - University Neotia University - University Nerim Group of Institutions - College Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Girls Government Degree College aliganj - College Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Govt. Girls Degree College - College Netrodaya College of Special Education, Chennai - College New Sri Shanthini College of Nursing, Bangalore - College NG Acharya and Dk Marathe College of Arts Science and Commerce - College NGM College (Autonomous) - College NICFAI Business School - College Nidt School of Architecture and Design Technology, Jaipur - College Nightingale Institute Of Nursing - College Nightingale Institute of Nursing - Institute NIILM Centre for Management Studies - College Niilm School of Business - College NIILM University - University NIIS Group of Institutions, Bhubaneswar - College NIIS Institute of Information Science & Management - College NIIT University - University Nilamber-Pitamber University - University NIMS College of nursing, Neyyattinkara - College NIMS University - University NIMT Mahila Technical Institute of Management - Institute Nirankari Baba Gurbachan Singh Memorial College - College Nirma University - University Nirmala College - College Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce and Science - College NITTE University - University Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences - University Nmims School of Design, Mumbai - College NMKRV College For Women, Bangalore - College Noble Group Of Institution, Junagadh - Institute Noble Institute of Education Society, Bangalore - College Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology - NIET - Institute Noida Institute of Management Studies - NIMS - Institute Noida International University - University Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education - University North Bengal University - University North East Frontier Technical University - University North Eastern Hill University - University North Maharashtra University - University North Orissa University - University Nova College of Educational, Coimbatore - College Nr Group Of Institutions, Coimbatore - College NRI Institute, Bangalore - College NSOU - Netaji Subhas Open University - University NVD Academy - College O.P. Jindal Global University - University O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana - University Oberoi Centre of Learning and Development - Oberoi School of Management - College Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur - University OM Bio-Sciences and Management College - College Om College of Management and Science - College OPJS University - University Oriental College of Commerce and Management - College Oriental University - University Orissa University Of Agriculture & Technology - University Osiyan School of Business Management & Animation - College Osmania University - University Osteen College - College Our Lady College of Education, Chennai - College Oxford College of Education, Gurgaon - College P V Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University - University P. A. College of Education,Coimbatore - College P. P. K. College - College P.G.D.A.V College, New Delhi - College P.K. University - University P.P. Savani University - University P.P.G. College of Physiotherapy, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore - College Pachaiyappa's College - College Pacific Medical University - University Pacific University - University Padmashree Dr.D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeeth - University Padmashree Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore - College Pal College of Tech. & Management - College Palamuru University - University Panchayat College Bargarh, Bhubaneswar - College Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University - University Pandit Ramchritra Mishra Mahavidylay - College Pandit Shambhunath Shukla University - University Panjab University | PU | Chandigarh - University Pannalal Girdharlal Dayanand Anglo Vedic College - College Pannalal Girdharlal Dayanand Anglo Vedic College - College Pantnagar University - University Parasakthi College of Education, Madurai - College Parikrama School Of Music - College Parishkar International College - College Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology - University Patanjali University - University Patanjli Ayurved College - College Patliputra University - University Patna College, Patna - College Patna University - University Patuck Gala College of Commerce & Management - College PCTE Group Of Institutes, Ludhiana - Institute PDM University - University Pearl Academy - University Pearl Academy - Noida Campus - Institute Pearl Academy, Delhi - College Pearl Academy, Jaipur - College Pearl Academy, Mumbai - College People’s College of Medical Sciences and Research - University Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology - University Periyar University | PU | Tamil Nadu - University PES Modern College of Engineering Pune - College PES University - University PES, College of Management & Economics Studies - College PGDAV College (Evening) - College Phonics School of Applied Sciences - College Picasso Animation College - College Pillai College of Education and Research Chembur Naka, Mumbai - College Pillai Group Of Institutions - College Pioneer College of Arts & Science - College Pioneer Institute Of Hotel Management - Institute Pioneer Media School - College Pisces Education:3D Max Institute, AutoCAD training,Vray Courses in delhi - College Pixel World Animation School - College Plastindia International University - University PMS Degree College Ruchikhand - College PMS Girls Degree College - College Poddar Group of Institutions, Jaipur - College Pondicherry University - University Ponnaiyan Ramajayam Institute of Science & technology (PRIST) - University Poornagiri College of Education - College Poornima University - University Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University - University Poyanil College of Nursing, Pathanamthitta - College Pradeep Memorial Comprehensive College of Education - College Pragathi Degree College for Women - College Pragathi Mahavidhayalaya - College Prakash Institute of Physiotheraphy Rehabilitation and Allied Medical Sciences - Institute Pran's Media Institute - Institute Pratap University - University Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University - University Prayag Citizen Law College - College Prem Prakash Gupta Institute of Management - College Presbyterian Theological Seminary - College Presidency College of Education & Technology - College Presidency University - University Prin MC Shah Commerce College, Ahmedabad - College Prince Institute of Innovetive Technology - PIIT - Institute Priyadarshini College of Computer Sciences - College Priyadarshini Degree & PG College, Hyderabad - College Prof Dhanapalan College of Art and Science - College Prof. S.A. College of Education, Chennai - College Professional Group of Institutions, Coimbatore - College Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University - University PRS College of Nursing, Trivandrum - College PSG College of Arts and Science - College Pt Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences - University Pt Mahadev Shukla Krishak PG College - College Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Govt. PG Girls College - College Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University - University Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University - University Ptva's Sathaye College, Mumbai - College Punjab Agricultural University - University Punjab Institute Of Management And Technology - Institute Punjabi University Patiala - University Purnea University - University Purple Rose Arts and Media Institute - Institute Pushpagiri College of Nursing, Thiruvalla - College PVS College of Nursing, Kozhikode - College Quaide-E-millath Government College for Women (Autonomous) - College Quantum School of Business - College Quantum University - University R K Films and Media Academy - College R. K. Talreja College of Arts, Science and Commerce - College R. S. College of Management and Science - College R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Mumbai - College R.A. Podar College Of Commerce & Economics - College R.B Gothi Jain College for Women - College R.D. Engineering College Ghaziabad - College R.J. Tibrewal Commerce College - College R.K. College of Education - College R.V. College of Nursing, Bangalore - College RA Podar College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai - College Raath Mahavidyalaya Paithani - College Rabin Mukherjee College, Kolkata - College Rabindra Bharati University - University Rabindranath Tagore University Madhya Pradesh - University Rachna Sansad School of Design, Mumbai - College Radha Govind College of Education - College Radha Govind Group of Institutions, Meerut - College Radiant Institute of Engineering and Technology - Institute Raffles University, Neemrana - University Rai Business School - College Rai Technology University - University Rai University - University Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College - College Raja Balwant Singh College - College Raja Kanh PG College - College Raja Mahendra Pratap Post Graduate College - College Raja Mansingh Tomar Music and Arts University - University Rajagiri Group Of Colleges - College Rajalakshmi College of Education, Chennai - College Rajarshi Rananjay Singh College Of Pharmacy - College Rajasthan Shikshak Prashikshan Vidyapeeth, Jaipur - College Rajasthan Technical University - University Rajasthan University - University Rajasthan University of Health Sciences - University Rajat Girls' Degree College, Lucknow - College Rajdev Krishak PG College - College Rajdhani College, New Delhi - College Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University - University Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development - University Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law - University Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya - University Rajiv Gandhi University - University Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science - University Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology - University Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing - College Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya - University RAJUVAS - Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences - University Raksha Shakti University - University Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute - College Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute - RBMI - Institute Ram Baran Degree College - College Ram Chameli Chadha Vishvas Girls College - College Ram Gopal College of Pharmacy - College Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav College - College Ram Lal Anand College - College Ram-Eesh Institute of Education - RIE - Institute Ram-Eesh Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women - Institute Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational and Techniacal Education - RIT - Institute Rama Degree College, Lucknow - College Rama Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya - College Rama Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya - Institute Rama Devi Women’s University - University Rama Institute Of Engineering & Technology - Institute Rama Krishna Women Teachers Training College, Jaipur - College RAMA UNIVERSITY - University Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Group Of Colleges,Coimbatore - College Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University - University Ramanand Arya D.A.V. College - College Ramanujan College - College Ramdev Memorial PG College - College Ramharakh Singh Memorial Degree College - College Ramjas College - College Rammohan College, Kolkata - College Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College - College Rana Pratap PG College - College Ranchi College - College Ranchi University - University Ranchi Women's College - College Rani Channamma University - University Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya - University Rani Ganesh Kunwari Degree College - College Ranjit Singh Memorial PG College - College Ranveer Rananjay Post Graduate College - College Rao Dalip Singh College Of Education - College Rao Lal Singh College Of Education Sidhrawali Gurgaon - College Rao Mohar Singh College of Education - College Rao Neki Ram Memorial College - College Rao Ram Singh College Of Education - College Rashida Begum Muslim Mahavidiyalaya - College Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University - University Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan - University Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi - College Rasoolpur Lilhaha Faizabad - College Rastriya Vidya Educational College - College Rathinam College of Arts and Science - College Ratnam College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Ratnam College of Arts, Science & Commerce Bhandup, Mumbai - College Ravenshaw University - University Rawat Mahila B.Ed College, Jaipur - College Rayalaseema University - University Rayat & Bahra Institute of Engineering & Bio-Technology - University RBMI Business School - College Rbmi Group Of Institutions, Bareilly - College Red Crescent College of Nursing, Calicut - College Reeasy Animation - Institute Regional College of Professional Studies & Research, Bareilly - College Regional Group of Colleges, Jaipur - College Renaissance College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology Uttarakhand - College Reva Group of Educational Institutions - College Reva University, Bangalore - University RH Patel Arts and Commerce College - College Rig Institute Of Hospitality And Management - Institute RIMT University - University Rishi Dayaram and Seth Hassaram National College and Seth Wassiamull Assomull Science - College Rizvi College of Arts Science and Commerce - College RK College of Systems and Management - College RKDF University - University RKG Chandrakanta College of Management and Technology for Women - College RKG Education College, Lucknow - College RKR College of Education, Coimbatore - College RL Saharia Govt. College - College RNB Global University - University RNIS College of Banking - College Roorkee College Of Education - College Roorkee College Of Management & Computer Applications - College Roorkee College Of Pharmacy - College Roorkee Degree College, Haridwar - College Roots Collegium, Hyderabad - College Royal College of Education, Madurai - College Royal College of Law - College Royal Global University - University Royal Institutions Bangalore - College Royal PG College, Lucknow - College Royal School Group - College Royal School of Architecture, Guwahati - College Royal School of Commerce, Guwahati - College Royale College of Tourism , Hotel Management & Professional Studies - College RP Sharma Institute of Technology, Patna - College RR Bed College, Bangalore - College RR Group of Institutions, Bangalore - College RR Institutions, Bangalore - College RTC BEd College, Ranchi - College Ruby College of Preceptors, Madurai - College Ruckmoni College of Nursing - [RCON], Thiruvananthapuram - College Rukmini College of Commerce - College Rukmini Devi College of Education - College RV College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore - College RVS College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore - College RVS Group Of Colleges, Coimbatore - College S B D Mahila PG College - College S K Somaiya Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce - College S. S. Dempo College of Commerce and Economics - College S.B. College of Education, Dehradun - College S.D. College of Education - College S.M. Patel Institute of Commerce - College S.M.J.N. (P.G.) College - College S.S. Jain Subodh P.G.(Autonomous) College - College S.S. Memorial College - College Sadguru School of Education - College Sadhna Academy for Media Studies - Institute Sage University - University Sai Education Cell - College Sai Nath Group Of Education - Institute Sai Nath University - University Sai Vidya Institute of Technology - College Salokaya College Of Nursing - College Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology, and Sciences - University Samaritan College of Nursing Pazhanganad, Ernakulam - College Sambalpur University - University Sammilani Teachers Training College, Kolkata - College SAMPURNANAND SANSKRIT UNIVERSITY - University San Joe College of Nursing Pulluvazhy , Ernakulam - College Sanatan Dharm (PG) College - College Sanchi University of Buddhist - University Sand Dunes Bed College, Jaipur - College Sandip University - University Sangai International University - University Sangam University - University Sanjay Gandhi Memorial College - College Sanjay Ghodawat University - University Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering - University Sanskar Bharti Teacher Training College, Jaipur - College Sanskriti University - University Sant Baba Bhag Singh University - University Sant Bheekhadas Ramjas Mahavidyalaya - College Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University - University Sant Hari Dass College of Higher Education - College Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology - University Sant Ratan Das College of Education - College Santhi College of Nursing, Kozhikode - College Santosh College of Nursing - College Santosh Dental College - College Santosh University - University Saraswati College of Professional Studies - College Saraswati Dental College - College Saraswati Devi Mahavidyalaya - College Saraswati Educational Institutions, Lucknow - College Saraswati Music College - College Sardar Bhagwan Singh Group Of Colleges, Dehradun - College Sardar Bhagwan Singh Post Graduate Institute of Biomedical Science & Research - College Sardar Patel College - College Sardar Patel College of Education - College Sardar Patel University - University Sardar Patel University of Police, Security & Criminal Justice - University Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology - University Sarguja University - University Saroj Educational Group, Lucknow - College Sarojini Naidu Vanita Mahavidyalaya - College Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University - University Sarvottam Institute of Technology and Management - SITM - Institute SAS Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai - College Sasmira the Synthetic and Art Silk Mill's Research Association - College Sastra University - University Satavahana University - University Sathya Jyothi College, Bangalore - College Sathyabama Institute Of Science And Technology - University Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology - College Sathyabama University - University Satyam College of Engineering - College Satyam College of Management - College Satyam Fashion Institute - Institute Satyawati College - College Satyawati Evening College - College Saurashtra University | SU | Gujarat - University Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Chennai - College Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences - University Savera College of Architecture and Planning - College Savitri Girls' College - College Savitri Mahila Degree College - College Savitribai Phule Pune University - University SB College of Education, Dehradun - College School Of Aviation Science And Technology - College School of Convergence - College School of Engineering and Technology - Institute School of Foreign Languages - College School Of Law - College School of Open Learning - College School of Rehabilitation Sciences - College SCMS School of Technology and Management - College SD College - College SD College of Engineering and Technology - College SD Signodia College of Arts, Commerce & P.G. Centre - College SDM Institute of Ayurveda, Bangalore - College SDP College of Teacher Education, Guwahati - College Seacom Skills University - University Secure Success Academy - College Seema Dental College And Hospital - College Serampore College - College Seventh Day Adventist Nursing College - [SDANC], Ottapalam - College SGT University - University SH College of Nursing, Cherthala - College SH College Thevara - College Shadan College of Education, Hyderabad - College Shadan Degree College for Boys - College Shadan Group of Institutions , Hyderabad - College Shaharyar 19 Neptune Film Institute - Institute Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women - College Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies - College Shahjanand Bed College, Ahmedabad - College Shailendra Education Society's Arts, Commerce & Science College - College Shakuntala Devi Educational Institute, Dehradun - College Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy - University Shanti Nikeetan Vidhyapeeth College of Professional Education - College Shantiniketan Women s College - College Sharda College of Management Studies - College Sharda University - University Sheetal College - College Shekhawati University - University Sher-E-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology - University Sherwood College of Engineering Research & Technology - College Shiv Mahesh Shaikshik Sansthan - College Shiv Nadar University - University Shiv Savitri Mahavidyalaya - College Shivaji College - College Shivaji University - University Shivam Teachers Training College, Patna - College Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology - University Shobhit University - University Shoolini University - University Shree Bankey Bihari Dental College and Research Centre - College Shree Gayatri College of Education, Ahmedabad - College Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University - University Shree Khandelwal Vaish PG Mahavidhyalaya, Jaipur - College Shree Maliikarjun College of Arts and Commerece - College Shree Paramhans Mahavidyalaya - College Shree Sadguru B. Ed. College, Ahmedabad - College Shree Somnath Sanskrit University - University Shreemati Dhanpata Mauraya Smarak Mahavidayalaya - College Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University - University Shri JG Cooperative Hospital and Research Institute, Bangalore - College Shri Badri Prasad Mahavidyalaya - College Shri Balaji College of Education for Women, Madurai - College Shri Bhausaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce and Science College - College Shri Bhawani Niketan P.G. Boys College - College Shri Chinai College of Commerce & Economics - College Shri Devi Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College Shri Durga Siksha Niketan Degree College - College Shri Gandhi P.G. College - College Shri Govind Guru University - University Shri Guru Nanak Degree College - College Shri Guru Nanak Girls Degree College - College Shri Guru Ram Rai (PG) College - College Shri Guru Ram Rai Group Of Colleges, Dehradun - College Shri Guru Ram Rai PG College, Dehradun - College Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya - University Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University - University Shri Jain Narayan Mishra PG (KKC Degree College),Lucknow - College Shri Kalyan Teacher Training College, Jaipur - College Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha - University Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, New Delhi - College Shri Madhav College of Education & Technology - College Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University - University Shri MD Shah Mahila College of Arts & Commerce - College Shri Ram College of Education - College Shri Ram College of Law - College Shri Ram College of Law - College Shri Ram College of Law - College Shri Ram College of Management - College Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering & Management - College Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group College, Lucknow - College Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group Colleges - College Shri Sahajanand Arts & Commerce College - College Shri Sai Infotech - College Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women - College Shri Sharda Mahavidyalaya - College Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya - University Shri Vishwanath Post Graduate College - College Shridhar University - University Shrikrishna Mahavidyalaya - College Shrimathi Devkunvar Nanalal Bhatt Vaishnav College for Women (Evening) - College Shyam Lal College - College Siddarth Teacher Training College, Jaipur - College Siddharth University - University Siddhartha Law College - College Sidho Kanho Birsha University - University Sido Kanhu University - University Sidvin School of Business Management - College SIES College of Commerce & Economics - College SIES College of Commerce and Economics - College Sikkim Manipal University - University Sikkim University - University Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University - University Siliguri College - College Silver Jubilee College of Arts and Sciences - College Simdega College - College SIMET College of Nursing Mangattuparamba, Kannur - College Sindhi College of Arts and Science - College Singhania University - University Sir Muthukumaran College of Education,Chennai - College Sir Padamapat Singhania University - University Sir Sitaram and Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts and Science - College Sirifort College of Computer Technology and Management - College Sivagiri Sree Narayana Medical Mission College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram - College Sivananda Yoga Vedanta,New Delhi - College Sivanath Sastri College - College Sivanthi College of Education, Chennai - College SIVET College Chennai - College SIWS College, Mumbai - College SJES College Of Management Studies - College Sky Education - College Skylark School Of Business & Technology - College SKYLINE Knowledge Centre - College Smt Kamaladevi Gauridutt Mittal College of Arts and Commerce - College SMT Kapila Khandwala College of Education, Mumbai - College Smt MMK College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai - College Smt RD Shah Arts & Smt VD Shah Commerce College - College Smt TJ patel English Medium Commerce College - College Smt. M.M.K College of Commerce And Economics - College SN Medical College - College Snehodaya College of Nursing Vallakkunnu, Thrissur - College Socrates School Of Health - College Softdot Hitech Educational and Training Institute, New Delhi - College Som Lalit College of Commerce - College Som-Lalit Education And Research Foundation - College Som-lalit Institute of Computer Application - College South Asian University - University South Calcutta Girls College - College SP College Pune - College SP Fort College of Nursing, Trivandrum - College Spicer Adventist University - University SPN Doshi Women's College - College Springdale Girls College, Bareilly - College Spurthy Institutions, Bangalore - College Srajan Institute of Management and Technology - College Sree Anjaneya College of Nursing, Calicut - College Sree Ayyappa College for Women - College Sree Balaji College of Physiotherapy, Chennai - College Sree Balaji Dental College - College Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation - [SGMCRF] - College Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit - University Sree Shiv Chaitanya College Of Education - College Sree Veerendra Patil Degree College - College Sri Aurobindo Mira College of Education, Madurai - College Sri Balaji Group Of Institutions, Jaipur - College Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University - [SBV], Pondicherry - University Sri Chamarajendra Samskrita Graduation and Post Graduation Center, Bangalore - College Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya - University Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand Vishwavidyalaya - University Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education And Research - University Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce - College Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University - University Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College - College Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences - University Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College - College Sri Hayagreeva Arts & Science College - College Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya Group Of College - College Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College Sri Jayendra Saraswathy Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science - College Sri Kalaivani College of Education,Coimbatore - College Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University - University Sri Krishna Degree College, Bangalore - College Sri krishnadevaraya University - University Sri Krishnaswamy College for Women - College Sri Mahavir Prasad Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Lucknow - College Sri Malolan College of Arts and Science - College Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam - University Sri Raghavendra Group Of Colleges, Bangalore - College Sri Ramachandra College of Physiotherapy, Chennai - College Sri Ramachandra University - University Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science - College Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science - College Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University - University Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College - College Sri Sai Ram Medical College for Siddha Ayurveda and Homoeopathy, Chennai - College Sri Sai Ram Medical College, Chennai - College Sri Sai University - University Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai - College Sri Sankara Senior Secondary School - College Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning - University Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences - University Sri Siddhartha University - University Sri Sri University - University Sri Venkateshwara Educational Institution, Bangalore - College Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences - University Sri Venkateswara University - University Sri Venkateswara University Uttar Pradesh - University Sri Venkateswara Vedic University - University Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University - University Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management Studies - College Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences - University Srinivas University - University Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology - College SRJ College for Womens - College SRM Institute of Science and Technology - University SRM Institute of Science and Technology Admission - College SRM University - University SRN Adarsh College - College SS Jain Subodh PG College - College SSN College of Engineering - College St Alphonsa's College of Education, Hyderabad - College St Andrew's College of Arts Science and Commerce - College St Andrew’s College Gorakhpur - College St Francis College for Women - College St George College of Management Science and Nursing - College St Gregorios college of nursing Parumala, Pathanamthitta - College St Hopkins College - College St Joseph's College of Commerce - College St Joseph's Degree and PG College - College St Joseph’s College for Women - College St Peter's Institute of Distance Education - College St Pious X Degree, PG & MBA College for Women, Hyderabad - College St Stephen's College, New Delhi - College ST Teresa's Institute of Education, Mumbai - College St Wilfred's PG College, Jaipur - College St Wilfreds Teachera's Training College, Jaipur - College St Xavier's College of Education, Patna - College St Xavier's College of Management and Technology - College St Xaviers College for Women Aluva - College St Xaviers College, Jaipur - College St. Anne's Arts and Science College - College St. Anne‘s Degree College for Women - College St. Bosco College of Management - College St. Joseph Degree & PG College, Hyderabad - College St. Joseph University - University St. Joseph's College Of Nursing Anchal, Kollam - College St. Mary's College - College St. Mary'S Group Of Institutions Hyderabad - College St. Mother Teresa Educational Group, Lucknow - College St. Paul s Cathedral Mission College - College St. Paul's Degree & PG College - College St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research - University St. Stephen's College, Delhi - College St. Stephen's Hospital and Medical College - College St. Thomas College of Arts and Science - College St. Wilfred'S Group Of Colleges Jaipur - College St. Wilfred'S Group Of Institutions, Mumbai - College St. Xavier's College, Bardez - College St. Xavier's College, Mumbai - College St. Xavier's College, Ranchi - College St. Xavier's University - University St.ann's College for Women - College Stani Memorial PG College - College Starex University | Gurgaon | Haryana - University State Institute of Hotel Management - Institute State University of Performing and Visual Arts - University Stella Maris College (SMC) - College Stella Matutina College of Education, Chennai - College Subharti College of Management & Information Technology - College Subharti University | Meerut - University Sujatha Degree and PG College for Women - College Sumandeep Vidyapeeth - University Sunder Deep Group of Institution - College Sunder Deep International Institute Of Hotel Management - Institute Sunderdeep College Of Architecture - College Sunrise University - University Super King Teacher's Training College, Jaipur - College Surajmal Agarwal Private Kanya Mahavidyalaya - College Surajmal College of Engineering & Management - College Surana Evening College of Commerce and Management - College Surendranath College Kolkata - College Suresh Gyan Vihar University - University Suri Vidyasagar College - College Surya Baksha Pal Smarak Mahavidyalaya - College Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya - College Suryamukhi Dinesh Ayurved Medical College And Hospital - College Susana Methodist Girls B.Ed College - College Sushant School of Art and Architecture - College Sushant School of Art and Architecture - College SVPUAT College of Biotechnology - College SVR College of Commerce and Management Studies - College Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agriculture University - University Swami Rama Himalayan University - University Swami Sarvanand Institute Of Management & Technolog - Institute Swami Shraddhanand College, Delhi - College Swami Vivekanand Puri Madhyamic Vidhyalaya - College Swami Vivekanand University - University Swami Vivekananda Group of Institutions , Kolkata - College Swami Vivekananda Post Graduate Block of A.P.Bahuguna Government PG College - College Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana - University Swarnim Gujarat Sports University - University Swarnim Startup & Innovation University - University Swasthya Kalyan Group Of Colleges, Jaipur - College Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai - College Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies - College Symbiosis International University - University Symbiosis Law School - College Symbiosis Skills and Open University - University Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences (SUAS) - University T S Narayanaswami College of Arts and Science - College T.D. Medical College - [TDMC], Alappuzha - College Tagore Biotech College, Jaipur - College Tagore PG Girls College, Jaipur - College Take One School of Mass Communication - College Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University - University Tamil Nadu Fisheries University - University Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University - University Tamil Nadu Open University - University Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University - University Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University - University Tamil University - University Tamilnadu Agricultural University - University Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University - University Tamilnadu National Law School - University Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University - University Tanishk College of Education - College Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya - College Tantia University - University TANUVAS - Tamilnadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University - University Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - University Tata Institute of Social Sciences - University TCIL-IT Education & Training - College Teachers Academy Group of Institution - College TeamLease Skills University - University Tech Mentro - College Techno Global University - University Techno Global University Madhya Pradesh - University Techno India Group of Institutions - College Techno India University - University Teerthanker Mahaveer University - University Telangana University - University TERI School of Advanced Studies - College TERI University - University Texcity College of Arts and Science - College Tezpur University - University Thanthai Roever Institute Of Agriculture And Rural Development - Institute Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology University Patiala - University The Bengal Engineering & Science University - University The Bhawanipur Education Society College (TBESC) - College The Daas College Of Management & Technologies - College The Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education - College The Delhi School of Communication - College The Global Open University - University The Govind Guru Tribal University - University The Home Science College, Madurai - College The Hotel School - College The ICFAI FOUNDATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION - University The ICFAI University Jharkhand - University The ICFAI University Uttrakhand - University The ICFAI University, Tripura - University The ICFAI University,Mizoram - University The ICFAI University,Nagaland - University The Indian Society Of International Law - College The Indira Gandhi National Tribal University - University The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University - University The National Degree College Jayanagar - College The Northcap University - University The Oxford College of Business Management - College The Oxford College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore - College The Oxford Institutions, Bangalore - College The Sanskrit College and University - University The West Bengal National University of Juridical Science - University Theophilus College of Nursing Devagiri, Kottayam - College Thiruvalluvar University - University Thrissur Govt. Medical College, Thrissur - College Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University - University Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth - University Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University - University Times Business School - College Times School of Journalism - College TKWs Retail School - College TMI Academy of Travel, Tourism and Aviation Studies - Institute TMI Academy of Travel, Tourism and Aviation Studies - College TMM College of Nursing - [TMMCN], Tiruvalla - College Transdisciplinary University - University Travancore College of Nursing - [TMC], Kollam - College TRC Law College - College Treat Aviation Institute - Institute Tribhuvan Singh Harihar Singh PG College - College Tripura University - University Triveni Devi Bhalotia College - College Trytoon Academy, Bhubaneswar - College Tumkur University - University TVS Teacher Training Academy, Madurai - College Uday Memorial B. Ed. College - College UEI Global Group of Institutions - College UEI Global, Dehradun - College UEI Global, Delhi, - College Uei-global - College UKA Tarsadia University - University Uluberia College - College Umiya Arts and Commerce College for Girls, Ahmedabad - College United College of Engineering & Research - College United Institute of Management - Institute United School Of Business - College Unity Degree College, Lucknow - College Unity Law College - College Unity Law College - College Universal Group of Institutions - Institute Universal Institute of Computers and Technology - UICT - Institute Universal School of Administration - College Universal School Of Biosciences - College University of Agricultural Sciences Karnataka - University University of Calcutta - University University of Engineering & Management - University University of Engineering & Management Kolkata - University University of Gour Banga - University University of Horticultural Sciences - University University of Hyderabad - University University of Jammu - University University of Mumbai - University University Of Mysore - University University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - University University of Science and Technology,Meghalaya - University University of Solapur - University University Of Technology - University University of Technology and Management,Meghalaya - University UOU - Uttarakhand Open University - University UP Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidhyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan - University UPES, College of Legal Studies - College UPRTOU - UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University - University Usha Martin University - University Utkal University - University Utkal University of Culture - University Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya - University Uttarakhand Ayurved University - University Uttarakhand Sanskrit University - University Uttarakhand Technical University - University Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital - College Uttaranchal ayush medical college and hospital - College Uttaranchal College of Education - College Uttaranchal College of Science and Technology Dehradun - College Uttaranchal Institute of Management - College Uttaranchal University - University V.V. College of Arts and Commerce - College Vardhaman College Bijnor - College Vardhman Mahaveer Open University - University Varun Dhaka Institute of Technology, New Delhi - College Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agricultural University - University Vasavi Group Of Institutions, Bangalore - College Vastu Kala Academy College of Architecture, New Delhi - College Veer Bahadur Singh Government Degree College - College Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University - University Veer Kunwar Singh University - University Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU) - University Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology - University Veera College of Engineering - College Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology - University Velankanni Matha College of Nursing - [VMCN], Kottayam - College Vellore Institute of Technology - University Vels University - University Venkateshwara Open University - University VES College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Vidya Bhavan College of Education - College Vidya College of Engineering - College Vidya College of Engineering - College Vidya Prasarak Mandal Advanced Study Centre, Thane - Institute Vidya Prasarak Mandal RZ Shah College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Vidya Sanskaar Degree College, Bangalore - College Vidyabharathi Group of Institutions, Cochin - College Vidyajyoti College of Theology - College Vidyalankar School of Information Technology - College Vidyasagar College For Women - College Vidyasagar Evening College - College Vidyasagar University - University Vidyavati Mukand Lal Girls College - College Vikas College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Vikas Night College of Arts Science and Commerce - College Vikram University - University Vikrama Simhapuri University - University Villa Marie College for Women - College Vinayaka Missions Sikkim University - University Vinoba Bhave University - University Vishveshwarya Group Of Institutions - Institute Vishwakarma University - University Vishwas College of Education - College Vision Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi - College Visva Bharati University - University Visvesvaraya Technological University - University Viswass College of Social Work, Bhubaneswar - College VIT Bhopal University - University Vivek College of Education - College Vivek College of Law - College Vivekanand College, New Delhi - College Vivekananda College, Delhi - College Vivekananda College, Madurai - College Vivekananda Degree College - College Vivekananda Degree College, Hyderabad - College Vivekananda Global University - University Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya - College VLCC Institute - Institute VSKUB - Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University - University West Bengal State University - University West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences - University West Bengal University of Health Sciences - University West Bengal University of Teachers - University Westford College of Nursing - [WCN], Thrissur - College White Memorial Educational Society, College of Physiotherapy, Chennai - College Wilfred Group Of Colleges, Jaipur - College William Carey University - University Wilson College, Mumbai - College Winsoft Technologies - College Wlci Bangalore, Bangalore - College WLCI Fashion College, Mumbai - College Wlci Kolkata, Kolkata - College Wlci Mumbai, Mumbai - College Wlci School of Fashion, Kolkata - College WLCI, New Delhi - College World College of Technology and Management - WCTM - College Woxsen School of Arts and Design, Hyderabad - College XIM University - University Yashwantrao Chavan Institute Of Science, Satara - Institute YBN University | Ranchi (Jharkhand) - University YCMOU -Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University - University Yenepoya University - University YMCA University of Science & Technology - University YMS Degree College - College Yogi Vemana University - University Zakir Husain Delhi College - College Zakir Husain Post Graduate Evening College - College Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology - College Zee Institute of Creative Art - ZICA - Institute [YSP] - Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry - University `Lucknow Christian Training College, Lucknow - College