Updated On - April 5th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


Teerthanker Mahaveer University Admission 2024-25:- This university is located in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. The short name of this university is TMU. University released the application form for admission in 2024. the many courses in undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses. This university conducts the entrance exam for all courses.

Teerthanker Mahaveer University Latest Updates

  • TMU University Admission 2024-25 is ongoing for the UG and PG courses. 28 April 2024 is the last date to apply for University Admission 2024. The applicants can submit the application form online at the official website before the deadline.
  • Check TMU Admission 2024-25 online registration form.

TMU Admission 2024-25

This University is established in 2008 years. This is the Jain Minority State Private University. This university has 15 on-campus colleges and 7 independent teaching departments. Candidates can download the application from the university official. The candidate can fill the application form before the last date for admission.

The candidate can take the admission on admission cell in the university. The fee of the application form is Rs.600. If the candidate takes the admission online then-candidate needs to send the Demand Draft to favor of the  Teerthanker Mahaveer University payable at Moradabad.

TMU UG Admission 2024

The TMU University application form for UG admissions is released on its official website. The students who are willing to enroll in any of the UG courses are needed to have completed the 12th class by having more than 55% marks from a government-recognized institution.

The process of admission in the UG courses is based on the merit list prepared by the university, either based on the scores of students in the entrance exam or in the 12th class. Admission to BTech and BSc is conducted based on the scores of students in JEE or UPSEE Exam.

B.Sc. (Radiological Imaging Techniques)
B.Sc. (Medical Laboratory Techniques)
B.Optom. (Bachelor of Optometry)
B.Sc. (Forensic Sciences)

TMU PG Admission 2024

The admission at PG level is based on the performance in the entrance examination. For getting admission to the university, the students must have completed the UG level education while having more than 55% marks from a university that UGC recognizes for completing the eligibility for the application form.

The MBA admission in the university is made based on the scores of students in the CAT, MAT or CMAT exam.

TMU Courses Admission 2024-25

CourseBatch StartBatch End

TMU Admission 2024-25  Last Date

Online Application FormTo be announced
Admission Last DateTo be announced

TM University Moradabad Application Form 2024-25 

This university provides graduation courses, post-graduation courses, and doctoral level courses. The Teerthanker Mahaveer University Admission 2024 depends on the entrance exams. The candidate who qualifies for the entrance exam is applicable for admission to this university. If the candidate takes admission in undergraduate then the candidate should pass the 12th class from a recognized board. And for admission in postgraduation, the candidate required a bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

How To Apply On Application Process Of TMU

Step-1 Visit the official website. (http://tmu.ac.in/)

Step-2 Students have to click on the link.

Step-3 Fill in all the details related to the criteria.

Step-4 Applicant must upload a scanned image and signature.

Step-5 Before the submission check all the information.

Step-6 After that click on the submit button.

Step-7 A candidate has to pay the application amount online.

Step-8 After complete all the formality please collect the receipt.

TMU Required Documents 

  • Qualifying Exam Scorecard
  • DOB Certificate
  • Photo ID Proof
  • Migration Certificate
  • Caste Certificate
  • Admit Card
  • 10th and 12th Marksheet
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Category Certificate

TMU value Added courses

#Name of the Value-added Course/sCourse CodeCollege / DepartmentBrochure / Course Content
1Advanced Airway SkillsVACM01Medical College & Research CentreBrochure & Course Content
2Fundamental of Computers and MS WordTVAC118Dental College & Research CentreBrochure & Course Content
3Cone Beam Computed Tomography – A Dental Imaging RevolutionVACD01Brochure & Course Content
4Lasers in DentistryVACD02Brochure & Course Content
5Basic Life SupportVACD03Brochure & Course Content
63D PrintingVACD04Brochure & Course Content
7Students’ English Capacity Enhancement ProgramVACD05Brochure & Course Content
8Critical Thinking and Reasoning AbilityVACD06Brochure & Course Content
9Basics of Data AnalyticsVACD07Brochure & Course Content
10Smile Aesthetics BiostatisticsVACD08Brochure & Course Content
11Innovation in Modern Endodontic Rotary EndoVACD09Brochure & Course Content
12Basic Life Support (BLS)TVAC105College of NursingBrochure & Course Content
13Advance cardiac life support (ACLS)TVAC106Brochure & Course Content
14Basic Surgical Nursing Skills (BSNS)VAC-01Brochure & Course Content
15Management of Common EmergenciesVAC-02Brochure & Course Content
16Evidence Based Practice in NursingVAC-03Brochure & Course Content
17Quality Assurance & Standards in NursingVAC-04Brochure & Course Content
18Basics of Forensic NursingVAC-05Brochure & Course Content
19Essentials of Restorative Care (ERC)VAC-06Brochure & Course Content
20Psychological First AidVAC-07Brochure & Course Content

TMU Entrance Examinations

JEE Main





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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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