Updated On - March 26th 2025, Updated By - Danish

Courses & Fees

Bundelkhand University Fee Structure 2025-26: Bundelkhand University provides many Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs such as B.Sc, BA, M.Com, M.Phil, BFC, MFA, LLB, BCA, B.Tech, MBA and more. University has made some changes in its fee structure for 2025-26, which is now economical for the students. Students can know more information about Bundelkhand University fee structure 2025-26 by visiting the Official website of the University.

Jhansi is home to the Bundelkhand University and the university was established in 1975. Bundelkhand is a deemed university, recognized by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and approved by AICTE, and also a UGC-authorized university.

Bundelkhand University Fee Structure 2025-26 

B.Lib.I.Sc1 YrRs 16,000/-
BA (Hons.)3 YrsRs 18,150/-
M.Lib.I.Sc1 YrRs 25,000/-
Executive Programme3 YrsRs 19,500/-
MAE2 YrsRs 20,000/-
Post Graduate Diploma1 YrRs 28,000/-
B.Sc4 YrsRs 45,150/-
M.T.T.M2 YrsRs 38,000/-
M.Com2 YrsRs 45,000/-
M.Pharm2 YrsRs 40,000/-
MFC2 YrsRs 40,000/-
MFA2 YrsRs 40,000/-
M.Phil1 YrRs 42,900/-
BSW3 YrsRs 45,000/-
LLB3 YrsRs 45,000/-
MA2 YrsRs 50,000/-
B.Ed1 YrRs 51,250/-
BA3 YrsRs 60,150/-
B.Sc (Hons.)3 YrsRs 55,650/-
B.P.Ed1 YrRs 57,200/-
BPE3 YrsRs 58,500/-
M.Sc2 YrsRs 60,000/-
BFA4 YrsRs 64,200/-
B.Com (Hons.)3 YrsRs 64,500/-
MSW2 YrsRs 65,000/-
M.Ed1 YrRs 65,000/-
BA + LLB5 YrsRs 75,000/-
BBA3 YrsRs 60,000/-
MHM2 YrsRs 1,00,000/-
LLM2 YrsRs 1,17,000/-
BCA3 YrsRs 1,17,000/-
MBA2 YrsRs 2,19,100/-
Diploma in Pharmacy2 YrsRs 1,20,000/-
B.El.Ed4 YrsRs 1,40,000/-
BHM4 YrsRs 1,60,000/-
MCA3 YrsRs 1,78,500/-
BPT4 Yr 5 monthsRs 1,80,000/-
B.Pharm4 YrsRs 2,40,000/-
B.Tech4 YrsRs 2,68,200/-
B.Arch5 YrsRs 4,72,750/-

BU UG Courses Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
B.Com. (Hons)  10+2 with Commerce/Science with Math Stream with 45% in aggregate₹45,550
B.Ed. Graduation or PG in any discipline with 50% marks in aggregate₹45,830
B.El.Ed  10+2 with 50% marks in aggregate₹45,850
B.Lib.Sc  Graduation or PG degree in any discipline₹45,810
B.P.Ed  Graduation with 45% marks in aggregate₹18,870
BFA Commercial Arts10+2 in any group with 45% marks in aggregate₹18,810
BFA Drawing & Painting10+2 in any group with 45% marks in aggregate₹18,790
BPES  Pass in 10+2₹18,850
BPT  10+2 with PCB with minimum 17 years of age₹18,830
LLB  Graduation in any discipline, with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,790

BU PG Courses Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibility CriteriaFee
B.Arch  10+2 with Mathematics with min. 50% aggregate marks (as per COA norms)₹67,230
B.Pharm  10+2 with Physics & Chemistry along with Mathematics with min. 50% marks in aggregate₹67,190
B.Tech Biomedical Engg50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects₹67,170
B.Tech Biotech Engg50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as main subjects₹67,130
B.Tech Computer Science Engg50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects₹67,090
B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects₹67,050
B.Tech Food Tech50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects₹67,150
B.Tech Instrumentation Engg50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects₹67,070
B.Tech Mechanical Engg50% marks in 10+2, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects₹67,110
BHMCT  10+2 in any discipline with 50% marks₹67,210

BU B.Sc Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
B.Sc. Agriculture10+2 Science/Ag with 45% in aggregate₹18,670
B.Sc. Bio group10+2 PCB group₹18,690
B.Sc. Biochemistry (Hons.)10+2 (PCB/PCM) with 50% in aggregate₹18,610
B.Sc. Biomedical Science (Hons.)10+2 with Bio/Chemistry with 45% marks₹18,730
B.Sc. Biotechnology (Hons.)10+2 (PCB) with 50% in aggregate₹18,630
B.Sc. Forensic Science (Hons.)10+2 Science with 50% marks in aggregate₹18,750
B.Sc. Geology (Hons.)10+2 Science with 45% in aggregate₹18,570
B.Sc. Home Science10+2 Science/Arts₹18,550
B.Sc. Home Science10+2 Science/Arts₹18,770
B.Sc. Math group10+2 PCM group₹18,710
B.Sc. Math, Statistics & Comp Sc10+2 Science (Math) with 45% in aggregate₹18,590
B.Sc. Microbiology (Hons.)10+2 (PCB) with 50% in aggregate₹18,650

BU M.Sc Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
M.Ed  B.Ed or B.El.Ed with 50% marks in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. (Ag) Agricultural ExtensionB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. (Ag) AgroforestryB.Sc. Ag/Botany/Silvi/Forestry with 45% in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. (Ag) AgronomyB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. (Ag) Animal Husbandry & DairyingB.Sc. Ag/Zoology/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. (Ag) EconomicsB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. (Ag) EntomologyB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. (Ag) Genetics & Plant BreedingB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. (Ag) HorticultureB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. (Ag) Plant PathologyB.Sc. Ag/Botany with 45% in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. (Ag) Seed TechnologyB.Sc. Ag/Botany/Seed Tech with 45% in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. (Ag) Soil Science & Agricultural ChemistryB.Sc. Ag/Chemistry with 45% in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. Ayurveda and Alternative MedicineB.Sc. BioMedical Sc./Bio Chem./ Chem./Micro Bio with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. BiochemistryB.Sc. Chemistry /Life Sc. or equivalent with 50% in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. Biomedical ScienceB.Sc. Bio/Chem with 50% marks₹45,830
M.Sc. BiotechnologyB.Sc. Biology/Life Sc or equivalent with 50% in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. BotanyB.Sc. Botany/App Botany with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. ChemistryB.Sc. Chemistry with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. ElectronicsB.Sc. Physics/Electronics/ Computer Science with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. Environmental ScienceB.Sc. (Env./Bio/Geo/Ag/Chem Forestry/Allied Sciences) with 45% marks₹45,810
M.Sc. Food & NutritionB.Sc. Home Science with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. Food Science & TechnologyGraduation with Food Tech./ Ag/Bio/Maths or equivalent with 45% in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. Forensic ScienceB.Sc. (Bio/Maths) or Equiv with 50% marks in aggregate₹45,830
M.Sc. GeologyB.Sc. in any discipline with 45% in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. Home Science (HDFS)B.Sc. Home Science with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. MathematicsB.Sc. Math with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. MicrobiologyB.Sc. Biology/Life Sc or equivalent with 50% in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. PhysicsB.Sc. Physics with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,850
M.Sc. Statistics with Computer ProgrammingB.Sc. (Maths)/B.C.A./B.Sc. (C.S./I.T.) with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,810
M.Sc. ZoologyB.Sc. Bio with 45% marks in aggregate₹45,830

BU Ph.D. Fee Structure 2025-26

Course name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
Ph.D. AgroforestryPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,790
Ph.D. AgronomyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,710
Ph.D. BiochemistryPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,470
Ph.D. Biomedical SciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,410
Ph.D. BiotechnologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,390
Ph.D. BotanyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,330
Ph.D. ChemistryPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,290
Ph.D. CommercePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,570
Ph.D. Computer SciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,370
Ph.D. Defense StudyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,230
Ph.D. EconomicsPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,150
Ph.D. EducationPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,610
Ph.D. EnglishPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,170
Ph.D. EntomologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,690
Ph.D. Environmental SciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,450
Ph.D. Fine ArtsPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,810
Ph.D. Food TechnologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,530
Ph.D. Forensic SciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,510
Ph.D. Genetics and Plant breedingPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,730
Ph.D. GeographyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,090
Ph.D. GeologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,430
Ph.D. HindiPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,070
Ph.D. HistoryPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,190
Ph.D. Home SciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,250
Ph.D. HorticulturePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,750
Ph.D. Hotel Management and TourismPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,590
Ph.D. LawPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,670
Ph.D. Library and Education SciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,630
Ph.D. Management StudiesPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,550
Ph.D. Mass CommunicationPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,650
Ph.D. MathematicsPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,350
Ph.D. MicrobiologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,490
Ph.D. PharmacyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,770
Ph.D. PhysicsPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,270
Ph.D. Political sciencePostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,050
Ph.D. PsychologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,210
Ph.D. SanskritPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,130
Ph.D. SociologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,110
Ph.D. ZoologyPostgraduate degree in the related subject with 55% marks.₹67,310

Courses Offered by Bundelkhand University


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