Updated On - November 27th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


The Sanskrit College and University Admission 2024-25: Sanskrit College and University Admission 2024 will start soon by the university. is a state university located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It focuses on liberal arts, offering an undergraduate degree in Sanskrit language, Pali language, linguistics and ancient Indian and world history. It is a government college and was established in 1824. University provides higher education to the younger generation. Sanskrit College and UniversityThe campus is set up in 15 acres area.  The foundation of Sanskrit College was laid during the British regime based on a recommendation by HT James Prinsep and Thomas Babington Macaulay. Sanskrit College and University admission 2024-25 date will be announced soon.

Sanskrit College and University Admission Highlight

University NameThe Sanskrit College and University
University TypeState
Accredited byUGC
LocationCollege Square, Kolkata, West Bengal 700073
Campus Area15 Acres
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
Accommodation FacilityFor both (Boys & Girls)
Vice-ChancellorPaula Banerjee
Courses OfferedMA, BA, etc.
Founded In1824
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance LearningYes
Wikipedia Page Click Here

Sanskrit College and University Latest Update

  • Notice for Ph.D interview of Department of Sanskrit to be held on 5th and 6th April,2024

Sanskrit College and University Kolkata Admission 2024

Sanskrit College and University admission 2024 for UG & PG Courses, this university provides the UG Programme, PG programme, and the PhD programme also. The university announced the registration for the Sanskrit College and University admission 2024-25 session. candidate can check all information like as application process, eligibility criteria, and other information on the university website. Sanskrit College and University admission 2024-25 will be merit-based.

Sanskrit College and University Admission 2024 Eligibility Criteria

Sanskrit60% in Sanskrit60
T.O.L (in each specialization)50% in Sanskrit25
Linguistics50% in Aggregate30
Bengali60% in Sanskrit40
Pali50% in Aggregate30
Philosophy50% in Aggregate40
English70% in English40
AIWH50% in Aggregate30

Main Features

Sanskrit College and University have a central library. Where references books, textbooks, and traditional books are available. University also provides the students, foreign students. The means of the foreign students who have the passport of another company. Sanskrit College and University Admission 2024-25 date will announce soon.

Under Graduate Courses

Sanskrit College and University Admission 2024-25 UG Courses:

Post Graduate Course

Sanskrit College and University Admission 2024-25 PG Courses:



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