Updated On - December 1st 2023, Updated By - Aksh


SAHE Result:- This Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education provides all the courses related to the medical. For this students have to appear in the entrance examination for admission. According to the University record Undergraduate courses exam conducted in the month of January and the Postgraduate courses exam conducted in the month of June. After the examination University provides results via online mode on the official website. Students are advised to follow the official website to know all the details about the exam, results.

Sri Siddhartha University Result 2024-25

Official Website:www.sahe.in
Result DeclarationAvailable Soon
Email :info@sahe.in
Address:Agalakote, B.H. Road Tumkur - 527107 Karnataka , India
University TypeDeemed
UG Courses -
PG Courses -
Diploma Courses : -
Other Courses : -

About the Result Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education

The University released the SAHE Result on the month of July and August. Students get their result at different dates for all courses such as UG/PG/PG Diploma course. Mostly all the result are available on PDF format. No other procedure work on it to gain the result. While the downloading the result students have to enter their enrollment and student name. The result of MBBS Phase-I, II, III (Part 1 & 2) and BDS I, II, III, & IV years is released separately on the website of the university.

Here we mention the direct link to download the results. (Click Here)

How to check out the Result?

  • Students have to visit the official website of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education.
  • Click on the link of the SAHE Result. (Click Here)
  • Select the course with the code.
  • Enter the particular details to access the result.
  • The result is available in PDF format.
  • At the last students are advised to take some print out of the result.

Courses Wise Results Links 

 MBBS Phase-I Revised(Click Here)
 MBBS Phase-I(Click Here)
MBBS Phase-II(Click Here)
MBBS Phase-III (Part-I)(Click Here)
MBBS Phase-III (Part-II)(Click Here)
BDS I Year(Click Here)
 BDS II Year(Click Here)
BDS III Year(Click Here)
 BDS IV Year(Click Here)
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