Updated On - December 8th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Sri Siddhartha University Fee Structure 2024-25: It is a Deemed University and set up in 2008. This university is located in Tumkur, Karnataka, India.
Get detailed information about Sri Siddhartha University's latest Fee structure 2024-25.

Sri Siddhartha University Fee Structure 2024-25

BDS4 Yrs2,063,000
MDS3 Yrs2,357,250
M.C.A3 Yrs255,000
DIPLOMA2 Yrs3,771,500
M.S3 Yrs5,657,250
M.D3 Yrs6,857,250
B.E4 Yrs674,000
MBBS5 Yrs 6 Months7,828,750
PG DIPLOMA2 Yrs885,900
M.TECH2 Yrs200,000

SSU M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
M.Sc. (By Research) Engineering Faculty MDS degree25,30,000

SSU Ph.D. Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
Ph.D. Dental MDS degree1290060
Ph.D. Engineering Faculty Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology 1290000
Ph.D. General Science M.Sc. Degree in Physics, Chemistry1290020
Ph.D. Medical MD/MS, MRCP/FRCS1290040

Courses Offered by Sri Siddhartha University


About Sri Siddhartha University:

Sri Siddhartha Medical College (SSMC) was started in the year 1988 by Sri Siddhartha Educational Society (SSES). The Medical College and the hospital are located on the outskirts of Tumkur city – 6 km from the city amidst green field in a vast campus of 350 acres of the side of Bangalore – Honnavar national highway and it is just 76 km from Bangalore city connected by road and railway.

The college was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. After the Medical Council of India and the then Karnataka state government-run under the Chief Minister Ramakrishna Hegde had declined the permission to set up the college, the Supreme Court of India had given the signal to go ahead in mid-1989. Dr. Jagdish Chaturvedi, an ENT specialist, and a serial Medtech innovator completed his undergraduate studies at this institute.

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