Updated On - December 8th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Sri Siddhartha University was established in year 2008.
Admission to MBBS and BDS candidate must have passed 12th in physics, chemistry, and biology/biotechnology and English. with a minimum of 50% marks taken from together physics, chemistry and biology in any recognized institute/university .merit list prepared on the basis of marks NEET. Candidate must have to need  appeared in NEET examination.
Yes , University provides accommodation facility for both boys and girls .
University is located in B.H. Road, Agalakote, Tumkur, Karnataka 527107 .
Sri Siddhartha university placement is very awesome and active. the university placement cell is providing various types of a company like medical department, engineering department, and research level company have to visit for every year and hired who are suitable for placement from every branch.

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