Updated On - December 20th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Admission 2024-25: 07 October 2024 is the last date to fill out the application form for admission to numerous courses that are offered by Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. Interested Students must complete the application form by fulfilling the required details on the admission portal. Candidates must have to qualify for the entrance test conducted by the university. In this article, we have mentioned the complete information regarding the admission process of the university.

SSVV is a government university famous for Sanskrit Literature. It was established in 1791. This higher education's premier institute provides a variety of courses such as Shastri-Pratham and Acharya-Pratham, among others. It is well-known for its mission of promoting universal ideals and ethical culture. 

SSVV Admission 2024-25 Updates

  • The deadline is 07 October 2024 to apply for various specialized courses at Sampurnanand Sanskrit University. Source

SSVV Admission 2024-25

Sampurnanand Sanskrit University (SSVV) fresh admission has started for undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) level programmes for the current session. 07 October 2024 is the last date to apply for SSVV Admission 2024-25. By going to www.ssvv.ac.in, students can complete the registration process.

There are many colleges affiliated, and courses are offered at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It has various faculties like the Veda-Vedanga Faculty, Sahitya Sanskriti Faculty, Faculty of Philosophy, Sramana Vidya Faculty, and Adhunika Gyan Vijyana Faculty.

The minimum score for undergraduate courses is 10+2. Postgraduate studies require at least a graduate degree. The institute's UG Diploma program is available to students who have a 10+2 fundamental admission. Students must also graduate to enrol in PG Diploma programs. Admission to all courses is based on merit. An undergraduate degree must have an aggregate grade point average of 45 per cent.

The admissions process at SSVV in 2024 is based on merit and an entrance test. Application for enrollment in the academic year 2024-25 must be made online. The University authority has announced the admission date for UG & PG courses.

SSVV UG Admission 2024-25

SSVV UG Admission 2024-25 in Sampurnanand Sanskrit University is based on the entrance test and merit list procedure. SSVV UG Admission 2024-25 process differs based on the courses as for the admission to the B.Ed course, and the university looks for the results of applicants in the state-level entrance exam. The university announces a merit list on its website for admission to BA after the application process is completed. The institution offers the BA Shastri course for three years; admission to the course is allocated to the students who meet the minimum requirements for admission. 07 October 2024 is the last date to apply at SSVV.

SSVV PG Admission 2024-25

Sampurnanand Sanskrit University PG Admission offers more than 20+ PG courses offered under various specializations. All the students interested in getting admission to the PG courses offered by the institution must apply for admission by visiting the university's official website. The university asks for the results of a state-level entrance exam for admission to the MEd course. For the MA Acharya, admission is done based on the merit list prepared by the university.

For SSVV PG Admission 2024-25 to MA Acharya, the applicants must have completed their graduation course with a minimum of 55% marks from a UGC-recognized institution. The deadline is 07 October 2024 to apply at SSVV.

SSVV Admission 2024-25 Last Date

Online application formOngoing
Last date of application form07 October 2024

SSVV Application Form 2024-25

Eligible and interested candidates are entitled to fill out the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University online Form offline mode. To receive offline applicants, you must visit the Sanskrit University Road, Jaipur Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Administrative Office. The SSU admission form completes your required details & photographs attached, copies of the certificates, and must then be submitted with the application fee to the Administrative Board. Keep printed copies of SSU admission 2024. The application form is available on the official website of the university where students need to first fill in the registration fees on the official website of it. 

SSVV Application Form for BEd courses is Rs 400. Whereas for registration to Sampurnanand Sanskrit University UG Courses, the students will have to pay Rs 300.

Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Courses Admission & Fee Structure

CourseBatch StartBatch EndFees
BA (English)20242026Rs 24,500
BA (Fine Arts)20242026Rs 26,500
BA (Foreign Trade and Practice)20242026Rs 27,500
BCom (Bachelor of Commerce)20242026Rs 42,806
BSc (Bachelor of Science)20242026Rs 47,000
BSc Chemistry20242026Rs 42,500
BSc Physics20242026Rs 44,000

SSVV Admission Process 2024-25

  • Interesting Candidate Registration and application process is completely online. (http://www.ssvv.ac.in/)
  • Students have to fill up the Application form completely and correctly.
  • After filling out the Application form click on the "Submit Button".
  • Students can pay the Application fee online by credit/Debit card.
  • Students have to take the printout of the filled Application form for the future.

Required Documents For Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Admission 

  • 10th Mark-sheets
  • 12th Pass certificate
  • Category Certificate
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Admission Test Hall ticket
  • Income Certificate
  • Character Certificate

Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Entrance Exam 

Sampurnanand Sanskrit University chooses students for admission to PhD courses after attending and qualifying for the online test. It is conducted in two sessions. One is morning and another is evening. Students will receive the admit card online only and need not to visit the university campus.

Contact Details for Sampurnanand Sanskrit University Admission:

Address: Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Pin Code:– 221002

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