Updated On - December 1st 2020, Updated By - shubham


Calicut University Placement: Opportunities are given to companies from all over the country or from India to the applicants. The career development cell works with the industry bringing the students the different kind of employment opportunities.  The organisation changes every year and students have a lot of options in the off-campus as well. There is no gap between the faculty and the students. All applicants who have good marks are selected for the high post in various companies. The University has a very old record of the Jobs placement. If the records of previous to previous records are seen, then almost all the students have been given jobs. Opportunities are given to companies from all over the country or from India to the applicants.

Top jobs placement in Top Companies 

  • Infosys
  • Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)
  • Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd.
  • Tech Mahindra

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