Updated On - December 4th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


The students are transferred from one college which is based on the bases of merit and the consideration is taken into account with the percentage of marks attained in the examination to be qualified as well as the experience is approved. The applicants should have done the completion of course of first year which is satisfying and appearing for the examination and eligibility for the promotion of second year is for the inter University transfer. Additionally, the applicants are getting transferred which are requisite for appearing and passing in the additional subjects in the year of examination of the university for transfering the syllabus/ schemes of examination year for the time of transfer of both the universities. The students are advised on this particular matter for the time of admission. The marks attained in these specific subjects is not particularly carried over for the classification. For ST/SC applicants one seat from each branch is reserved and in some cases no particular applicants are there for transfering. The allotment of seats is on the merit bases for the applicants. The students who want to transfer the application in the plain paper, the marks are seated in attained in the examination to be qualified, experience specified in number of years, valid reasons which are transfered to the registrar through the college principle. The selection of the applicants for submission of the application in the form which is prescribed by the college principle. The student on transfer will be getting admission of the final strength, which in case, must exceed the strength which is sanctioned. The rules which are general, the students applicability is for transferring the part-time B.Tech students. The transfer is in the benevolent grounds.
The inter-state university transfer is not provided to the P.G. students from the universities which are outside the state of Kerala. The transfer of the students must be affected before the closing date which is fixed by the P.G. courses admission, for the duration of specific academic year. The transfer of the students shall not be made by creating P.G. courses admission seats. The applicants must be a student whose name must have been on the roll of the college from which the transfer of the students is needed. The transfer of the students will not be affected by changing the subjects which are elective. The transfer of the students is requisite and passed in all specific examinations from the university which is not respective for the failure or success of the similar university based on the award of the degree. The branch of the study and the courses are prescribed by the university and the degree is given the awards which must be recognized as essential of the equivalent. With transfer from the university/ departments to the institutions and vice-versa, the scheme and syllabus of the courses must be similar. The students must not be provided or the persons having any particular discipline. The students are transferred by providing satisfaction of the requirements according the admission rules of this university. Additionally, the students must be provisioned consisting of the Calicut University first ordinance 1978 with relation for transfering the students.
The who are desired to be transferred from one particular college to another and the application is submitted to the registrar with the prescribed manner for such transfer. The applications must be given submission for transfering onward at the end of the academic year. The application of transfering the course duration of an academic year for transfering at the end of academic year. Specific application for transferring must be accompanied by: With written consent of the college priniciple where the student is studying. The promiss which is written of the of the admission from the principle of the college and students are getting a proposal to join. The certification is of progress which is satisfactory and fine conduct from the college principal.
In 1968, Calicut University Institute of Engineering and Technology established in India.
M.Phil / Ph.D, Master Degree Courses, Bachelor Degree Courses, PG Diploma / Diploma, Certificate Courses and also Cost Based Courses

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