Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Fee Structure 2024-25:IIST stands for the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology and It is located at Thiruvananthapuram. It is a Deemed University. This University is recognized by UGC. 

Get detailed information about IIST University's latest Fee structure 2024-25.

M.Sc2 Yrs-
M.Tech2 Yrs63,600
Ph.D3 Yrs69,900
B.Tech + MS5 Yrs1,00,000
B.Tech + M.Tech5 Yrs1,00,000
B.Tech4 Yrs3,87,200

IIST UG Courses Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityfee
B.Tech.  Aerospace Engineering65% marks for SC/ST/PD candidates96,800
B.Tech.  Aerospace EngineeringHe/she must have studied Physics, 96,820
Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.S./M.Tech.) He/she must have studied Physics,96,840

IIST M.Tech Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibilityfee
M.S. Astronomy and AstrophysicsB.Tech degree or any other degree1,00,000
M.Tech.  Aerodynamics and Flight MechanicsB.Tech degree or any other degree31,800
M.Tech.  Control SystemsB.Tech degree or any other degree31,860
M.Tech.  Digital Signal ProcessingB.Tech degree or any other degree31,880
M.Tech.  Earth System SciencesB.Tech degree or any other degree32,020
M.Tech.  GeoInformaticsB.Tech degree or any other degree32,080
M.Tech.  in Materials Science & TechnologyB.Tech degree or any other degree32,000
M.Tech.  in Power ElectronicsB.Tech degree or any other degree31,940
M.Tech.  Machine Learning and Soft ComputingB.Tech degree or any other degree32,100
M.Tech.  Optical EngineeringB.Tech degree or any other degree32,240
M.Tech.  RF and Microwave EngineeringB.Tech degree or any other degree31,900
M.Tech.  Solid State TechnologyB.Tech degree or any other degree32,260
M.Tech.  Thermal and PropulsionB.Tech degree or any other degree31,840
M.Tech.  VLSI and MicrosystemsB.Tech degree or any other degree31,920

IIST Ph.D. Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityfee
Ph.D.  Aerospace Engineering B.Tech. degree in Mechanical Engineering 23,300
Ph.D.  Avionics M.Tech. degree in Aerospace23,560
Ph.D.  Chemistry M.Sc. degree in Chemistry/Nanoscience23,620
Ph.D.  Earth and Space ScienceMSc/MSc (Tech)/ME/M.Tech 23,640
Ph.D.  Humanities M.A. degree in English Language 23,820
Ph.D.  MathematicsM.Sc. degree in Mathematics23,840
Ph.D.  Physics M.Sc.(Physics)23,960

About Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology:

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology is a government-aided institute and deemed university for the study and research of space science, located at Valiamala, NedumangadThiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It is the first university in Asia to be solely dedicated to the study and research of Outer space.

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