Updated On - December 8th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education And Research Fee Structure 2024-25: This university is a  Deemed University located in Tamaka, Kolar, Karnataka, India established in 1986.

Get detailed information about Sri Devaraj  University latest Fee structure 2024-25.

Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education Fees Structure 2024-25

M.SC (Yoga)2 Yrs80,000
Fellowship In Head & Neck Oncology2 Yrs140,000
PH.D2 Yrs240,000
PG DIPLOMA1 Yrs1,175,000
M.D3 Yrs1,200,000
DIPLOMA2 Yrs2,400,000
MBBS5 Yrs7,025,000
M.S3 Yrs9,000,000

SDUAHE B.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibility Criteriafee
B.Sc. – M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics10+2/ PUC in Science 60100
B.Sc. Medical Imaging Technology10+2/ PUC in Science 60040
B.Sc. Medical Laboratory Technology10+2/ PUC in Science 60000
B.Sc. Ophthalmic Technology & Optometry10+2/ PUC in Science 60020
B.Sc. Radio Therapy Technology10+2/ PUC in Science 60060
B.Sc. Renal Dialysis Technology10+2/ PUC in Science 60080

SDUAHE M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
M.Sc. Library and Information ScienceAny recognized degree65060
M.Sc. Master of Public HealthMBBS/MD/MS/MDS/ BHS/BAMS/BDS/BSc 65040
M.Sc. Medical Laboratory TechnologyB.Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology65020
M.Sc. Molecular Biology and Human GeneticsB.Sc. in life science/biological science65000

SDUAHE MD Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
MD AnaesthesiologyMBBS degree65280
MD AnatomyMBBS degree65080
MD BiochemistryMBBS degree65120
MD Community MedicineMBBS degree65220
MD Dermatology, Venereology, and LeprosyMBBS degree65320
MD Forensic ScienceMBBS degree65200
MD General MedicineMBBS degree65240
MD MicrobiologyMBBS degree65180
MD PaediatricsMBBS degree65260
MD PathologyMBBS degree65140
MD PharmacologyMBBS degree65160
MD PhysiologyMBBS degree65100
MD Radio-DiagnosisMBBS degree65300

SDUAHE MS Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
MS ENTMBBS degree65420
MS General SurgeryMBBS degree65340
MS Obstetrics and GynaecologyMBBS degree65360
MS OpthalmologyMBBS degree65400
MS OrthopaedicsMBBS degree65380

SDUAHE  PhD Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibility Criteriafee
PhD. AnatomyM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100000
PhD. BiochemistryM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100040
PhD. MedicineM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100100
PhD. MicrobiologyM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100080
PhD. NursingM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100200
PhD. OBGM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100120
PhD. OphthalmologyM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100160
PhD. PathologyM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100060
PhD. PhysiologyM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100020
PhD. Radio-DiagnosisM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100180
PhD. SurgeryM.Sc. in related discipline from faculty of Medicine100140

Courses Offered by Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education


About Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education:

Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research is a Deemed University located in Tamaka, Kolar, Karnataka, India. It was established as Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College in 1986 by Sri Devaraj Urs Educational Trust. It was conferred Deemed to be University status under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956 on 25 May 2007.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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