Updated On - January 5th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


SDUAHER Admission 2024-25:- University released the application form for admission. If the candidate takes admission to this university then needs to visit the university website. This university provides admission to Postgraduation and Undergraduate. SDUAHER Admission 2024 last date to apply is 01 August 2024. This university is offering admission in medical, Pathology and etc. The university offers admission to all UG and PG courses.

SDUAHER ation And Research Admission Updates

  • SDUAHER Admission 2024 is started and the last date to apply for the course is 01 August 2024. Click here

SDUAHER Admission 2024-25

Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education And Research offers medical education at all levels such as undergraduate, postgraduate, and Research scholar levels. The university follows rules declared by govt. for granting admission.

This university also offers a more demanding course that is MD-Pathology. The seats of this university the limited. The university started the admission for the session 2024-2024. The candidate can book the seat at a small rate. this university is the deemed university. this university offers admission is based on NEET (National Eligibility entrance exam) exam 2024.

SDUAHER Courses Admission 2024-25

CourseBatch StartBatch End
M.SC (Yoga)20242025
Fellowship In Head & Neck Oncology20242025
PG DIPLOMA20242024

SDUAHER Application Form 2024-25

  • An applicant has to visit the official website.(http://sduu.ac.in/)
  • Click on the registration link.
  • Students have to fill in all the information that needs in the Application form.
  • Please check the details before the submit.
  • Students have to upload some document which is required for the admission requirement.

SDUAHER Examination 2024-25 Last Date 

Issue of application formsstarted
Last date of application form01 August 2024
Announcement of Merit list (B.Sc.)To be announced
Commencement of AdmissionTo be announced
Closure of AdmissionTo be announced
Commencement of the ProgramTo be announced

SDUAHER Admission Eligibility Criteria for MBBS 2024-25

If the candidate takes the Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education And Research Admission 2024 in MBBS then-candidate needs 50% marks in the PCB subject in the qualifying subject from a recognized university. The candidate needs to clear the NEET exam for MBBS admission. The candidate must have 17 years of age according to 31st December of the MBBS admission year.

Required Documents

  • 10th Standard Pass Certificate 
  • 12th Standard Pass Certificate 
  • Character Certificate, Migration Certificate
  • photograph, signature
  • School Leaving Certificate
  • Domicile Certificate.

Note:- Students Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education And Research Admission 2024 Selection done for M.Phil and Ph.D. is done on the basis of Entrance Examination conducted by the university

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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