Updated On - November 24th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


MGAHV Admission 2024: Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University (महात्मा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय) is a Central University located in Wardha, Maharashtra, India. The university is approved by the NAAC and UGC. It was established in the year 1997. The vice-chancellor of the University is P. Shukla.

MGAHV Admission 2024 Latest Updates

  • The University will be started soon the registration process for the numerous offered programmes for the next academic year. Students can check the latest notifications on the official portal of MGAHV. Check here

MGAHV Admission 2024 Highlights

University NameMahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya (MGAHV) 
University TypeCentral
MGAHV Official Websitehttp://hindivishwa.org/
Accredited byUGC, NAAC
LocationWardha, Maharashtra
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
ChancellorKamalesh Dutt Tripathi
Vice-ChancellorProf. Rajaneesh Kumar Shukla
Accommodation FacilityFor both (Boys & Girls)
MBA FeesRs 28,750(Approx)
Founded In1997
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance LearningYes

MGAHV Admission 2024 

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya is located in Wardha, Maharashtra, and MGAHV provides various Diploma, UG, PG, and Doctoral Level Programs. The University conduct the written test examination and list the qualified candidate.

The qualified candidates can be called for the personal interview as per the schedule and make the final list is based on the candidate's performance in the personal interview round. MGAHV University displays the result on the official website of the University.

MGAHV Admission Application Form 2024

MGAHV University admission 2024 application form can be filled out when the university announces admission for the new session 2024. MGAHV will start its registration process In the last week of July. Applicants will have to attempt its entrance exam. For some courses, the admission form fee is Rs 500 and for some, it is Rs 1000. This fee is not refundable, and students can pay it only online mode.

MGAHV Admission Application Process 2024

  • Candidates can apply for the application form online or offline mode.
  • Candidates must visit the official website of MGAHV University https://hindivishwa.org/ to apply online mode and the candidate can also fill out the downloaded application form from the university website.
  • Candidates must pay the application fee for GEN and OBC candidates is Rs.300/- and Rs.200/- for SC/ST candidates as well as $25 for International candidates.

Note: For more information regarding MGAHV admission 2024 please visit the official website of the University.

The Vision of Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University to provide knowledge of various contacts and coordination between national and international languages.

MGAHV Main Feature

  • MGAHV University offers modern high-tech computer Laboratories with Wi-Fi facilities as well as equipped with multiprocessor servers and the latest Personal Computer(PC) and Networking devices.
  • The University provides a computer lab with internet facilities for the students.
  • MGAHV University provides a hostel for students. 2 hostels for boys and 1 hostel for girls with all the latest facilities.
  • The University is creating a large library and having more than one lacks books and study material for the student.
  • MGAHV University provides various games like cricket, football, basketball, etc. A student can play indoor or outdoor games.
  • Spread in an area of more than two hundred acres accommodates 8 Schools,17 departments, and 5 centers.
  • MGAHV has an MoU with the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and MSSRF.

MGAHV Scholarship

MGAHV University is a fellowship for those who pursue this university. If a candidate doing a master's degree then you will get Rs.1000 per month. If the candidate doing M.Phil then Rs.500 per month as well as Rs.800 per month for Ph.D candidates.

Apart from that MGAHV University gives guidelines to all students to get education loans various nationalized banks provide education loans with the lowest interest. the state and central government also provide various good amounts of scholarships based on the last qualifying examination.


Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya provides a good placement opportunity every year. it has provided a separate placement cell. the cell invited various different types of organizations and almost all organizations visited this university campus and they hired all eligible students. apart from this, the cell of this university is also given all required training based on campus such as group discussion, oral presentation, personal interview as well as the written test.

Faculty Member Of Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

Name of FacultyDesignation
Pro. Santosh BhadauriaProfessor
Dr. Ravindra BorkarAssociate Professor
Dr. Shambhu JoshiAssistant Professor
Dr. Amit RaiAssistant Professor
Dr. Amarendra Kumar SharmaAssistant Professor
Sandeep Madhukar SapkaleAssistant Professor
Dr. Shailesh Barji StepAssistant Professor

MGAHV Admission Contact Details

महात्मा गाँधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा

गाँधी हिल्स, पोस्ट: हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा – 442005 (महाराष्ट्र) भारत

MGAHV Facilities



The student can apply the admission form through Online or Offline mode.
Yes, The University provides the M.Phil course for the students.
The University is founded in the Year of 1997.
The Chancellor name is: Kapil Kapoor
The University offers modern high tech computer Laboratories with WI-Fi facilities and Computer Network, Library, Sports, Medical facilities.

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