Updated On - December 7th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

This was established in the year 1998. It is located in Nashik, Maharashtra. It has conducted various disciplines such as under graduation as well as post-graduation.
 Here is the fee structure of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences for the years 2024-25. Which is given below

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Fee Structure 2024-25

M.Sc2 YrsRs.1,20,000
MD3 YrsRs.1,80,000
M.Ch3 YrsRs.1,80,000
MPT2 YrsRs.1,20,000
MS2 YrsRs.1,68,000
MBBS5 YrsRs.3,00,000
MDS2 YrsRs.1,80,000

MUHS B.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Courses  SpecializationsEligibility criteriaFee
B.Sc (Optometry)     10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,000
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Anaesthesia10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,020
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Blood transfusion10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,040
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Cardiology10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,060
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Clinical Psychologist10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,080
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Community Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,100
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Cyto10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,120
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Emergency Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,140
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Endoscopy10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,160
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Forensic Medical Science10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,180
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Histopathology10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,200
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Laboratory10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,220
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology)  Neurology10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,240
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology) Operation Theatre10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,260
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology) Perfusion10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,280
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology) Plaster10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,300
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology) Radiography10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,320
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology) Radiotherapy10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,340
B.Sc (Paramedical Technology) Transfusion Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,360
B.Sc Nursing (Post Basic) Transfusion MedicineGeneral Nursing and Midwifery from a recognized instituteRs.8,400
B.Sc Nursing Transfusion MedicineGeneral Nursing and Midwifery from a recognized instituteRs.8,380
Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Therapy  Transfusion Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,460
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Transfusion Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,440
Bachelor of Physiotherapy Transfusion Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,420
Bachelor of Prosthetics Transfusion Medicine10+2 with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/BiotechnologyRs.8,1,800

MUHS M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Courses   SpecializationsEligibility CriteriaFee
M.Sc BiochemistryB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,020
M.Sc MedicalB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,000
M.Sc MedicalB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,040
M.Sc MicrobiologyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,060
M.Sc Nursing Advanced NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,180
M.Sc Nursing Community HealthB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,200
M.Sc Nursing Critical Care/Cardiovascular and thoracic nursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,240
M.Sc Nursing Education NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,400
M.Sc Nursing Gastroenterology NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,340
M.Sc Nursing HIV/AIDS Nephrology OncologyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,260
M.Sc Nursing Management NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,420
M.Sc Nursing Neurosciences NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,360
M.Sc Nursing Nursing Medical-Surgical NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,220
Courses   SpecializationsEligibility CriteriaFEE
M.Sc Nursing Obstetrics and Gynaecological NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,280
M.Sc Nursing Orthopaedic Nursing NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,380
M.Sc Nursing Paediatric NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,300
M.Sc Nursing Philosophy and GuidelinesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,460
M.Sc Nursing Psychiatric NursingB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,320
M.Sc Nursing Research and StatisticsB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,440
M.Sc PathologyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,100
M.Sc Pharmaceutical MedicineB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,120
M.Sc Speech LanguageB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,080
Master of Health Professions Education Pharmaceutical MedicineB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,140
Master of Public Health Nutrition Pharmaceutical MedicineB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,160

MUHS MD Fee Structure 2024-25

Courses   SpecializationsEligibility criteriaFEE
MD Homeopathy Homeopathic PaediatricsBHMSRs.1,80,440
MD Homeopathy Homeopathic PharmacyBHMSRs.1,80,460
MD Homeopathy Homeopathic PhilosophyBHMSRs.1,80,800
MD Homeopathy Homeopathic PsychiatryBHMSRs.1,80,500
MD Homeopathy Homeopathic RepertoryBHMSRs.1,80,520
MD Homeopathy International Post Graduate in HomeopathyBHMSRs.1,80,400
MD Homeopathy Materia MedicaBHMSRs.1,80,420
MD Homeopathy Practice of MedicineBHMSRs.1,80,540
MD Homeopathy Repertory and Case TakingBHMSRs.1,80,560

MUHS MPTh Fee Structure 2024-25

Courses  SpecializationsEligibility criteriaFee
MPTh Cardiovascular and RespiratoryB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,440
MPTh Musculoskeletal PhysiotherapyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,500
MPTh Neuro PhysiotherapyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,520
MPTh PhysiotherapyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,180
MPTh Physiotherapy CommunityB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,460
MPTh Sports PhysiotherapyB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,420

MUHS MOTh Fee Structure 2024-25

Courses  SpecializationsEligibility criteriaFee
MOTh Cardiovascular and Respiratory SciencesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,180
MOTh Community Medical SciencesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,500
MOTh DevelopmentalB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,580
MOTh DisabilitiesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,600
MOTh Mental Health SciencesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,520
MOTh Musculoskeletal SciencesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,540
MOTh NeurosciencesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,560
MPO DisabilitiesB.Sc degree in the relevant fieldRs.1,20,640

About Maharashtra University of Health Sciences:

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences is a higher education institution in Nashik District, Maharashtra, India.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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