Updated On - December 7th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Distance Education

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Distance Education Admission 2024-25

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya  Distance Education is located in Wardha, Maharashtra, and was founded in the year 1970. The University provides several Undergraduate, Postgraduate, PG diplomas, Diplomas in Yoga Studies. The courses B.A, B.Com, and BCA at UG Level program and The Program such as MBA, MCA, M.A at PG Level Program.
Eligibility Criteria
1. For the Undergraduate Program, The student must have passed 12th with 50% marks from any recognized Board/University.
2. For the Postgraduate Program, The student must have passed Bachelor's with 50%(45% for SC/ST) of marks from a recognized University/Board.
For all the programs, The Application form will be available on the University website.
Examination Fee

1.MA/MA/M.Sc. Math: One Paper - Rs.500/- More than One Paper - Rs.1000/-
2.MBA /MCA: One Paper - Rs.500/- More than One Paper - Rs.1500/-
3.PGDPM/PGDCA/MMC/PGHRD/DSY/DTG: One Paper - Rs.500/- more than one paper - Rs.1200/-

Note: For more admission information please visit the official website of the University.

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Distance Education Key Points

  • The University also provides the faculty house with accommodation and modern facilities.
  • The University provides local transport facilities like buses and cars are available at a short interval from Summer Hill to Main Town.
  • They provide the Identity card to all particular students. It will be valid for the duration of the program.
  • The University provides Internet or Wi-Fi facilities at every corner of the campus.
  • The University is approved by the UGC.
  • The University provides library facilities for the student. The Library has a rich collection of 204438 books and other materials. The Library open time from 9 AM to 8 pm.

Distance Education Courses List Available in Himachal Pradesh 


MG University Distance Education Fee Structure 2021

B.Com₹1,350 (1st Year Fees)10+2
B.Sc₹1,975 (1st Year Fees)10+2
BA₹1,350 (1st Year Fees)10+2
M.A₹2,475 (1st Year Fees)Graduation

MG University Distance Education Admit Card 2024-25

The candidate can download the admit card from the official website of the University. To download the admit card please login to the portal using the Username or password which is provided by the University. Those student wants to check/download admit cards So please visit the University website. The student must keep the admit card because, without admit card, the student can not enter the examination hall. Admit card contains all the details such as Student  Name and Course Name, Exam Center, and Exam Time.

How to Apply?

The Application form will be available on the official website of the University for the session 2024-25. Candidates can download the application form from the official website of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. All the details regarding the admission procedure are available on the University website http://www.hindivishwa.org/ Selected candidates for various Post Graduate/Certificate/Diploma Courses for the session 2018-19 are requested to deposit their admission fee for a 1st semester by downloading the challan from PAY ADMISSION(I) FEES link available on www.admissions.hpushimla.in by using their login id. The payment can be made by cash deposit  Bank through generated Fee Challan.

MG University Distance Education Contact Details

Address: Gandhi Hills, Manas Mandir P.O, Wardha, Maharashtra 442005

Contact Number: 0481-2730491/2733238.

E-mail: sde@mgu.ac.in

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