Updated On - November 24th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


MNLU Admission 2024: Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai is a National Law University located at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is the 18th National Law University established in India by The Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014, passed by the Maharashtra Legislature under the Maharashtra Act No VI of 2014. The Chancellor of the University is Sharad Arvind Bobde. campus area of the University is 21 Acres. Admission to MNLU is done through the Common Law Admission Test.

Maharashtra National Law University Admission Highlight

University NameMaharashtra National Law University-MNLU
University TypeState
Accredited byBCI, UGC 
LocationDeonar Farm Road, Deonar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400088
Campus Area21 Acres
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
ChancellorSharad Arvind Bobde
Accommodation FacilityFor both (Boys & Girls)
Vice-Chancellor‎Bhavani Prasad Panda
Courses OfferedLL.M, B.A. L.L.B,  
Founded In2014
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance LearningYes
Wikipedia Page Click Here

Maharashtra National Law University Latest Update

  • MNLU University 1 Year PG DIPR course admission last date to apply is 20th March 2024. Apply here

Maharashtra National Law University Maharashtra Admission 2024

For the academic year, 2024 the undergraduate programs - integrated for 5 years B.A. LL.B. (Hons) and on a yearly basis, LL.M at the Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai is organized and held through CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) which is based on merit.

  1. The criteria for eligibility for admission will be based on CLAT 2024.
  2. The policy of reservation of the Maharashtra Government is as follows.
  3. All particular programs are residential and full-time.
    • The MNLU Mumbai CLAT 2024 has a specific E-Brochure that can be downloaded from the website.
    • The MNLU Mumbai CLAT 2024 E-Brochure can be downloaded.
    • The categories of the full list of Maharashtra are reserved.
    • Notification for admission for the CLAT 2024.
  4. Annexure A
  5. Annexure B
  6. Annexure C
  7. Bank details
  8. Extension of date under Foreign National, NRI & NRI Sponsored category

The Maharashtra National Law University is providing advanced education in the field of law and this university creates the students future professionals and provides excellent world-class knowledge in law.

MNLU Main Features

  • Maharashtra National Law University evolving and imparting legal education which is all-inclusive of education and continuation of education which is legal at all levels for achieving excellence.
  • Evolving and imparting all-inclusive legal
  • Evolving and imparting the all-inclusive legal.
  • Organizing the advance studies for promoting research of all law branches.
  • The legal processes and legal knowledge having a role in the development of the country for organizing seminars, symposia, workshops, lectures as well as conferences.
  • Promoting legal, cultural as well as ethical values for fostering and promoting the specific rules of law and aim for preserving the Indian Constitution.
  • The ability for improving and to analyze at present for the public benefits, issues which are contemporary of public, concern and legal implications.
  • To connect with the institutions of research and higher learning in India as well as abroad.
  • Publishing treatises,  periodicals, reports, study books, and journals as well as different kinds of literature on all different kinds of subjects which are related to law.
  • The examinations and held and confer for degree and academic distinctions.
  • Promoting awareness which is legal in the community for economic, social as well as political justice.
  • For undertaking the training and studies which are related to laws, judicial and legislations institutions.
  • Different kind of things which are essential, incidental or promotive to attain all particular objectives of the University.
  • Building the cadre of legal practitioners who are rural and assisting in the justice delivery system.

Maharashtra National Law University Facilities

  • Moot Court (Law)
  • Library
  • Cafeteria
  • Hostel
  • Available facilities 
  • Sports Complex
  • Available facilities 
  • Hostel
  • Sports Complex
  • Gym
  • Hospital / Medical Facilities
  • Wi-Fi Campus
  • Shuttle Service

MNLU Award & Ranking

  • The team of Natasha Jelson Kavalakkatt, Aditya Gupta, and Jashan Merchant participated in 16th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition, 2016 organized from 22nd to 25th September 2016 at the ISIL, New Delhi. The team won the Best Memorial Award and made it to the semi-finals of the competition coming in third.
  • The team of Vrindam Nagpal, Abhishar Vidyarthi, and Sara Jain participated in USLLS 5th Indraprastha National Moot Court Competition 2016 from 23rd to 25th September 2016.
  • The team comprised Akshay Agarwal, Rutuja N, and Pragya Agarwal participated in the 4th National Human Rights Commission Moot which was held at Faculty of Law, Delhi University from 18th to 20th March 2016.
  • The team comprising of Neelabh K. Bist, Yashraj Samant and Vidit Harsulkar participated in the 7th NLU Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition, 2016 at NLU Jodhpur from 10th to 13th March 2016.
  • The team comprising of Vrindam Nagpal, NatashaJelson and Aditya Gupta participated in the 10th SP Sathe National Moot Court Competition on Criminal Law from 19th to 21st February 2016.

Maharashtra National Law University Contact Details

Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai
Post-Box No: 8401
Powai, Mumbai – 400 076

Maharashtra National Law University Facilities



Yes, The University approved by the UGC.
Yes, The University provides the accommodation facilities for the Boys and Girls.
The candidate can apply the admission form through Online or Offline mode.
The University provides the several facilities for the student following as:- 1.Cafeteria 2.Hostel 3.Sports Complex 4.GYM 5.Wi-Fi Services 6.Library
The University was established in the year of 2014.

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