Updated On - December 4th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Maharishi Dayanand University Fee Structure 2024: MDU was established in the year 1976. It is located in Rohtak, Haryana. It has conducted various disciplines such as undergraduate as well as post-graduation.

Here is the fee structure of Maharishi Dayanand University for the years 2024-25. Which is given below.

MDU Fee Updates 2024-25

  • The last date for students to submit the MDU fee 2024 is 31 August 2024.
  • The University has released the official prospect with updated courses and fee structure for the academic session 2024-25. Studnets can download the MDU fee structure 2024-25 via a direct link. Click Here

Maharishi Dayanand University Fee Structure 2024-25

CourseDurationFee (Approx)
MFA2 Yrs-
MA (Hons.)5 Yrs1,800
Post Graduate Diploma1 Yr3,084
Diploma1 Yr3,084
M.Phil1 Yr 6 months3,948
MA2 Yrs5,668
Diploma in Humanity Arts1 Yr8,000
M.P.Ed2 Yrs9,848
LLB (Hons.)3 Yrs15,131
M.Ed2 Yrs17,248
LLM2 Yrs19,774
M.Sc2 Yrs22,034
Ph.D2 Yrs30,500
M.Lib.I.Sc2 Yrs37,248
B.Com + M.Com (Hons.)5 Yrs38,720
MTM2 Yrs64,000
M.Pharm2 Yrs65,404
MBA2 Yrs78,888
B.P.Ed2 Yrs79,020
LLB5 Yrs80,000
MCA3 Yrs84,587
M.Com2 Yrs84,748
MHMCT2 Yrs88,728
B.Pharm3 Yrs1,00,308
Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management4 Yrs1,32,956
BHMCT4 Yrs1,36,956
M.Tech2 Yrs1,52,228
B.Tech4 Yrs2,83,856

MDU UG Courses Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityFee
BA (General)10+2 with 33% marks90,000
BA (Hons)10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate90,020
BBA10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate134000
BBA Business Economics10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate134020
BCA10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate122000
BHM & CT10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate300000
BJMC10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate208000
BSW Social Work10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate20200
BTTM10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate579800

MDU B.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityFee
B.Sc (General)10+2 with 45% marks120000
B.Sc (Hons)10+2 with 45% marks in aggregate120060
B.Sc Home Science10+2 with 45% marks120020
B.Sc Human Nutrition & Dietetics10+2 with 45% marks120040
B.Sc Sports Science10+2 from a recognized board or intermediate120060

MDU M.Pharm Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityFee
M.Pharm Drug Regulatory AffairsB. Pharm. with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any other examination11,457
M.Pharm Industrial PharmacyB. Pharm. with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any other examination11,397
M.Pharm Pharmaceutical ChemistryB. Pharm. with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any other examination11,437
M.Pharm PharmaceuticsB. Pharm. with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any other examination11,417
M.Pharm PharmacognosyB. Pharm. with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any other examination11,477
M.Pharm PharmacologyB. Pharm. with at least 50% marks in aggregate or any other examination11,497

MDU M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityFee
M.Sc Agricultural BiotechnologyBachelor degree in Biological Sciences with Chemistry11,057
M.Sc BiochemistryB.Sc/B.Sc (Hons.) in Biochemistry/Biotechnology11,017
M.Sc BioinformaticsBachelor degree in Biological Sciences with Chemistry11,077
M.Sc BiotechnologyBachelor degree in Biological Sciences with Chemistry11,037
M.Sc BotanyB.Sc. (Hons.) in Botany/ B.Sc. (Pass) with Botany11,117
M.Sc ChemistryB.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry/ B.Sc. (Pass) with Chemistry11,337
M.Sc Energy & Environmental ScienceB.Sc. (Hons. Or Pass) in any discipline of Sciences & Technology11,157
M.Sc Environmental BiotechnologyB.Sc. (Hons. Or Pass) in any discipline of Sciences & Technology11,177
M.Sc Environmental SciencesB.Sc. (Hons. Or Pass) in any discipline of Sciences & Technology11,137
M.Sc Food Science & TechnologyB.Sc.(Pass) degree in Medical or Non-Medical Sciences or B.Sc. (Hons.)11,217
M.Sc Food TechnologyB.Sc.(Pass) degree in Medical or Non-Medical Sciences or B.Sc. (Hons.)11,197
M.Sc Forensic ScienceB.Sc. (Forensic Science)/B.Sc. (Pass) with any of the two subjects viz11,317
M.Sc GeneticsB.Sc. (Hons.) in any of the subjects, viz., Biochemistry11,237
M.Sc MathematicsB.A./B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics/ B.A. or B.Sc. (Pass)11,357
M.Sc Medical BiotechnologyBachelor degree in Biological Sciences11,097
M.Sc Microbial BiotechnologyB.Sc. (Hons) in any of the subjects viz. Biochemistry11,257
M.Sc MicrobiologyB.Sc. (Hons) in any of the subjects viz. Biochemistry11,277
M.Sc PhysicsB.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics/ B.Sc. (Pass) with Physics and Mathematics11,377
M.Sc ZoologyB.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology/ B.Sc. (Pass) with any three of the subjects11,297

MDU PG Courses Fee Structure 2024-25

Course  SpecializationEligibilityFee
 BioinformaticsBachelor/Master degree in Life Science, Pharmacy, Medical Engineering19,460
 Biotechnology EngineeringB.E./B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electronics & Communication19,240
 Electronics & Communication EngineeringB.E./B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electronics & Communication19,220
 Manufacturing & Automation EngineeringB.E./B.Tech., or, an equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering19,260
 Mechanical EngineeringB.E./B.Tech., or, an equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering19,280
 Software EngineeringB.E./B.Tech or equivalent degree in Computer Science & Engineering19,200
 StatisticsB.A./B.Sc. (Hons. or Pass) with Statistics and/or Mathematics19,340
 TranslationBachelor degree with English and Hindi as the main subject with 45% marks19,420
LL.B (3 years)Bachelor/Master degree with minimum 45% marks in aggregate.10,541
LL.B (5 years)Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) with at least 45% marks10,561
LL.MLL.B. (Professional) Examination or an examination15,314
M.ComB. Com. (Hons. Or Pass)/BBA or B.A. with Economics3200
M.EdB.Ed. with a minimum of 50% marks.15,188
M.L.I.ScBachelor degree in any discipline from any University19,360
M.L.I.Sc (Lateral Entry)Passed 1st and 2nd Semesters of Integrated M.L.I.Sc.19,380
M.P.Ed/ M.P.E.SB.Sc. (Physical Education, Health Education & Sports)27176
M.Sc Computer ScienceBachelors/Post Graduate Degree in any discipline with minimum 50% marks19,320
M.Tech Computer Science & EngineeringB.E./B.Tech or equivalent degree in Computer Science & Engineering19,180
M.Tech  Computer ScienceMCA or M.Sc (Computer Science/IT/Software)19,300

MDU MA Fee Structure 2024-25

Course  SpecializationEligibilityFee
MA Defence & Strategic StudiesBachelor degree/ Shastri examination (New Scheme)3,154
MA Economics/Business EconomicsBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,894
MA EducationBachelor degree/ Shastri examination (New Scheme)3,074
MA EnglishBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,834
MA Fine ArtsBachelor degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks3,054
MA GeographyB.A./B.Sc. (General or Hons.) with Geography as a subject with at least 45% marks in aggregate3,034
MA HindiBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,874
MA HistoryBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,954
MA JMC/ Mass Comm.Bachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,854
MA MusicBachelor degree with Sanskrit (Elective/Compulsory)3,134
MA Political ScienceBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,914
MA Psychology/ Applied PsychologyBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,994
MA Public AdministrationBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,934
MA SanskritBachelor degree with Sanskrit (Elective/Compulsory)3,114
MA Social WorkBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate3,014
MA SociologyBachelor Degree in any discipline with at least 45% marks in aggregate2,974
MA Yoga ScienceBachelor‘s degree of three years duration with at least 45% marks3,094

MDU M.Phil Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityFee
M.Phil CommerceMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks2,656
M.Phil EducationMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks2,676
M.Phil JournalismMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks2,696
M.Phil MusicMA Music2,736
M.Phil SanskritMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks2,716

MDU Ph.D. Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibilityFee
Ph.D BiochemistryMaster’s degree with at least 55% marks in aggregate10,167
Ph.D BiotechnologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,187
Ph.D BotanyM.Phil degree (regular mode only) or a recognized equivalent degree10,207
Ph.D ChemistryMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,227
Ph.D CommerceIn the case of the Faculty of Management Sciences10,247
Ph.D Computer Science & ApplicationsIn the case of the Faculty of Management Sciences10,267
Ph.D Defence & Strategic StudiesBusiness Administration or Economics or Commerce10,287
Ph.D EconomicsPost Graduate Diploma in Management with a minimum of 55% marks10,307
Ph.D EducationPost Graduate Diploma in related subject minimum 55% marks10,327
Ph.D English & Foreign LanguagesMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,347
Ph.D Environmental SciencesMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,367
Ph.D Food TechnologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,387
Ph.D Forensic SciencesMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,407
Ph.D GeneticsMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,447
Ph.D GeographyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,427
Ph.D HindiMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,467
Ph.D HistoryMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,487
Ph.D Institute of Hotel and Tourism ManagementMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,527
Ph.D Institute of Mgt. Studies and ResearchMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,507
Ph.D Journalism & Mass CommunicationMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,547
Ph.D LawMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,567
Ph.D Library and Information ScienceMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,587
Ph.D MathematicsMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,607
Ph.D Medical Bio-TechnologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,627
Ph.D Micro  BiologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,647
Ph.D MusicMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,667
Ph.D Pharmaceutical SciencesMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,687
Ph.D Physical EducationMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,707
Ph.D PhysicsMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,727
Ph.D Political ScienceMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,747
Ph.D PsychologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,767
Ph.D Public AdministrationMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,787
Ph.D SanskritMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,807
Ph.D SociologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,827
Ph.D StatisticsMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,847
Ph.D Visual ArtsMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,867
Ph.D ZoologyMaster Degree in the relevant subject with 50% marks10,887

About Maharishi Dayanand University:

Maharshi Dayanand University (M.D. University) is a university in Rohtak, Haryana, India. It is accredited with an 'A+' grade by NAAC. Established in 1976 and named after the saint Dayananda Saraswati, the university offers courses in a number of fields of study at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels. Besides offering courses on campus & Distance mode, it is a collegiate university that provides programs through colleges, institutes, and centers throughout the region.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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