Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Kannada University Placement: On receiving the self-study report with the submission of Kannada University, Hampi (Karnataka) expressing the desires and accreditation to be accessed by NAAC.  The organization conducts and organize placement indifferent companies all over India. The students are provided with training which quantitive and qualitative. The training is provided to the students for verbal or non-verbal reasoning as well. The work is expanded with the elaboration of their dreams into reality. The students are provided with good placement all over India.

About the last, the members of the Peer Team kept in mind the objectives of the University as spelled out in the Kannada Vishwavidyalaya Adhiniyama (Karnataka Act 23 of 1991) on the basis of which the University was established, with Dr. Chandrashekhara Kambara as the Special Officer, later appointed the first Vice Chancellor of the new University. Dr. Kambar gave definite directions in which the University was to grow and progress and his successor Dr. Kalburgi translated many of his dreams into reality. The present Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Lakkappa Gowda is continuing and expanding their work with verve and tenacity, further elaborating on the dream.

On receiving the self-study report with the submission of Kannada University, Hampi (Karnataka) expressing the desires and accreditation to be accessed by NAAC.  The organization conducts and organise placement indifferent companies all over India. The students are provided with training which quantitive and qualitative. The training is provided to the students for verbal or non-verbal reasoning as well. The work is expanded with the elaboration of their dreams into reality. The students are provided with good placement all over India.

Placement Round

Every company has a pre-defined way and round for the placement. Here we define some important round that is followed by the all reported company. First round is written test second round is Group discussion and personal interview and last round is the HR round in which they discuss the salary.

Package Details
Package Average
BatchPlacementAverage PackageHighest Package
2015155.20 Lakh7.80 Lakh
2016194.80 Lakh8.00 Lakh
2017203.50 Lakh9.00 Lakh

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