Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research Fee Structure 2024-25: JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research was established in the year 1984. It is located in  Bannimantap, Mysuru, Karnataka 570015. It has conducted various disciplines such as under graduation as well as postgraduation. 
Here is the list of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research Fee Structure, which is Given Below.

Diploma in Pharmacy2 Yrs80,000
B.Sc3 Yrs1,14,900
M.Sc2 Yrs1,49,100
BOT4 Yrs1,53,200
MPH2 Yrs1,70,850
Ph.D3 Yrs1,92,900
MBA2 Yrs3,51,700
B.Pharm4 Yrs3,64,800
M.Pharm2 Yrs4,00,000
M.Phil2 Yrs4,27,600
MDS2 Yrs10,11,000
Pharm.D6 Yrs15,00,000
MD3 Yrs15,16,500
Diploma1 Yr16,12,500
BDS4 Yrs20,67,000
MS2 Yrs32,25,000
Post Graduate Diploma2 Yrs32,25,000
M.Ch3 Yrs63,38,100
MBBS5 Yrs73,58,750

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research B.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum EligibilityFee
B.Sc (Life Sciences) Bio-TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114200
B.Sc (Life Sciences) Environmental SciencesCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114220
B.Sc (Life Sciences) MicrobiologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114240
B.Sc Cardiac Care TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114000
B.Sc Emergency Medicine TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114020
B.Sc Imaging TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114040
B.Sc Medical Laboratory TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114060
B.Sc OptometryCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114100
B.Sc OT TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114080
B.Sc Perfusion TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114120
B.Sc Physician AssistantCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114140
B.Sc Renal Dialysis TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114160
B.Sc Respiratory Care TechnologyCandidates applying should have done 10+2 114180

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research MD  Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
MD AnatomyCandidate should have done MBBS1517000
MD AnesthesiaCandidate should have done MBBS1517020
MD Bio ChemistryCandidate should have done MBBS1517080
MD Community MedicineCandidate should have done MBBS1517140
MD Dermatology Venereology and LeprosyCandidate should have done MBBS1517260
MD Emergency medicineCandidate should have done MBBS1517240
MD Forensic MedicineCandidate should have done MBBS1517060
MD General MedicineCandidate should have done MBBS1517160
MD Hospital AdministrationCandidate should have done MBBS1517280
MD Micro BiologyCandidate should have done MBBS1517100
MD PathologyCandidate should have done MBBS1517180
MD PediatricsCandidate should have done MBBS1517200
MD PharmacologyCandidate should have done MBBS1517120
MD PhysiologyCandidate should have done MBBS1517040
MD PsychiatryCandidate should have done MBBS1517300
MD Radio diagnosisCandidate should have done MBBS1517220
MD TB and Respiratory MedicineCandidate should have done MBBS1517320

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research MS Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
MS (Master in Surgery) Clinical EmbryologyCandidate should have done MBBS4338140
MS (Master in Surgery) ENTCandidate should have done MBBS4338000
MS (Master in Surgery) Forensic OdontologyB.Sc in Biological Sciences4338200
MS (Master in Surgery) General SurgeryCandidate should have done MBBS4338020
MS (Master in Surgery) Medical Bio ChemistryCandidate should have done MBBS4338120
MS (Master in Surgery) Medical microbiologyCandidate should have done MBBS4338180
MS (Master in Surgery) Medical PharmacologyCandidate should have done MBBS4338160
MS (Master in Surgery) Medical PhysiologyCandidate should have done MBBS4338100
MS (Master in Surgery) Obstetrics and GynecologyCandidate should have done MBBS4338080
MS (Master in Surgery) OphthalmologyCandidate should have done MBBS4338040
MS (Master in Surgery) OrthopaedicsCandidate should have done MBBS4338060

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research MDS Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
MDS Conservative Dentistry and EndodonticDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967000
MDS Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967010
MDS Oral Medicine & RadiologyDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967070
MDS Oral Pathology & MicrobiologyDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967080
MDS Orthodontics & Dentofacial OrthopedicsDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967020
MDS Paedodontics & Preventive DentistryDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967040
MDS PeriodontologyDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967050
MDS Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967030
MDS Public Health DentistryDegree of BDS from a recognized institution.1967060

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Bio-ChemistryB.Sc in life sciences.149160
M.Sc (Life Sciences) BioinformaticsB.Sc in life sciences.149140
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Cognitive NeurosciencesB.Sc in life sciences.149180
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Cosmetic SciencesB.Sc in life sciences.149200
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Environmental ScienceB.Sc in life sciences.149220
M.Sc (Life Sciences) GeoinformaticsB.Sc in life sciences.149240
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Medical PhysicsB.Sc in life sciences.149260
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Medical StatisticsB.Sc in life sciences.149280
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Molecular BiologyB.Sc in life sciences.149300
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Nano Sciences and TechnologyB.Sc in life sciences.149320
M.Sc (Life Sciences) Nutrition DieteticsB.Sc in life sciences.149340
M.Sc Clinical EmbryologyThe candidate must have passed B. Sc 149060
M.Sc Forensic OdontologyB.Sc in Biological Sciences149120
M.Sc Medical AnatomyThe candidate must have passed B. Sc 149000
M.Sc Medical Bio ChemistryThe candidate must have passed B. Sc 149040
M.Sc Medical microbiologyThe candidate must have passed B. Sc 149100
M.Sc Medical PharmacologyThe candidate must have passed B. Sc 149080
M.Sc Medical PhysiologyThe candidate must have passed B. Sc 149020

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research M.Pharma Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
M.Pharma Industrial PharmacyB.Pharma Degree 400000
M.Pharma Pharm. Regulatory affairsB.Pharma Degree 400040
M.Pharma Pharmaceutical AnalysisB.Pharma Degree 400060
M.Pharma Pharmaceutical BiologyB.Pharma Degree 400080
M.Pharma Pharmaceutical ChemistryB.Pharma Degree 400100
M.Pharma PharmaceuticsB.Pharma Degree 400120
M.Pharma PharmacognosyB.Pharma Degree 400140
M.Pharma PharmacologyB.Pharma Degree 400160
M.Pharma Pharmacy PracticeB.Pharma Degree 400180
M.Pharma Pharmacy Quality AssuranceB.Pharma Degree 400020

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research D.Pharma Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
D.PharmaB.Pharma Degree 400200
D.Pharma BioinformaticsPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500020
D.Pharma Clinical ResearchPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500040
D.Pharma CosmeceuticalsPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500060
D.Pharma Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharma)Pass an intermediate examination in the Science stream.1500000
D.Pharma Doctor of PharmacyA pass in B.Pharm400220
D.Pharma Herbal Product and their StandardizationPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500080
D.Pharma Medicine and Poison InformationPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500100
D.Pharma NanotechnologyPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500180
D.Pharma Pharmaceutical Quality AssurancePassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500120
D.Pharma Pharmaceutical Regulatory AffairsPassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500140
D.Pharma PharmacovigilancePassed B.Pharma degree examination 1500160

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research PG Diploma Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationMinimum Eligibilityfee
PG diploma in MD  AnaesthesiologyCandidate should have done MBBS3225020
PG diploma in MD  Child HealthCandidate should have done MBBS3225000
PG diploma in MD  Clinical PathologyCandidate should have done MBBS3225160
PG diploma in MD  Dermatology Venereology and LeprosyCandidate should have done MBBS3225180
PG diploma in MD  DMRDCandidate should have done MBBS3225040
PG diploma in MD  Obstetrics & GynaecologyCandidate should have done MBBS3225060
PG diploma in MD  OphthalmologyCandidate should have done MBBS3225080
PG diploma in MD  OrthopaedicsCandidate should have done MBBS3225100
PG diploma in MD  OtolaryngologyCandidate should have done MBBS3225120
PG diploma in MD  Psychiatric MedicineCandidate should have done MBBS3225140

About JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research:

JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, formerly Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University or JSS University, is an institute of higher education deemed to be university located in Mysore, Karnataka, India.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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