Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Our University is located in:- Vedant Gyan Valley, Village-Jharna, Mahala Jobner Link Road, NH-8 Jaipur Ajmer Express Way, Jaipur-303122, Rajasthan (INDIA)
Main Features are :- -The university organize the world class seminar . -University provides the separate hostels for Boys and Girls . -University has world class infrastructure . -University has smart classrooms with modern projector technologies . -University provide International Advisory Council .
University provides Placement facility to students according to their degrees . Top recruit companies , who visit our campus last year are :- Wipro, Google, Tech Mahindra, VIVO India, Indiamart, Mankind, HCL, Airtel, Reliance JIO, Naukri.com, Grey Orange, Class Edge, 99 acres, Dr.Reddy's Foundation, AIS, Axis Bank, TCS, Adani Group.
For admission in PG courses , candidate should have a graduation degree from any relevant and recognized university with 50% maks .
Required documents are :- Admit card/Scorecard Transfer Certificate Passport Size Photograph 10th Mark-sheets Passing certificate 10+2 Mark-sheets Bank Statements Passing certificate Income Certificate Category Certificate. Health certificate and Health Insurance .

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