Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University Fee Structure 2024-25: The university offers certificates, Degree, Bachelors's degrees in masters and as well as doctoral degrees. It has conducted various disciplines such as under graduation as well as postgraduation. 
 Here is the list of Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University Fee Structure for the year 2024-25, which is Given Below.

Diploma1 Yr25,000
Diploma in Design1 Yr25,000
Post Graduate Diploma1 Yr25,000
Diploma in Pharmacy1 Yr25,000
Diploma in Veterinary Sciences1 Yr25,000
LLM1 Yr60,000
MA2 Yrs70,000
MJMC2 Yrs70,000
B.Com3 Yrs90,000
M.Sc2 Yrs90,000
M.Tech2 Yrs1,00,000
BA3 Yrs1,05,000
BA (Hons.)3 Yrs1,05,000
BJMC3 Yrs1,05,000
LLB3 Yrs1,05,000
B.Com (Hons.)3 Yrs1,50,000
B.Sc3 Yrs1,50,000
BCA3 Yrs1,50,000
MCA3 Yrs1,50,000
B.Sc4 Yrs1,60,000
MPT2 Yrs1,60,000
MBA2 Yrs1,80,000
BA + B.Ed4 Yrs1,80,000
B.Optom4 Yrs2,00,000
B.Des4 Yrs2,20,000
B.Com + LLB5 Yrs2,25,000
BPT4 Yrs2,40,000
B.Pharm4 Yrs2,40,000
B.Sc + LLB5 Yrs3,00,000
BA + LLB5 Yrs3,00,000
BBA + LLB5 Yrs3,00,000
B.Tech4 Yrs3,60,000
Ph.D3 Yrs4,20,000
B.Tech + M.Tech5 Yrs5,00,000
BHMS5 Yrs8,75,000

JVWU UG Courses Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
B. Des (Interior Designing)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹70,020
B. Des. (fashion Designing)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹70,000
B.Com. B.Com(Hons)  Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹12,020
BA B.Ed.  Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹35,020
BCAPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹50,000
BSc B.Ed.Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹35,000
BSc B.Ed. (Bio.) Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹35,040
LLBPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹105,000
LLB B.comPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹300,000
LLB BAPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹300,000
LLB BBAPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹225,000
UG + PG Programs (5 years)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹300,001
UG Arts B.A (Hindi medium)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹65,000
UG Arts B.A JournalismPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹65,040
UG Arts Bachelor of Arts HonsPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹65,020

JVWU M.A Fee Structure 2024-25

Couse name SpecializationEligibility criteriaFee
MA EconomicsMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,160
MA EducationMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,040
MA EnglishMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,020
MA GeographyMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,000
MA HindiMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,080
MA HistoryMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,120
MA Home ScienceMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,140
MA Political ScienceMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,100
MA Public AddMin. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹35,060

JVWU B.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
B.Sc. (Biotechnology)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,040
B.Sc. (Computer Science)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,100
B.Sc. (Electronics)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,060
B.Sc. (Hons.) Bachelor of Science in AgriculturePass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,160
B.Sc. (Naturopathy & Yogic Science)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,000
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science in Food Science & TechnologyPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,140
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science in Physics, Chemistry, MathsPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,080
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Botany, ChemistryPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,120
B.Sc. Nursing (Ayurveda)Pass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹160,020

JVWU M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Couse name SpecializationEligibility criteriaFee
M.Sc. Agronomy Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,000
M.Sc. Bio-Technology Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,160
M.Sc. Biochemistry Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,180
M.Sc. Botany Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,140
M.Sc. Chemistry Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,120
M.Sc. Home Science Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,200
M.Sc. M.Lib.I.Sc. Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,080
M.Sc. Mathematics Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,100
M.Sc. Microbiology Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,220
M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,020
M.Sc. Physics Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,040
M.Sc. Zoology Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹45,060

JVWU B.Tech Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
B.Tech. in AgriculturePass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹85,040
B.Tech. in Civil & DesignPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹85,000
B.Tech. in Computer SciencePass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹85,080
B.Tech. in Electronics & CommunicationPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹85,060
B.Tech. in Food & BiotechPass 10+2 with min. 45% marks₹85,020

JVWU M.Tech Fee Structure 2024-25

Couse name SpecializationEligibility criteriaFee
 M.Tech   Master of Technology in Food Technology Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹50,000
 M.Tech  Master of Technology in Biotechnology Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹50,020
 M.Tech   Master of Technology in VLSI Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹50,040
 M.Tech   Master of Technology in Computer Science Min. 50% in graduation from any discipline.₹50,060

JVWU Ph.D. Fee Structure 2024-25

Ph.D. Specialization Eligibility criteriaFee
Ph. D in Hindi  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,220
Ph.D. in Agriculture  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,200
Ph.D. in Chemistry  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,080
Ph.D. in Commerce  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,160
Ph.D. in Computer Science & Information Technology  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,180
Ph.D. in Economics  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,320
Ph.D. in Education  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,140
Ph.D. in Electronics & Communication  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,060
Ph.D. in English  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,240
Ph.D. in Food Technology  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,360
Ph.D. in History  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,000
Ph.D. in Journalism & Mass Communication  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,120
Ph.D. in Law & Governance  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,260
Ph.D. in Management  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,280
Ph.D. in Pharmacy  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,020
Ph.D. in Physics  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,100
Ph.D. in Political science  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,340
Ph.D. in Public administration  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,300
Ph.D.in Biotech. / Life Sci. / Microbiology  Post-graduation with a min. of 55% marks ₹230,040

About Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University:

Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University is the first State private public women’s university in India. The state legislature of Rajasthan established the university through the Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Act 2008.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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