Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Jaipur National University is located in Jaipur , which is the capital city of Rajasthan . Address of Jaipur national University is Jaipur-Agra Bypass ,Near New RTO office, Jagatpura, Jaipur-302017
Hon'ble Chancellor of university is Dr. Sandeep Bakshi , who has experience more than 30 years in the field of Education .
Address: JAIPUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Seedling campus) Near New RTO Office Jaipur Agra Bypass-Jagatpura Jaipur – 302 025 For Admission Enquiry: Toll Free: 1800-200-0034 Telephone: 0141-3080601, 3080602, 3080603, 3080604 Email: admissions.2017@jnujaipur.ac.in, info@jnujaipur.ac.in Website: www.jnujaipur.ac.in
Required documents are :- 10th Mark-sheets Passing certificate 10+2 Mark-sheets Passing certificate Income Certificate Category Certificate Admission Test Admit card/Scorecard Transfer Certificate Passport Size Photograph
Many UG and PG courses offered by university in different specialization :- B.Tech M.Tech (EC / CS / EE) M.Pharm MBA/MBA (Hospital & Health Care Management) BA/ BBA-LLB B.Sc. (Nursing) M.Ed B.Design Fashion Design BHMCT and BHMCT + MBA B.Ed B.Pharm and B.Pharm + MBA Ph.D M.Phil LLM

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