Updated On - April 3rd 2024, Updated By - Aksh


Jaipur National University Admission 2024-25: The Jaipur National University (JNU) is an institution offering Management, Science, and Arts courses. Jaipur National university offers five UG, three PG, and several other diploma courses. A member of Jaipur National University, the highest college in Rajasthan and one of India's top 20 private universities. The entrance to different courses is both online and offline.  

Jaipur National University Latest Updates:

  • Jaipur National University Admission 2024-25 has been started, and the last date to apply is 27 May 2024. Apply Now

Jaipur National University Admission 2024-25

Admission in Jaipur National University Open for Session 2024-25, Those students who want to apply can go through the university's official website.
Jaipur National University is announcing the mega platform to the aspiring graduate students of the nation to showcase their academic potential and win mega exciting prizes, certificates, and scholarships up to 100%. The JNU-JEST score will help a student to fulfill their dreams of study abroad. Click here

Jaipur National University UG Admission 2024

Jaipur National University provides admission to numerous courses at the UG level with multiple disciplines like medicine, science, arts, commerce etc. The procedure for admission to courses at the UG level in the university is either based on the merit list or on the entrance exam process.

For admission to courses like BTech and BPharma, the university will be conducting an entrance exam. The admission to BSc, BA, LLB, BA and BCom the applicants get admission after their scores in the 12th class from a recognized institution. For all the courses, the university conducts a PI round that is necessary to clear for all the applicants to get admission.

Jaipur National University PG Admission 2024-25

For admission to PG courses, the JNU Jaipur University looks for the scores of students either in the entrance exam or in the preliminary exam. The university has set different procedures for providing admission to different category courses. For some courses like MA, the university will announce the merit list after the scores of students in UG study.

Admission to MTech, LLM, MCA the university will be conducting the exam to provide students admission. The scores of CAT / MAT / CMAT / CET or any other national level exam will be considered by the university for providing admission to the MBA course. 

Jaipur National University PhD Admission 2024-25

The JNU Jaipur Universityprovides admission to more than 15 disciplines under the PhD level. Some of the most sought-after disciplines by the students are computer science, english, nursing, management, physics, etc. For commencing admission to the PhD courses, the students will be considered based on their performance on the exam conducted by the university for admission.

The students aspiring for admission to PhD courses will have to appear in the exam that the university conducts as the process of admission. The scores of students in the exam will be considered for announcing the list of short-listed students who will have to appear in the PI round conducted by the university.

Jaipur National University Admission Last Date

The university also provides admission to MBBS. It also provides PG admission and UG admission. University declared the dates of the Admission exam.

Admission startstarted
Last date of admission27 May 2024

JNU Jaipur Application Form 2024

Jaipur National University Application form for admission to the academic year 2024-25 has been released by the university on its official website. The students aspiring to get admission to one of the courses provided by the university for admission are needed to fill out the application form before the university closes the portal.

As for submitting the application form, the applicants will have to submit the application form by providing all the information that the university has asked for. The application fee for submitting the application form that the students have to pay for admission to UG/PG courses is INR 1200.

Jaipur National University Application Form Process

University released the Application form for UG and PG courses on the university's official website. www.jnujaipur.ac.in

Step 1-: The student can visit the official website of Jaipur National University for Admission.

Step 2-: Click on the Application link and open the application form.

Step 3-: Students fill up All personal, educational details in the application form.

Step 4-: The student rechecks the application form properly before submitting it.

Step 5-: Click on the "Submit Button".

Step 6-: The student can pay the application fee online by credit/debit card.

Note:- The Jaipur National University Admission 2024 offered various UG, PG, Integrated, and Research courses that will be given based on either Entrance Test or Merit Basis. Candidates must be passed 10+2 examinations to get admission to UG and Integrated courses.

Jaipur National University Courses Admission & Fee Structure:

CourseBatch StartBatch EndFee
B.Com (Hons.)20242026Rs.1,35,000
B.Sc. (Hons.)20242026Rs.2,82,000
B.Tech + MBA20242028Rs.5,66,000
BA (Hons.)20242026Rs.78,900
BA + LLB (Hons.)20242028Rs.5,00,000
BA+MA (Hons.)20242028Rs.1,17,500
BBA + LLB20242028Rs.5,52,000
BHMCT + MBA20242028Rs.5,84,000
Certificate Course20242024Rs.22,500
Diploma in Agriculture20242024Rs.35,200
Diploma in Design20242024Rs.44,000
Diploma in Engineering20242025Rs.67,800
Diploma in Medical20242024Rs.25,000
Diploma in Paramedical20242025Rs.60,000
M.Sc. + MBA20242026Rs.2,83,500
MA + Ph.D.20242028Rs.1,25,100
Post Graduate Diploma20242024Rs.80,000

Required Documents for Admission:

  • 10th Mark-sheets
  • Passing certificate
  • 10+2 Mark-sheets
  • Passing certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • Category Certificate
  • Admission Test Admit card/Scorecard
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Passport Size Photograph

JNU Jaipur Contact Details:

Address: Jaipur-Agra Bypass, Near New RTO Office, Jagatpura, Jaipur-302017
Official Website: https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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