Updated On - December 4th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Gujarat Forensic Sciences University is a state university in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It is the first university in the world solely dedicated to forensic and investigative science. It was created by Act 17 passed in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly on 30 September 2008.

Gujarat Forensic Sciences University Fee Structure 2024-25.

Here is the list of  Gujarat Forensic Sciences University Fee Structure With Full Courses & Duration Details, Check Below the List:

Certificate Course6 months13,357
Post Graduate Diploma1 Yr60,000
MA2 Yrs1,20,000
Ph.D3 Yrs1,25,000
M.Sc2 Yrs1,64,286
M.Phil2 Yrs2,00,000
M.Tech2 Yrs2,30,000
MBA2 Yrs2,40,000
M.Pharm2 Yrs2,40,000

GFSU M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Clinical PsychologyGraduates in Psychology, Education, HRD, Science subjects.1,64,377
Digital Forensics & Information SecurityB.E./B.Tech in CE/IT/EC/CS or BCA or B.Sc. IT/CS/Maths1,64,299
Forensic OdontologyBachelor of Dental Surgery with a minimum of 55%1,64,325
Forensic PsychologyB.A./B.Sc. in Psychology/Science subjects1,64,403
Homeland Security & Anti-TerrorismBachelors’ degree in Science/Engg/Medicine1,64,312
Medical DevicesBachelor Degree in any discipline of Science 1,64,351
NeuropsychologyB.A./B.Sc. in Psychology/Science subjects 1,64,416
NeurotechnologyEngg Graduate, Postgraduate in Electronics, Computer Science, etc...1,64,390

GFSU M.S Fee Structure 2024-25

MS ChemistryB.Sc. in Chemistry with 55% marks100040
MS Environmental ManagementBachelor’s degree in Science (except Mathematics & Statistics)100080
MS Environmental ScienceBachelor’s degree in Science (except Mathematics & Statistics)100060
MS Forensic NanotechnologyBachelor’s degree in Science/ Medicine100020
MS Forensic PharmacyB.Pharm with at least 55% marks100000
MS Forensic Pharmacy for In-Service PersonnelB.Pharm. with at least 55% marks 100100

GFSU M.Phil Fee Structure 2024-25

M.Phil in Clinical PsychologyM.A. /M.Sc. in Psychology with a minimum aggregate of 55% marks 2,00,020
M.Phil in Forensic PsychologyM.A. /M.Sc. in Psychology with a minimum aggregate of 55% marks2,00,000

GFSU Ph.D. Fee Structure 2024-25

Ph.D.Master’s degree/ Equivalent in a related field from a recognized University.1,25,000

Courses Offered by Gujarat Forensic Sciences University


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