Updated On - December 24th 2020, Updated By - shubham


Babu Banarasi Das University Placement: Babu Banarasi Das University conducts campus interviews and chooses graduate and postgraduate students from all disciplines.

The placement office provides the infra-structural facilities to conduct group discussion, test, interview besides catering to other logistics. This is an ideal location for a pre-placement presentation. 

Babu Banarasi Das University interacts with many industries in the country, of which nearly two hundred companies have visited the campus. 

The industries which approach the institute come under the purview of Core Engineering industries, Information technology & Information technology-enabled services, Consultancy Firms, Finance Companies, Management Organizations, R&D Laboratories, and Pharmaceuticals, etc. 

The placement cell is an epicenter Babu Banarasi Das University is served by eminent personalities from the top institute. The placement functions with the coordination of faculty member & student coordinators from all streams.

Babu Banarasi Das University provides placement facilities like-

Computers for Online Test- There are five hundred workstations available with the computer system for conducting an online test, which help students give our online tests. 

Group discussion room- There is five-room are specially assigned conducting group discussion.  

Interview Cabin- There are ten cabins well designed for conducting the interview.

Written Test Rooms- there are fifty-two rooms available which a total accommodation capacity of one thousand four hundred students.

Organizations that participate in the campus placement process are provided with the placement brochure that includes details of students.

They are required to give a pre-placement presentation about the organization, roles available, and other details. Based on this interested students attend interviews with them.

Top recruiters companies like as-

  • Coca-Cola
  • SONY
  • Pepsi
  • Birla soft
  • Nestle etc. 


Package Details
Package Average
BatchPlacementAverage PackageHighest Package
2013240016 lakh22 Lakh
2014250016.20 Lakh20 Lakh
2015260017 Lakh22.20 Lakh
2016270018 Lakh25 Lakh
2017280015 Lakh27.5 Lakh

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