Updated On - July 5th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


NG Acharya College Admission 2024: NG Acharya College Admission 2024 will be announced soon by the college. The admission form is available on the official website of the college from 10 June 2024* at @acharyamarathecollege.in for the UG and PG courses. The last date to apply for UG and PG programmes Admission to NG Acharya College is 25 July 2024*. NG Acharya College provides admission for UG and PG level programs such as BA, BCom, BMS, MCom, MSc, and numerous more. Those who are interested to apply this college keep checking the college websites for the latest updates.

Interested students can check the eligibility criteria before applying for the application form. For all courses admission, students have a required minimum qualification of 10+2 and a Bachelor's degree with 40% to 55% marks in relevant subjects from a recognized University/board. Students can fill out the admission application form both online as well as offline modes.

NG Acharya College Admission 2024 Latest update 

  • NG Acharya College Admission admission for 2024-25 will start on 10 June 2024*. Students can check the official website for more updates. 
  • NG Acharya College Admission 2024-25 last date to apply is 25 July 2024*. Students can Apply online for the college website.Source 
  • NG Acharya Collegeproviding application forms for the FY B.Com., B.A., and B.Sc course for 2024 session. The last date to apply for admission is 25 July 2024*.
  • Students looking information about PhD course admission to NG Acharya College for the academic year 2024-25. Students can go to the admission portal of NG Acharya College and apply for admission. The deadline for the application forms is 20 July 2024*.

NG Acharya College Admission 2024 Highlights

College NameN. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College
College TypePrivate
Accredited byAICTE
LocationNarayan Gajanan Acharya Marg, Shree Saraswati Society, Subhash Nagar, Chembur East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071
Campus Area-
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
DirectorDr. D. M. Muley
Accommodation FacilityFor both (Boys & Girls)
How to Reach-
Founded In1978
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance Learning-
Wikipedia Page Click Here

NG Acharya College Admission 2024

NG Acharya College Admission 2024 will be started soon for both UG and PG programmes. The admission forms are available on theofficial website of the college. The last date to apply for NG Acharya College Admission 2024 is 25 July 2024The college offers admission to UG and PG courses for the session 2024-25. Acharya College admission will be based on the merit list, aspiring candidates have to meet the basic eligibility criteria for college admission. The merit list will be decided based on the 12th obtained by the student in the Higher Secondary School.

NG Acharya College Admission 2024 Fee

Course NameCourse DurationCourse Fees
M.Com2 Yrs40,000
M.Sc2 Yrs40,000
BMS3 Yrs51,000
B.Com3 Yrs51,000
BMM3 Yrs51,000
B.Sc3 Yrs54,000

NG Acharya College Merit List 2024

NG Acharya College offers admission to various programs such as UG and PG level programmes based on the merit list prepared by considering the marks scored by the candidate in the qualifying examination. Students who have scored more than the cut-off marks that are released by the college are considered eligible for the final admission process. Once the admission process is completed for the UG and PG programmes, the merit list will be released by the college on its official website. Students must check for their names in the merit list once it is released by the college.

Documents Required for NG Acharya College Admission 2024

1)The student must submit an original mark sheet with three attested Xerox copies of the previous examinations.

2) Students migrating from other colleges affiliated with the University of Mumbai must submit a \'No Objection Certificate\' from the Principal of the previous college attended, as well as a School/College Leaving Certificate in original along with two Xerox copies.

3) Students migrating from a college affiliated to another University must submit the -
a) Original Eligibility Certificate issued by the University of Mumbai.
b) Original Migration Certificate
c) Statement of marks and passing certificate in original with two Xerox copies

4) Attested copy of Caste Certificate, if applicable.

5) Aadhar Card Xerox.

6) 3 Passport size Photographs.

7) Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate or its receipts (wherever applicable)

8) Non-Creamy Layers Certificate.

10) Disability Certificate, if applicable

Acharya College Contact Details

Address: 7-50, Narayan Gajanan Acharya Marg, near Subhash Nagar, Shree Saraswati Society, Vaibhav Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400071
022 2521 8797

BA Admission

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B.Sc Admission

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B.Com Admission

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BBA Admission

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BCA Admission

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B.Tech Admission

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MBA Admission

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M.Sc Admission

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MA Admission

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M.Com Admission

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MBBS Admission

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Ph.D Admission

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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