Updated On - January 28th 2025, Updated By - Danish

Courses & Fees

Vels University 2025-26: Vels University is an institute of higher education located in Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The university was set up in 1992 and the University act was passed in 1956.

Get detailed information about Vels University latest Fee structure 2025-26.

Vels University Fee Structure 2025-26

P.G Diploma1 Yrs10,000
M.Phil1 Yrs22,500
M.Sc2 Yrs50,000
MA2 Yrs50,000
BA3 Yrs75,000
B.A {Hons.}3 Yrs75,000
B.Ed2 Yrs90,000
MPT2 Yrs1,00,000
B.Sc3 Yrs1,05,000
ME2 Yrs1,20,000
M.Tech2 Yrs1,20,000
M.Pharm2 Yrs1,23,333
B.B.A3 Yrs1,35,000
B.Sc + B.Ed4 Yrs1,40,000
Diploma in Engineering3 Yrs1,50,000
BCA3 Yrs1,52,500
B.Com3 Yrs1,72,500
MCA3 Yrs1,80,000
Ph.D4 Yrs2,38,000
B.C.A {Hons.}4 Yrs2,80,000
Diploma in Animation3 Yrs3,00,000
B.Pharm2 Yrs3,00,000
BPT4 Yrs3,20,000
BE4 Yrs3,96,100
LLB3 Yrs4,50,000
B.Tech4 Yrs5,25,000
Pharm.D3 Yrs6,75,000
MBA1 Yr7,00,000
BA + LLB {Hons.}5 Yrs7,50,000

VU UG Courses Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibilityFee
B.B.A LL.B (Hons)   Pass in +2 or its equivalent. Age: As per norms of BCI₹163,900
B.Com LL.B Hons)   Pass in +2 or its equivalent. Age: As per norms of BCI₹163,920
B.Com.  Accounts & FinancePass in 10+2, HSC or equivalent₹211,740
B.Com.  Computer ApplicationsPass in 10+2, HSC or equivalent₹211,720
B.Com.  GeneralPass in 10+2, HSC or equivalent₹211,700
B.Com.  Hearing ImpairedPass in 10+2, HSC or equivalent₹211,760
B.Ed   A pass in UG/PG degree in recognized University₹54,500
B.Pharm   As per norms of PCI, should have studied Physics, Chemistry₹177,500
B.Pharm Lateral Entry   A pass in D. Pharm course₹177,940
B.Pharm Practice   A Pass in Diploma in Pharmacy Course ₹177,920
B.Sc+B.Ed   Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology / Maths / Physics ₹44,000
BBA   Pass in 10+2 in any stream₹62,767
BCA (Hons)   Pass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths with 60% ₹108,380
BCA Cloud Technology & Information SecurityPass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths/Statistics₹108,520
BCA Data SciencePass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths/Statistics₹108,540
BCA GeneralPass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths/Statistics₹108,400
BCA Hearing impairedPass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths/Statistics₹108,560
BPT   50% marks in aggregate of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Botany & Zoology₹85,650
LL.B   A pass in UG/PG degree in recognized University.₹163,860

VU B.A Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibilityFee
B.A AstrologyPass in +2, HSC / Diploma in Astrology or equivalent₹30,340
B.A Dance   BharathanatyamPass in +2, HSC or equivalent₹30,400
B.A EconomicsPass in 10+2, HSC or equivalent₹30,320
B.A EnglishPass in 10+2, HSC or equivalent₹30,300
B.A LL.B (Hons)   Pass in +2 or its equivalent. Age: As per norms of BCI₹163,540
B.A Music (Instrumental  Veena, Violin. Guitar, Miruthangam & Thavil)Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent₹30,580
B.A Music (Vocal)Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent₹30,360
B.A Western Music   Keyboard, Guitar & DrumsPass in +2, HSC or equivalent₹30,520

VU PG Courses Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibilityFee
LL.M Constitutional & Administrative LawPassed LL.B in relevant discipline ₹113,600
LL.M Corporate & Commercial Law₹113,920
M.A AstrologyPass in UG with Specialization in Astrology₹45,340
M.A BharatnatyamB.A., / B.Sc., with any subject as the main₹45,320
M.A EnglishAny degree – B.A / B.Com / B.Sc / B.B.A with Part II English at UG level₹45,360
M.A Indian MusicGraduation degree with Honours in Music or Music as₹45,300
M.Pharm. Pharmaceutical AnalysisB.Pharm Degree of recognized University and PCI ₹353,820
M.Pharm. PharmaceuticsB.Pharm Degree of recognized University and PCI ₹353,800
M.Pharm. Pharmacy PracticeB.Pharm Degree of recognized University and PCI ₹353,840
MPT Cardio Respiratory B.P.T degree in recognized University₹55,610
MPT Hand ConditionsB.P.T degree in recognized University₹55,630
MPT OrthopedicsB.P.T degree in recognized University₹55,550
MPT Pediatric NeurologyB.P.T degree in recognized University₹55,590
MPT Sports B.P.T degree in recognized University₹55,570
PG Diploma  Culinary 3 years Diploma in Hotel & Catering Management₹130,800
Pharm.D Doctor of PharmacyA pass in 10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry₹353,800
Pharm.D Post BaccalaureateA pass in B.Pharm from a recognized University₹353,820

VU B.Sc  Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibilityFee
B.Sc Aeronautical Science10+2 with Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry₹125,317
B.Sc Aircraft Maintenance10+2 with Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry₹125,318
B.Sc AnimationStudents must have passed 10+2 in any stream₹125,312
B.Sc Aviation10+2 with at least 50% marks in Maths, Physics, Chemistry₹125,316
B.Sc BiocomputingPass in +2 with Biology / Maths or Pure Science ₹125,304
B.Sc BiochemistryPass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology / Maths/ Physics ₹125,303
B.Sc BiotechnologyPass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology / Botany /Zoology₹125,302
B.Sc ChemistryA Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology/Maths/Physics/Chemistry₹125,306
B.Sc Computer SciencePass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths/Statistics₹125,314
B.Sc Game DesigningStudents must have passed 10+2 in any stream₹125,310
B.Sc Hotel & Catering ManagementStudents must have passed 10+2 in any stream₹125,309
B.Sc Information TechnologyPass in +2 with Maths or Computer Science/Business Maths/Statistics₹125,315
B.Sc Maritime OperationsA pass in 10+2 in any stream or Diploma holders in any stream.₹125,301
B.Sc MathematicsA Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology/Maths/Physics/Chemistry₹125,308
B.Sc MicrobiologyPass in 10 + 2 pattern or equivalent with Biology₹125,305
B.Sc Nautical SciencePass in +2, with minimum 60% aggregate in PCM ₹125,300
B.Sc PhysicsA Pass in +2, HSC or equivalent with Biology/Maths/Physics/Chemistry₹125,307
B.Sc Visual CommunicationPass in +2, HSC or equivalent 3 yrs Diploma in Visual communication.₹125,313
B.Sc Visual EffectsStudents must have passed 10+2 in any stream₹125,311

VU M.Sc Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibilityFee
M.Sc Applied Medical Biotechnology & Clinical ResearchDegree in B.Sc., B.Vsc, B.Fsc, BDS, MBBS & B.Pharm under 10+2+3 pattern₹52,920
M.Sc BioinformaticsBachelor’s Degree  B.E/B.Tech, B.V.Sc, MBBS, BDS, B.Pharm BPT & BCA under 10+2+3 ₹52,820
M.Sc BiochemistryDegree in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Nutrition & Dietetics ₹52,940
M.Sc BiotechnologyDegree in Zoology, Botany, B.Usc, B.Fsc, BDS, MBBS & B.Pharm₹52,800
M.Sc ChemistryB.Sc degree in Chemistry₹52,980
M.Sc Computer ScienceAny degree with Maths or Statistics or Mathematical Physics as main/allied subject₹52,1040
M.Sc Culinary Arts Bachelor’s degree in Hotel & Catering Management₹52,840
M.Sc Hotel & Catering ManagementB.Sc degree in HCM, Nutrition & Dietetics, Food Service Mgmt₹52,1100
M.Sc Immunology & MicrobiologyDegree in Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Biology, e under 10+2+3 pattern₹52,900
M.Sc Industrial Chemistry & ManagementB.Sc degree in Chemistry₹52,1020
M.Sc Information TechnologyAny degree with Maths or Statistics or Mathematical Physics as main/allied subject₹52,1060
M.Sc Mathematics Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics₹52,860
M.Sc Organic ChemistryB.Sc degree in Chemistry₹52,1000
M.Sc Pharmaceutical and Analytical ChemistryB.Pharm / B.Sc in Chemistry / Biochemistry₹52,960
M.Sc Software TechnologyAny degree with Maths or Statistics or Mathematical Physics as main/allied subject₹52,1080
M.Sc Visual CommunicationPass in UG with Specialization in Vis.Com. / Electronics Media / Comp. Sci. discipline₹52,880

VU Diploma Courses Fee Structure 2025-26

Course Name SpecializationsEligibilityFee
Diploma  Airport Ground HandlingPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,800
Diploma  AnimationPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,940
Diploma  Assistant Flight DispatcherPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,840
Diploma  AstrologyPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,880
Diploma  Cabin Crew (Air Hostess Management)Pass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,820
Diploma  Game DesigningPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,960
Diploma  Hotel Management & Catering TechnologyPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,900
Diploma  Music & DancePass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,860
Diploma  Visual CommunicationPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,920
Diploma  Visual Communication for VFXPass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,1000
Diploma  Visual Effects Pass in 10th Std. or equivalent₹130,980

Contact Details

Address: P.V. Vaithiyalingam Road, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600117

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