Updated On - March 12th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


Pacific Medical University Admission 2024-25:- This University is located in Rajasthan. This university was founded in 2013 and this is a private type of university. University offers graduation and postgraduation in the medical field. University also provides research courses. This university offers the MBBS and BDS programs under graduation. University also provides diploma courses. University also provides supplementary courses to the students.  

Pacific Medical University was founded by Tirupati Balaji Educational Trust in 2013 and consists of three colleges. Pacific Medical University is providing courses such as MBBS, BPT, BDS, M.Sc. in 7 streams, and MPT Diploma in Nursing, Midwifery, and pharmacy.

Pacific Medical University admissions 2024 will be soon notified on the official website. Students seeking admissions in 2024-25 have to qualify for NEET-UG. To get more details about the admission process 2024-25 at Pacific Medical University, candidates are advised to stay in contact with us and the university website

Pacific Medical University Admission Updates

  • The Last date of MD/MS Admission 2024-25 will be Started soon.

Pacific Medical University Courses Admission 2024-25

CourseBatch StartBatch End

Pacific Medical University Important Date 2024 -22

Online application form starting date
Started soon 
Last date of  MD/ MS application formAnnounced soon
Entrance dateAnnounce soon

Pacific Medical University Admission 2024-25

University offers the online admission form on the university's official website. Candidates need to download the application form and fill it out correctly. At the form, submission time attach all the required documents. The candidate sends the application form by post and courier. Candidates can pay the fee by debit card, credit card, and demand draft.

For the Pacific Medical University Admission 2024-25 in MBA and BDS the university publish the last date for the form submission. The last date of the form submission is Sep 2024-25. If the candidates apply for the MBBS and BDS admission then the eligibility criteria are, that the candidate should have the passing mark sheet of 12th class from a well-reported university and the required subjects are Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. 

University NamePacific Medical University
Name of the OrganizationPrivate 
Mode of the Application FormOnline and Offline both
Admission Criteria Entrance and Merit
Name of the Entrance Exam for MBBS and BDSNEET UG
Examination ModeOffline
Scholarship Provider?Yes
Counselling Level State Level

Pacific Medical University Eligibility Criteria

  • If the candidate takes the Pacific Medical University Admission 2024-25 in B.Sc course.
  • For admission to any courses, students must first meet the eligibility requirements. 

  • The eligibility criteria of Pacific Medical University 2024 for UG courses, the students must pass in 10+2 examination with PCM/PCB with a minimum of 60% to 75% marks from a recognized board.

  • The essential eligibility criteria for MBBS, BDA, BSc, and BPT is that students must have passed 10+2 or F.Sc (Pre-Medical) with at least 60% to 70% marks. Admission is based on the entrance exam with a minimum of 60% marks. 

  • Candidates can apply online and offline, but examinations are only

    available offline. 

  • The age of students should not be more than 18 Years. The character certificate must also be required. 

Pacific Medical University Application

How To Apply:

  • Applicants must visit the official website. (http://www.pacificmedicaluniversity.ac.in/)
  • Click on the link to the registration form.
  • Fill out the registration form properly with all details.
  • While filling out the registration form please carry a passport size photo.
  • Check properly before the submission of the form.
  • After that click on the submit button.
  • Applicants have to pay the registration fee.
  • The registration process will take some time.
  • After completing all the formality of registration.
  • Please take a photo printout.

Application Fees

The application fee of Rs 6000/- is to be submitted in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of the "Federation of Private Medical & Dental Colleges of Rajasthan" payable at Udaipur. 

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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