Updated On - March 13th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


NIMS University Admission 2024: NIMS Jaipur University is one of ASSOCHAM India's "Best Private University of 2018." It is also named by the same organization as "Best Private University for Skill Development." NIMS Jaipur was named the "Best private university in India" by AICTE in 2017. NIMS Admission 2024 last date is 15 May 2024, It is one of India's largest private universities covering the entire course in eight major courses. There are more than 100 courses and more than 12000 students have been registered to date. In all available specialist fields, the NIMS University in Jaipur offers UG, PG, and doctoral courses.

NIMS University Admission Updates

  • NIMS University Admission 2024 has started and the last date is 15 May 2024*

NIMS University Admission 2024

University is currently offering more than 100 courses in the disciplines of Medicine, Dental, Nursing, Basic and applied Sciences, Pharmacy, Computer science & IT, Management Studies, Engineering, Fine arts, Media and Mass Communication, Hotel & Tourism Management, Aviation, Humanities & Social sciences, Commerce,  Law, Architecture & Planning, and Advanced Sciences. 

Interested candidates have to qualify for the different entrance exams like NIMS University entrance/NEET-UG/NATA/GATE/NEET-PG according to their desired course and discipline. The last dates for admissions 2024 will be notified soon. Keep visiting the university website and our website for authentic information about application dates.

NIMS University UG Admission 2024

NIMS University UG admission is offered in science, design, commerce, technology, commerce, and arts faculties. The students can apply for BSC Nursing, BSC Botany, BDES, BA Economics, BA English, BCA-MCA Integrated, BHM, BA LLB, LLB, BBA, MBBS, BDS, B PHARMA, BTECH, and more. The minimum eligibility that students should hold before registration at NIMS University UG is 10+2. NIMS university admission 2024 to traditional and professional UG programs will be offered on the merit of a qualifying exam and entrance.

BTECH aspirants will need to pass HSC with 50 percent in mandatory subjects like physics, chemistry, and maths. Even after securing a minimum percentage in the qualifying exam, the students needed to pass either the JEE or the university entrance test for admission in the BTECH Computer Science, & Engg, and Information Technology program.

NIMS University PG Admission 2024

NIMS University PG admission will begin in journalism, language, technology & Engg., commerce, arts & humanities, business, and management faculties. Admission is available in MSC Biochemistry, MSC Botany, MSC Pharmacology, MBA, LLM, MTTH, PGDHM, MTECH Aerospace Engg., MTECH Automobile Engg., MCA, MCOM, MA Journalism, MA Anthropology, MA English, MDES, and more. Admission to NIMS University PG is available on the entrance and qualifying exams.

The students are required to pass a bachelor’s degree from a state, private, or central university. Admission to LLM, MTECH, and MBA will be offered at the entrance. Qualified students in GATE, CAT, XAT, MAT, and CMAT can be exempt from university entrance tests. MTECH and MBA aspirants will need to score a minimum of 50 percent in bachelor’s degrees.

NIMS University Admission 2024 Last Dates

Online application form 
Last date of application form15 May 2024(tentative)
Entrance dateAnnounce  soon

NIMS Application Form 2024

NIMS University Application Form has been released for various courses. Candidates are advised to submit only one application form. Please keep the confirmation page and copy of the proof of processing fee deposited. Students can fill up the form till 15 May 2024, the form is made available on the website and those who want to apply for NIMS admission 2024  need to fill it before the last date. Students need to visit the official website of the university the fill out the application form. 

NIMS Entrance Exam 2024

NIMS Admission 2024 is based on the performance scored in the entrance examination. The university conducts its exam named as NIMSEE, and the application form for the exam is released on the website, NIMS University entrance exam 2024 Date is 15 June 2024*. Those students who score well in the exam will go further with the admission process. 

NIMS University Courses Admission & Fee Structure

ourseBatch StartBatch EndFee
B.Com {Hons.}2024202632,000
BA {Hons.}2024202632,000
Diploma in Design2024202442,000
Diploma in Hospitality2024202442,000
Diploma in Aviation2024202442,000
B.Sc {Hons.}2024202653,333
P.G Diploma2024202460,000
Diploma in Medical2024202575,000
Diploma in Paramedical2024202575,000
Diploma in Dental2024202575,000

NIMS University Admission 2024: Eligibility 

If the candidate is admitted to this university in medical and dental courses then the NIMS University Admission 2024 depends on the entrance exam. If the candidate is admitted to MBBS then the candidate needs 40% marks for SC/ST candidates and 45% marks for general category students. And 45% marks are required for the BDS course admission. NIMS admission dates are announced on its official admission portal, students need to visit it for more information. 

NIMS University Admission Process 2024

  • An applicant has to via the official website. (https://nimsuniversity.org/)
  • Click on the link to an application form.
  • After that blank page will be shown on your screen
  • Applicants have to click on the page
  • Fill in all the details related to the application form.
  • After that click on the submit button.
  • No mistake while the information
  • After that registration will be shown on your screen.

Required Documents for NIMS University Admission 2024

  • Passing certificate
  • 10+2 Mark-sheets
  • Passing certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • Category Certificate
  • Admission Test Admit card/Scorecard
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Passport Size Photographs

Frequently asked Questions:

Q1- Can I get direct admission to NIMS University for BTech?

A1- Admission to the NIMS is based on the direct admission and entrance exam, there is a lateral entry admission for the second year in the B.tech course. Admission to B.tech is based on the entrance exam conducted by the in-house examinations. 

NIMS University Admission 2024 Contact Details:

NH-11 C, Jaipur-Delhi Highway,

Jaipur-303121, Rajasthan, India

Phone: 18001201020

Email: dfs@nimsuniversity.org

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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