Updated On - January 6th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


The Indian Agricultural Research Institute Admission 2024-25:The Indian Institute of Agriculture in New Delhi (IARI) is considered a university in 1905. IARI is popularly known as Pusa Institute. It is located in Delhi. Students need to visit the official website for the admission process at this university. students have to clear the entrance test after that they will get admission. The applicant must have all documents at the admission time. The application will be provided online or offline mode.

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Highlights

University Name
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Admission ModeOffline
Admission Process
Entrance Based
Established Date01 April 1905
International AdmissionN/A
Pusa, New Delhi
Recognized/Affiliated byUGC
Short Name of UniversityIARI
University Type
Deemed University

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Admission Latest Updates

  • IARI Admission 2024-25 will open soon.

IARI Admission 2024-25

IARI will soon commence admission for PG, and doctoral degree programmes e.g. MSC plant biochemistry, chemicals, PhD agriculture, and dairy economics. The university will start online applications soon. Applicants can submit online application forms of IARI PG, and Ph.D. All courses will be offered at the entrance of a university

It is mandatory that students should have passed a relevant bachelor’s degree before applying for a PG degree programme in IARI. Admission in PhD programmes will be given to those who have scored 60 percent marks in master’s and passed an entrance of the university. Passing UGC NET, and having a valid GATE score will allow students to take direct entry in Ph.D. Program.

IARI PG Admission 2024

PG programmes in IARI are functional under agriculture themes such as agriculture chemicals, economics, engineering, statistics, physics, etc. Here, students get programmes like MSC plant crop physiology, MSC aril physics, MSC chemicals, MSC apiculture, MSC food & nutrition, MSC animal biotechnology, and MTECH. These courses are being offered on entrance called ICAR AIEEA PG.

PG degree admission in IARI will rely on your performance in UG academic qualification exam and entrance. Dropping one will not let you obtain a seat at PG. Therefore, students will need to pass both as per a requirement of the applied course.

IARI PhD Admission

PhD admission in IARI is obtainable to students who have passed pg degree programmes in either MSC, MSC Ag., MTECH, or ME. There will be two entrance tests that university will conduct for admission e.g. IARI Ph.D. entrance exam, and ICAR AICE JRF/SRF PHD. Students will get multiple options to elevate their academic career in agriculture chemicals, dairy engineering, physics, statistics, agronomy, entomology at phd level.

The minimum percentage that applicants must hold in a master's degree programme is 60 percent. Those who belong to sc/st category will get a 5% of relaxation hence 55% in PG is enough for them. If an applicant can pass UGC NET, SET, OR attains a valid GATE score along with the minimum required percentage in PG then they can avoid university entrance and apply for admission directly.

IARI Courses Admission 2024-25

CoursesBatch StartBatch End

IARI Admission Dates 

Online Application Formannounced soon.
Admission Last Dateannounced soon.

ICAR Application Form 

IARI application form for admission in PG, and PhD programmes will be available on the official website of a university. The registration of application form shall be completely online. so, students will not need to send submitted application forms copy, or documents to any department of admission under the university.

All documents such as mark sheets, birth proof, address proof, identity proof, caste/eligibility/income certificate will be originally scanned before upload. After submitting the application form students will receive an acknowledgment number that they will need in future to download an admit card for the expected entrance test.

Application form fee of ICAR AIEEA PG is INR 1,100. Reserved category candidates can deposit INR 550. The fee of IARI Phd Entrance Exam is INR 1,000 (sc/st 500). Those “who aim to fill an application form of ICAR AICE JRF Ph.D.” will need to deposit INR 1,800. However, special categories will get a half relaxation on real fee, therefore, they can pay INR 900.

IARI Admission Process

  • The student can apply for Admission to visit the official website Indian Agricultural Research Institute.(www.iari.res.in)
  • The student will register on the website using the mobile number and mail id.
  • Log in to the website.
  • Click the admission link and open the application form.
  • Fill up the application form and mention all the required details.
  • The student can pay the Application fee online by credit and Debit card.
  • After filling the application fee click the submit button.
  • Website-:www.iari.res.in

Application Fees-:

General/OBC student will pay an Application fee of Rs.500/- 

SC/ST student will pay an Application fee of Rs.250/-

IARI  Courses & Fee Structure

The fee structure shall be liable to change from time to time with the approval of the Academic Council. 

The following charges shall be payable by a full time student (both M.Sc./M.Tech. and Ph.D.) admitted to the Post Graduate School.




In Rupees

Annual Fees


Doctoral Programme

Master Programme


Registration Fee




Tuition Fee




Students' Union Fee




Hostel Charges




Water and Electricity Charges




Magazine Fee




Sports Fund




Cultural and Literary Activities Fee




Journal Fee




Examination Fee




Note:- The Tuition Fee for the students admitted before 2019-20 Session is  4000/- per annum

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Eligibility Criteria 2024-25

Admission to doctoral programs in one of the 26 disciplines is based on the entrance examination conducted by the IARI. The entrance examination is divided into three parts: General agriculture (Vol. 1) and Part 2 and Part 3 (Thematic volume). The final results are based on the results of the written tests (80%),the totals of the school results (including grades X and XII) (weighted 10%),and the results of the individual interviews. Reach a score of 10%.

  • Applicants who have not yet studied agricultural subjects in the diploma program must obtain a primary agricultural credit of 36 during the first year of the doctorate. Classes.
  • The academic committees are responsible for establishing the eligibility criteria.
  • The academic council modifies the quotas and the eligibility criteria available annually.
  • Admission is based on the final transcripts determined by the academic committee.

Required Documents for Admission

  • 10th Mark-sheets and Passing certificate
  • 10+2 Mark-sheets and Passing certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • Category Certificate
  • Admission Test Admit card/Scorecard
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Passport Size Photographs

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Contact Details:

Address: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi-110012

Official Website: https://www.iari.res.in/

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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