Updated On - December 7th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University was established in the year 2003. It is located in Maharashtra, India. It has conducted various disciplines such as under graduation as well as post-graduation.
 Here is the fee structure of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University for the year 2024-25. Which is given below.

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences Fee Structure 2024-25

MPH2 Yrs1,00,000
B.Sc2 Yrs1,00,000
M.Sc2 Yrs1,50,000
B.Sc + M.Sc5 Yrs2,50,000
MPT2 Yrs3,50,000
BPT3 Yr 6 months4,50,000
Diploma in Paramedical2 Yrs12,00,000
MD3 Yrs18,05,000
Post Graduate Diploma1 Yr20,00,000
BDS5 Yrs21,25,000
MDS3 Yrs23,30,000
MBBS5 Yrs63,80,000
MS3 Yrs73,55,000

PIMS MD Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
MD AnaesthesiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,080
MD AnatomyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,120
MD Forensic Medicine & ToxicologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,220
MD General MedicineMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,000
MD MicrobiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,200
MD Obstetrics & GynaecologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,040
MD PaediatricsMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,020
MD PathologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,160
MD PharmacologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,180
MD PhysiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,140
MD Preventive & Social MedicineMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,240
MD Radio DiagnosisMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,060
MD Radio TherapyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.18,05,100

PIMS MDS Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
MDS Conservative dentistry & EndodonticsMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330040
MDS Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330080
MDS Oral Medicine & RadiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330120
MDS Oral Pathology and MicrobiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330140
MDS Orthodontics & Dentofacial OrthopedicsMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330020
MDS Paedodontics & Preventive DentistryMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330100
MDS PeriodontologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330000
MDS Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.2330060

PIMS M.Sc Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
M.Sc. Medical AnatomyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.270000
M.Sc. Medical BiotechnologyBAMS / B.Pharm / M.Sc. Agri Biotech / B.Sc. 270080
M.Sc. Medical MicrobiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.270060
M.Sc. Medical PharmacologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.270040
M.Sc. Medical PhysiologyMBBS /BDS degree of recognized University by MCI/DCI.270020
M.Sc. Nursing Child Health NursingCandidate must have passed qualifying examination270160
M.Sc. Nursing Community Health NursingCandidate must have passed qualifying examination270140
M.Sc. Nursing Maternal Health Nu rsingCandidate must have passed qualifying examination270180
M.Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical NursingCandidate must have passed qualifying examination270100
M.Sc. Nursing Psychiatric NursingCandidate must have passed qualifying examination270120

PIMS Ph.D Fee Structure 2024-25

Course Name SpecializationEligibility CriteriaFee
Ph.D. ArtsMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450560
Ph.D. Basic ScienceMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450480
Ph.D. CommerceMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450640
Ph.D. DentalMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450080
Ph.D. EducationMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450960
Ph.D. EngineeringMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450720
Ph.D. HumanitiesMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450400
Ph.D. ManagementMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450880
Ph.D. Medical BiotechnologyMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450320
Ph.D. MedicineMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450000
Ph.D. NursingMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450240
Ph.D. PharmacyMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450800
Ph.D. PhysiotherapyMaster's degree with minimum 55% marks 450160

About Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences:

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University is located in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. The parent trust Pravara Medical Trust was founded by Vithalrao Vikhe Patil in 1972 and The deemed university was founded by Dr.Balasaheb Vikhe Patil. The UGC granted Deemed University status in 2003.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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