Updated On - March 12th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


Pravara Institute Of Medical Sciences University Admission 2024-25:- This University is located in Ahmednagar. this university was established in 2003 by Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Pati. This university offers graduation courses and postgraduation courses in various departments. The university also offers diploma courses. University approved by the  University Grants Commission (UGC), Nursing Council of India (INC), Medical Council of India (MCI),and Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). The admission depends on the entrance exam.

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University Admission Update
  • Pravara University Admission 2024-25 will open soon. 

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University Admission 2024-25

Candidates need to download the application form from the official website or get it from the university office. Fill in the form carefully and fill in the details of the entrance exam fee paid in the form. The university offers many courses at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and research levels for students who want to pursue a career in medical science.

The university offers many courses at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and research levels for students who want to pursue a career in medical science.

English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are the disciplines included in the 10 + 2 tests. The PCB subjects must receive at least 45% of the total score.

Pravara University Admission 2024-25 Last Date

Online application formAnnounce soon 
Last date of application formAnnounce soon 
Entrance examAnnounce soon

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences UG courses

BPT (Physiotherapy)
B.Sc. Nursing
B.Sc. M.R.I.T
B.Sc. R.T.T
B.Sc. Medical Biotechnology
P.B.B.Sc. Nursing

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences PG courses

MPT (Physiotherapy)
M.Sc. Nursing
M.Sc. Medical Anatomy
M.Sc. Medical Physiology
M.Sc. Medical Pharmacology
M.Sc. Medical Microbiology
M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology
M.P.H(Master Of Public Health)
M.S.W(Master Of Social Work)
D.M.L.T(PG Diploma)
C.S.S.D(PG Diploma)
M.Sc M.R.I.T.

PIMS University Courses Admission & Fee Structure 

CoursesBatch StartBatch EndGeneral category
B.Sc. Medical Radiology20242026 40,000/-
B.P.T20242027 1,85,000/-
B.Sc. Nursing20242026 1,00,000/-
Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing20242026 80,000/-
Physiotherapy20242027 2,35,000/-
M.Sc Medical Biotechnology20242025 75,000/-
B.Sc + M.Sc Integrated Medical Biotechnology20242028 50,000/-
M.Sc Nursing20242025 1,05,000/-
M.Sc Public Health20242025 50,000/-
M.Sc Medical (Anatomy/ Physiology/ Pharmacology/ Microbiology)20242025 90,000/-

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University Admission 2024-25 Eligibility Criteria

1. If the candidate is admitted to MBBS and BDS the candidate needs to clear the entrance exam which is NEET UG. This exam is conducted by the CBSE.

2. If the candidate takes the admission MD and MS then candidates need to cleat the entrance exam then the candidate needs to clear the entrance exam.

3. If the candidate is admitted in other courses the candidate is required to clear the common entrance exam conducted by the university.

4. Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University Admission 2022 to all the programs is done based on PIMS-AICET-ASUG 2022 conducted by the university.

MBBSStudents have to secure at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) examination from a recognized board.
B.DSStudents have to secure at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) examination from a recognized board.
B.Sc.Students have to secure 50% aggregate marks in 10+2 or equivalent (with English).

Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences University Admission 2024-25 Process

  • First, go through the official website.(https://www.pravara.com/)
  • After the clicking registration form.
  • Students have to fill out that form with all their details.
  • Check before the submission of the registration form.
  • After that, click on the submit button.
  • It will take a few minutes to download.
  • An applicant has to pay the amount for registration.
  • After successful registration applicant takes some printouts of the application form.

Required Document for PIMS University

  • Qualifying Exam Scorecard
  • DOB Certificate
  • Photo ID Proof
  • Migration Certificate
  • Caste Certificate
  • Admit Card
  • 10th and 12th Marksheet
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Category Certificate

PIMS University Contact Details:

Address: Pravara Rural Hospital, Rahata, Loni, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra 413736

Contact No +91-2422-273600

Email ID contact@pmtpims.org

Website www.pravara.com

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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