Updated On - December 6th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

JNAFAU Fee Structure 2024-25: Full form Of JNAFAU is Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, and established in 1940. This university is located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
g Here you get detailed information about JNAFAU University's latest Fee structure for the year 2024-25.
Here is the list of Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University Fee Structure, which is Given Below. It has conducted various disciplines such as under graduation as well as postgraduation. 

Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University Fee Structure 2024-25

MFA3 Yrs17,100
BFA4 Yrs40,000
B.Arch5 Yrs50,000
Ph.D2 Yrs60,000
M.Arch2 Yrs1,14,000
Post Graduate Diploma3 Yrs1,20,000
M.Tech2 Yrs1,40,000
MFA2 Yrs1,71,000
B.Tech4 Yrs2,00,000
B.Des4 Yrs2,40,000

JNAFAU University UG Courses Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
B.Arch. 10+2 examination with Mathematics ₹ 60,020
B.Arch. General10+2 examination with Mathematics ₹ 60,000
B.Des. Interior Design10+2 examination from any recognized board₹ 60,000
B.Tech. Digital Techniques for Design and Planning (SSS)10+2 examination. EAMCET is necessary₹ 60,020
B.Tech. Facilities and Services Planning (SSS)10+2 examination. EAMCET is necessary₹ 60,040
B.Tech. Planning (SSS)10+2 examination. EAMCET is necessary₹ 60,000
BFA Animation10+2 examination from any recognized board₹ 20,000
BFA Applied Art10+2 examination from any recognized board₹ 20,020
BFA Painting10+2 examination from any recognized board₹ 20,060
BFA Photography10+2 examination from any recognized board₹ 20,040
BFA Sculpture10+2 examination from any recognized board₹ 20,080

JNAFAU University PG Courses Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
M.Arch. Environmental DesignB.Arch. or the equivalent from a recognized university.₹ 57,000 
M.Arch. Interior DesignB.Arch. or the equivalent from a recognized university.₹ 70,000
M.F.A. Applied Art & Visual CommunicationBFA in the same subject from the recognized university₹ 57,020
M.F.A. Painting & Visual CommunicationBFA in the same subject from the recognized university₹ 57,021
M.F.A. Photography & Visual CommunicationBFA in the same subject from the recognized university₹ 57,000 
M.F.A. SculptureBFA in the same subject from the recognized university₹ 57,000 
M.Tech. PlanningBE/ B.Tech in Civil, B.Plan, B.Arch, MA in Sco/Eco, Geo₹70,000

JNAFAU University Ph.D. Fee Structure 2024-25

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
Ph.D. Applied ArtsMFA in Applied Arts with minimum 55% marks from recognized university₹25,120
Ph.D. ArchitectureM.Arch or equivalent with minimum 55% marks ₹25,000
Ph.D. Building Construction ManagementM.Tech. in Structures or Construction Management/ M.B.E.M with 55% marks₹25,040
Ph.D. Environmental DesignM.Arch/ M.Arch (Environmental Design) with 55% marks₹25,100
Ph.D. Housing and Habitat StudiesM.Arch or M.Plan (Housing) with minimum 55% marks ₹25,080
Ph.D. Interior DesignM.Arch (Interior Design)/ M.Arch with 55% marks ₹25,060
Ph.D. Urban PlanningMURP/M.Tech (Plan)/M.Arch or equivalent with 55% marks₹25,020

Courses Offered by Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University


About Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University:

The "Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University", is an architecture and fine arts university located at Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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