Updated On - September 7th 2021, Updated By - Abhishek


College Name(SC) Sathaye College
College TypePrivate
Accredited byNAAC
LocationPTVA's Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (E),Mumbai - 400057, Maharashtra
Campus Area-
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
Accommodation FacilityFor both (Boys & Girls)
How to Reach-
Founded In1959
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance LearningNo
Wikipedia Page Click Here

Sathaye College, Mumbai Courses & Fees 2023-24:

Fee Structure:-

Course NameCourse DurationCourse Fees
B.Com3 Yrs9,550
BA3 Yrs9,550
MA2 Yrs9,875
M.Sc2 Yrs13,050
B.Sc3 Yrs50,670

BA Admission

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B.Sc Admission

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B.Com Admission

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BBA Admission

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BCA Admission

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MA Admission

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