Updated On - November 29th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


DYPIU Result 2024-25:-  The result of D.Y Patil International University will soon be out on the official portal. Students will be notified about the exact date of the result shortly. The University hasn’t yet released any official notification about the result. It is expected to be out at any moment. Students must keep patience until the declaration of the results. The University is known for providing several courses to the students. Therefore, it organizes exams semesterly. It means two exams are organized in a year. The University functions on an annual mode. All details about the result will be available on the official website of the University. Students just have to follow the website regularly to know everything about the exam, result, and other formalities. 

About D.Y Patil International University’s Result

The result has not yet been published by the University. Apart from taking semester exams, it also organizes entrance test to admit students into a wide range of courses. The University is a well-known institute that offers programs at the graduate and postgraduate levels. One can also go for a doctoral degree after completing the required course. The result of all such courses will soon be announced by the University. There are two patterns of exams- odd and even. The odd exams are meant for November to January batch while even examinations are meant for March to May batch. The DYIPU Result 2024-25 is announced separately for each of these exam patterns. As the result date differs from course-to-course, students can expect their results 45 days after the exam. To know more about the result, students must go through the University’s website properly. 

Note:- The University will soon release the result on the official portal. Students must visit the official website to get the latest updates about the result.  The link to the official website is provided here. (Click Here)

How to access the Result?

 Through online access, it becomes easy to view DYPIU Result 2024-25. Students can download the result by following these simple steps:-

  • Open the official portal of D.Y Patil International University. (Click Here
  • On the homepage, you will find a ‘result’ option.
  • Click on the result to get to the new page.
  • Select the relevant course from the list of options available.
  • The result will then appear on your screen.
  • Take a printout of the result for additional use. 
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