Updated On - November 8th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Paramedical courses in Tamil Nadu

Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu: Paramedical courses are the most important courses in the medical field. Now-a-days these courses have become very popular in Tamil Nadu. Students can complete these courses at affordable fees, which is in the favour of them. Paramedical courses are job-oriented courses. In recent times, the significance of the paramedical course in the healthcare sector has increased. As the Health system is going through a lot of rapid changes, this, in turn, has raised the ongoing demand for an expert paramedical person.

In Tamilnadu, Paramedical colleges offer numerous undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma and certificate-level courses for those students who want to pursue their career in the healthcare department. A large number of students are on the side of choosing paramedical courses rather than other programmes because of increasing the demand for these courses in Tamilnadu. In this article, One can get the all necessary information related to paramedical courses.

Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu Admission 2023

Admission to Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu mainly starts in August and It is done on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination (Merit-based). Government colleges have to check NEET scores to grant admission to Paramedical courses.

Aspiring students can pursue the course and be competent healthcare workers in India and Abroad. Whereas, establishing a degree in the course is a lot of charm and pride to help humankind so closely in the time of emergency. In the coming years, Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu will gain momentum as there is an increasing number of hospitals in the government and private sectors.

List of Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu

The list of Paramedical courses in Tamilnadu at undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma levels is mentioned below in this article. Courses are classified according to academic qualifications and duration.

Course NameDuration
D. Pharma2 Year
General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM)3 Year
B.Pharma4 Year
B.Sc Nursing4 Year
M. Pharma in PHARMACEUTICS2 Year
M. Pharma in PHARMACOLOGY2 Year
M.Sc Nursing2 Year

Eligibility Criteria of Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu

The minimum eligibility for admission in this course is that the candidate must have secured 50% of marks in class 10th/12th from any recognized boards. After completing the diploma, the students applying for admission have to clear the entrance exam directly without any minimum percentage criteria.

Each College has specified its eligibility criteria for Admission to the best  Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu. There are many Government Universities and Institutes that offer entry on the basis of NEET Scores.

Also, Check the Other Important Courses After 12th

List of Paramedical University in Tamil Nadu

Tamilnadu Paramedical University list is given below If candidates are thinking to get admission in Tamilnadu Paramedical so must check out the University list. Candidates are advised to visit the University's official portal to get more about the required information.

  • Annamalai University, Chidambaram
  • CMC Vellore, Vellore
  • Saveetha Dental College & Hospital, Chennai
  • Saveetha Medical College, Chennai
  • Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai
  • SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

Admission Procedure for Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu

To apply to Paramedical Course in Tamil Nadu, a student should follow these steps

  • Look for the best paramedical colleges in Tamil Nadu.
  • Pick the perfect Paramedical course for your degree.
  • Visit the Official Website of the College or University.
  • Application forms are available in August every year.
  • Fill out the registration forms and submit them properly.

Types of Paramedical Courses 

1. Paramedical Diploma Courses

2. Paramedical Certification Courses

4. Paramedical Courses

Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu after 12th

Paramedical colleges offer a variety of paramedical courses after 12th in Tamil Nadu. Universities or colleges provide numerous Diploma, Certificate and Undergraduate level degree programmes for those students who are willing to pursue their career in the medical field. In this article, we can get the full information regarding eligibility criteria, fees, courses and college lists for paramedical courses in Tamil Nadu.

Entrance Exams for Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu

Some of the entrance exams conducted by some universities and organizations are as follows-

NEET - It is a national-level entrance exam that is held all over India.

AIIMS- All India Institute of Medical Sciences take their entrance exam for the paramedical courses.

MET - Manipal University takes its own Manipal Entrance Test for the various specializations of paramedical courses.

LPU NEST - Lovely Professional University selects candidates based on marks obtained in Entrance exams.

These are some famous exams for paramedical courses in reputed colleges. Selection criteria will be different for other colleges.

Best Colleges For Paramedical Courses:

1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),New Delhi

2. Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC),Pune 

3. Christian Medical College, Vellore

4. College of Medical Sciences University of Delhi

5. Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi

6. Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai

7. Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

8. Seth Gordhanads Sunderdas Medical College, Mumbai

9. Kasturba Medical College Manipal University, Manipal

10. Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

11. St. John's Medical College, Bangalore

12. Madras Medical College, Chennai

Top Govt. Paramedical Colleges in Tamilnadu

  • GKMC Chennai
  • TMC Thanjavur
  • Govt. Thoothukudi Medical College
  • Govt. Chengalpattu Medical College
  • Government Arts College for Women (GACW), Ramanathapuram

Top Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu

B.Sc Nursing4 yearsKrishna College of  Paramedical & Allied Health Science
ANM (Auxillary Nurse Midwife)2 years
GNM (Dip. In General Nursing & midwifery)3 1/2 years
BOT (Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)4 1/2 years
BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)4 1/2 years
HI (Male) Health Inspector2 years
DMLT (Dip .in Medical Laboratory Technology)2 years
B.Sc Physcian Assistant3 years + 1 year internship
B.Sc Optometry3 years + 1 year internship
B.Sc Radiography and Imaging Technology3 years + 1 year internship
B.Sc Operation Theatre & AnaesthesiaTechnology3 years + 1 year internship
Bachelor Of  Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS)4 1/2 years + 1 year internshipKrishna Naturopathy And Yoga Medical College

Scope Of Paramedical Courses in Tamil Nadu

As per the population of India, the number of Doctors and Health workers is very low. The doctors and health workers who worked for 18 hours and when the patients had increased a lot, then at that time they could not get treatment at the right time, the reason for this being the lack of doctors and the lack of health workers which is the most important reason being the health workers gives first aid treatment even before the doctor comes.

That's why the healthcare industry needs more trained and qualified doctors and healthcare staff to fill the gap ratio between patients and the healthcare sector and its facilities. In the healthcare industry to support and care for patients in their time of need so that there will be no death due to lack of proper treatment.

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