Updated On - March 13th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


Sangai International University Admission 2024-25:- This University is a private University. It is founded the year 1942. University provides a course in UG Courses BA, BBA,B.Com, BCA, BFA and PG Courses MA, MBA, MCOM, MCA and Diploma level course. The information is available in this article related to Exam Dates, Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, and How to Apply.

Sangai International University Admission Updates

  • Sangai International University Admission 2024-25 will soon going to start the admission process. 

Sangai International University Admission 2024-25

Sangai University Admission is available for engg., technology & applied sciences, computing & info., tech., medical & paramedical sciences, law, business & management, journalism & mass comm., hospitality & tourism mgt., agriculture, and fine arts departments. These streams drive BA, BTECH, MSC, MBA, MTECH, and more programs for students. The application form will be filled out in an offline manner, and the last date to complete registration is 30th July 2024.

Those who are aiming to apply for UG, PG, and PhD degree programs in Sangai University will need to pass a minimum qualification of 12th, graduation, and post-graduation from a recognized board or university. The university will offer admission in BTECH, MTECH, and MBA programs on the entrance exam.

Sangai International University UG Admission 2024

Sangai University UG admission window will open for various programs in diplomas and degrees. Here students can go for BTECH Biotechnology, BTECH Mining, BPP, BCA, DCA, BA Physical Edu., BSC Agriculture, BSC Horticulture, and BCOM programs. Sangai University will present seats for maximum programs on the merit of the qualifying exam. Yet students will need to appear in the entrance test for BTECH or other professional degree programs.

Passing JEE Mains Alongside the required qualified marks in 10+2 is identical for admission in BTECH degree programs. One can apply to the BPP program after passing 10th from a recognized board of India.

Sangai International University UG Courses

  • B.Lib and Information Science
  • BA
  • BBA
  • BCA
  • B.Tech
  • BJMC
  • B.Lib

Sangai International University PG Admission 2024

Sangai University PG admission covers research, networking, law, business, technology, education, and art departments. The students can apply for MTECH Research Civil, MTECH Mechanical Engg., MCA, MSC IT, MSC Networking, LLM, PGDCA, MBA, MA Education, MFA, MA, and MAP. Sangai University will offer admission on merit. The merit list will be prepared for selective programs on qualifying exams and entrance marks.

Here students will be needed to pass a minimum of UG degrees to apply for a Sangai University PG admission. The university offers direct admission to students who have secured valid GATE, CAT, XAT, or CMAT scores.

Sangai International University PG Courses

  • LLM
  • M.Com
  • M.Sc Computer Science
  • M A
  • MSW

Sangai International University Admission 2024 Last Date

Online application formAnnounce soon
Last date of the application formAnnounce soon
Last date of Application form (with late fee )Announce soon
Entrance examAnnounce soon

Sangai International University Application Form

Sangai University application form can be downloaded or collected in person from the university. The filled application form will be needed to submit at Sangai University Collection Centre by the last date of the application form. The students will be required to deposit INR 950 as an application fee.

Sangai International University Admission Process 

How to Apply to the Application Form

  • The student to visit the official website of the University. ( http://sangaiinternationaluniversity.com/)
  • Students have to fill up the application form properly and mention personal and academic details.
  • After filling the application form upload the passport size photograph and signature.
  • Click on the "Submit Button".
  • Students can pay the application fee online and by Demand Draft in favour of the University.
  • Take a printout of the filled application form.

Required Document 

  • High School Passing Certificate
  • Intermediate Marksheet
  • Intermediate Passing Certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • SC/ST Certificate
  • Score Card
  • 10th marks sheet
  • 12th marks sheet 

Sangai International University contact Details

Address: VM Building, Rengkai Road, Churachandpur, Manipur 795128
Phone: 070033 40391

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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