Updated On - December 7th 2023, Updated By - Aksh

Courses & Fees

Manipur University is a Central University. It offers courses in UG, PG, and Ph.D.  Under each course, the university offers various specializations.
Here is the fee structure of Manipur University for the year 2024-25. Which is given below.

Manipur University Courses & Fees Structure 2024-25:

M.Com2 Yrs7,130
Diploma in Engineering1 Yr9,775
MA2 Yrs13,130
BA3 Yrs13,345
BA (Hons.)3 Yrs13,345
M.Sc2 Yrs15,312
MBBS5 Yrs21,770
MCA3 Yrs25,345
Post Graduate Diploma1 Yr25,775
Ph.D3 Yrs37,875
B.Ed2 Yrs38,950
B.Voc3 Yrs59,950
MBA2 Yrs65,300

MU UG Courses & Fees Structure 2024-25:

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
B.A. (Ancient Indian History & Archaeology)10+2 with min. 45% marks150458
B.A. (History)10+2 with min. 45% marks25540
B.B.A (Banking and Finance)10+2 with min. 45% marks55000
B.B.A Banking10+2 with min. 45% marks38794
B.Com. (Bachelor of Commerce)10+2 with min. 45% marks40826
B.SC (Electronics)10+2 with min. 45% marks43874
B.SC Honours Physics10+2 with min. 45% marks46922
B.Sc. Medical Laboratory Technology10+2 with min. 45% marks49970
BA (Geography)10+2 with min. 45% marks25084
BA (Visual Communication)10+2 with min. 45% marks25201
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology10+2 with min. 45% marks25095
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING10+2 with min. 45% marks140916
Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Biotechnology)10+2 with min. 45% marks147328

MU PG Courses & Fees Structure 2024-25:

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
M.B.A Business AnalyticsGraduation with min. 50% marks154810
M.B.A International BusinessGraduation with min. 50% marks154910
M.SC ANTHROPOLOGYGraduation with min. 50% marks25000
M.SC ELECTRONICSGraduation with min. 50% marks25300
M.SC INORGANIC CHEMISTRYGraduation with min. 50% marks25600
MA (Food Nutrition)Graduation with min. 50% marks60350
MA (Mathematics)Graduation with min. 50% marks60800
MA (Social Work)Graduation with min. 50% marks61250

MU Diploma Courses & Fees Structure 2024-25:

Course SpecializationEligibilityFee
Diploma In Animation And Film Making10+2 with min. 45% marks55050
Diploma in COMPUTER SCIENCE10+2 with min. 45% marks55200
DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING10+2 with min. 45% marks55425

About Manipur University:

Manipur University was established on 5 June 1980, under the Manipur University Act 1980, as a teaching-cum-affiliating university at Imphal with territorial jurisdiction over the state of Manipur. It was converted into a Central University w.e.f. 13 October 2005.

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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