Updated On - December 29th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Dhanamanjuri University Admission 2024-25:Dhanamanjuri University (D.M. University) has appeared throughout this year underneath "The Dhanamanjuri University Act, 2017 ", which came into power on the sixth of Apr,2018, through a piece of information in the province Gazette distributed by the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of the province. "The Dhanamanjuri University Bill, 2017 is passed on the ground by the province legislature on the third August 2017. The University is found out underneath the National theme of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA).

Latest Update

  • The tentative date of entrance of DMU may come in the last week of October or the first week of November for the courses.
  • The exact date of the entrance exam is to be notified by DMU.
  • You will get the complete information on the website, i.e. (dmu.ac.in),and even then, if there is a problem, you just search on google for D.M. University Manipur, and you will get the website link.

DMU Undergraduates Admissions 2024

Courses Offered & Selection Process

DMU offered many courses in U.G., P.G. and PhD. U.G. courses incorporate BA, B.Com, BPES, L.L.B., B.Sc. and B.B.A. Courses. P.G. courses incorporated MA, M.Com., M. P. Ed., L.L.M. and M.Sc. Courses. The University provides a PhD in Law. Admissions to the courses depend on three parameters Entrance Tests followed by group discussion and viva. The counselling will take place in the University or its affiliated colleges. Exams Organized by the University. Candidates should register for the admission process via online mode.

Dhanamanjuri University Courses Admission 2024-25

CoursesBatch StartBatch End

Eligibility For UG PG & PhD Respectively

U.G.: BSc BCom BA and BBA students should pass 10+2 with 55% marks in the applicable subject & 45% marks atleast should be scored by reserved candidates while P.G. Candidates should have atleast 50% marks Bachelors Degree and PhD Candidate should have Master's Degree.

P.hD Admission for the Academic Calendar 2024

The University provides a PhD in Law. Admissions to the courses depend on three parameters. 

Entrance Tests followed by group discussion and viva. The counselling will take place in the University or its affiliated colleges. Exams Organized by the University. Candidates should register for the admission process via online mode.


The duration of the PhD course has 2 years.

Eligibility For PhD

PhD Candidate should have a Master's Degree.

Fees For PhD Course

For detailed information, please visit the website, and all the information related to fees is given on the website, and from there, you can also download the brochure.

Reservation For PhD

The reservation policy endorsed by the government of Manipur is as follows:

SC: 31%

ST: 02%

OBC: 17%

PhD Selection Criteria

Will make the selection based on total marks obtained in the Admission Test, Weightage and subject to the verification of original documents. Weightage:

Students who have participated in N.S.S. camp/ passed N.C.C. (C Certificate) Course/ or participated in any Swachh Bharat Programme organized by a concerned Institute/ College shall give 2 marks to those.

The concerned departments will conduct admission tests and have details of the test from the departmental notice board.

Results of the Test will be available from the departmental notice board and the College and University websites.

Result For PhD

Results of the entrance test will be available on the departmental board and college and university websites for PhD.

Duration of UG PG & PhD

Duration of U.G. courses is of 3 years while P.G. and PhD candidates have 2 years.


BSc first-year fees are Rs. 4021 and for the complete 3 years fees will be Rs.11563 for other courses visit the website, and all the information related to fees is given on the website, and from there you can also download the brochure.


Selection will be made based on Entrance Exam and Merit List for UG PG & PhD


Results of the entrance test will be available on the departmental board as well as college and university websites for UG PG & PhD

DMU University 2024 Application Form will release soon for Applicants interested in getting admission to different courses offered in the D.M. University, Manipur, can refer to the information given in this article. However, the official authorities of the D.M. University, Manipur, will be responsible for updating all the information about the admission procedure, such as eligibility criteria, the application process, admit card, etc., on the University's website for the note of the applicants.

  • 5% marks extra relaxation for the reserved category candidates
  • B.Sc. B.Com. B.A. and B.B.A. students should pass 10+2 with 55% marks in the applicable subject & 45% marks atleast should be scored by reserved candidates.
  • Admissions to the courses depend on three parameters Entrance Tests followed by group discussion and viva.


The reservation policy endorsed by the government of Manipur is as follows:

SC: 31%

S.T.: 02%

OBC: 17%

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    There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail report@educationdunia.com. We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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