Updated On - November 24th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Maharaj Vinayak Global University Admission 2024: Maharaj Vinayak Global University Jaipur (MVGU) has come into existence vide Maharaj Vinayak Global University, Jaipur Act (Act No. 6 of 2012) passed by the Rajasthan state Assembly.

MVGU is a self-financed private university and promoted by the Maharaj Vinayak Society. Maharaj Vinayak Global University operates under the guidance of Chairperson Shri K. L. Mina, IAS (Retd.). The University is approved by UGC under section 2 (f) of the UGC Act 1956. 

Maharaj Vinayak Global University provides creative and Job-Oriented courses. With the help of these courses and programs candidate can make their own future very bright and creative. Maharaj Vinayak Global University also provides the abroad study and learning experience to the candidates to make and create the shape goals. 

The Maharaj Vinayak Global University offers good knowledge and given the facility to learn in good society of education to improve the skill and solve the real-world problem.

Maharaj Vinayak Global University Admission Highlight

University NameMaharaj Vinayak Global University
University TypePrivate
Accredited byUGC, BCI
LocationJaipur, Rajasthan
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
ChairpersonSH. K. L. MINA, IAS (RETD.)
Vice-ChairpersonMR. VISHAL JEPH
Courses OfferedM.Phil, Ph.D, B.Sc, BA, M.Com,etc.
Accommodation Facility For both (Boys & Girls)
Founded In2012
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance LearningYes

MNGU Latest Update

  • Maharaj Vinayak Global University Admission Form for academic session 2024. visit here

Maharaj Vinayak Global University Admission 2024

MVGU offers various UG and PG Courses for academic Session 2024. Those students who want to take admission can apply online through university's official website.

The students having the criteria for eligibility providing information in this page. The selection of students is on the merit basis of Maharaj Vinayak Global University Entrance Exam. Here the aspirants must find Maharaj Vinayak Global University Admission in the duration of the year 2024.

For more information related to MVGU Admission 2024. Click here

Main Features in Maharaj Vinayak Global University Rajasthan

Maharaj Vinayak Global University is establishing excellence for attracting a large number of foreign students who are especially from Viz. Bhutan, Nepal, UAE, Afghanistan, Kenya, USA etc. Particularly people from different parts of the world getting admission in MVGU. The objective is for remaining in the limelight of research and training, as well as learning centers.

MVGU is a foremost Indian University that is especially positioned in Indian western part. Furthermore, it helps in occupying nearly about 50 acres of area. Maharaj Vinayak Global University was by definition established on March 21st, 2012. There are 8 colleges offering under-graduate, Post Graduate, Diploma programs, and Doctoral programs.

Maharaj Vinayak Global UniversityThe University is essentially attracting different foreign students delivering finest and advance facilities. In addition, accommodation facilities are also provided. Hence, the provision of the hostel is given to the students. Furthermore, the library which is well stocked having books with regard to the distinct kind of subjects. Maharaj Vinayak Global University is, more importantly, offering scholarships to the students. The university is organizing seminars as well as conferences for the students. The facilities which are offered are:

Infrastructure: Maharaj Vinayak Global University is establishing excellence for attracting a large number of foreign students who are especially from Viz. Bhutan, Nepal, UAE, Afghanistan, Kenya, USA etc. Particularly people from different parts of the world getting admission in MVGU. The objective is for remaining at the limelight of research and training, as well as learning centers.

Central Library: The academic lifeline of the university is the library. The library is open for twelve hours in a day for accommodating the wide number of students with referencing and reading halls. Maharaj Vinayak Global University is going ahead in developing the concept of digital functions of the library along with the availability of the content which is digital with the enhancement of the knowledge which is first hand provided to the students.

Hostel: Hostellers are delivered essential facilities such as music room, common room, internet with the facilities of TV and cable, indoor game facilities and that of reading room collection having magazines, international/ national newspapers, etc. The hostels are equipped with a gym, Basket Ball, Badminton, and separate courts for Volley Ball. The staff is looking after the assets of the university to ensure that the hostel remains open at all times with response.

Sports: Maharaj Vinayak Global University has essentially delivered enthusiastic sports such as gymnasium which is equipped with Badminton court, volleyball court, football, basketball court and having indoor facilities which included such as tennis. The University is an imperative member with the association to different types of national and international tournaments.

Cafeteria: Maharaj Vinayak Global University has its own food court which is emerging as the favorite haunts of the students. The university is offering nutritious food to the students at affordable rates. The food court helps in providing North Indian, Continental as well as South Indian food. The students are given an extensive range of chocolate and cold drinks to chose from.

Transport: Maharaj Vinayak Global University has its own buses essentially for the convenience of students as well as members of the staff from Jaipur and the areas to be surrounded. The buses are driven by experienced and trained conductors and drivers with mobile phones. The students are intended to avail the facilities for transportation required for getting information from the transport officer during the admission time.

Banks & ATMs: The ATMs and Bank facilities are provided in the campus for facilitating the faculty as well as the students.

Gym: MVGU helps in understanding the students for the requirement of fitness. We must have essential pride in delivering fitness and healthy solutions for our campus. We must offer group and personal training. Having special attention for making you feel better, looking better and having enjoyment to the fullest. The last and most essential point for relieving the routine of fitness.

Maharaj Vinayak Global University Rajasthan Contact Details

SB-10, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302015 

Maharaj Vinayak Global University Facilities



The University provides the various facilities for the student like as:- 1.Hostel 2.Auditorium 3.Guest House Facilities 4.Library 5.Cafeteria 6.Sport Facilities 7.ATM
Most of the reputed company come to the campus for the select the students like as HCL, IBM, INFOSYS, TCS, BOSCH, COGNIZANT, WIPRO etc.
All the fees related to information provided by the University, So further inquiry to visit the official website of the University.
Yes, The University approved by the UGC.
The location of the University is SB-10, Ganesh Marg, Bapu Nagar, J.L.N. Marg, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004

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