Updated On - November 22nd 2023, Updated By - Aksh


IIIT Naya Raipur Admission 2024: International Institute of Information TechnologyNaya Raipur or Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur is an autonomous institute of higher education in Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. The University of IIIT Naya Raipur is spread over 50 acres which includes the modern architecture of the buildings and computer labs, smart classrooms with projectors, an auditorium, seminar hall, etc.

IIIT Naya Raipur Admission 2024

IIIT Naya Raipur was granted by DEEMED UNIVERSITY. The University began offering Post-graduation degrees and Doctoral degrees, Ph.D. degrees, Integrated M.Tech, M.Tech degree, and M.S degree in Information Technology. Admission in Bachelor degree students qualified JEE entrance test.

Women Physically Handicapped30%
Children of Ex-Servicemen  Children/ Grandchildren of freedom fighters3%
Children of Ex-Servicemen 3%
Women 3%

IIIT Naya Raipur Admission last Date 2024-25

CourseLast Date
M.TechTo be Announced
Ph.DTo be Announced
B.TechTo be Announced

IIIT Naya Raipur Scholarship

IIIT Naya Raipur scholarships are awarded after completing one year it is based on students' academic performance. Selection of students done based on the merit list. For full-time Ph.D. students, a fellowship is of Rs.25,000/- per month for the first 3 years.

Basically, the IIIT Naya Raipur scholarship's motive is to help the needed students for their higher education. Students who have passed the Gate Examination are entitled to scholarships. University also offers special scholarships for those students who are passed with the first, second, and third ranking on the university campus. University has provided girls' scholarships for girls.

IIIT Naya Raipur Main features 

  • Hostel
  • library
  • Auditorium
  • Sports
  • Medical
  • Computer Labs
  • Cafeteria
  • Laboratory
  • Workshops
  • E- classroom
  • Seminars
  • Mess
  • Book Loan Facility
  • Security
  • Parking

Placement of International Institute of Information Technology Chhattisgarh

The placements at the college are excellent. IIIT Naya Raipur has seen growth in that respective field. There will be special training from the third year for the selection process and the training continues to help the students to get placement. Placement plays a major backbone in this university. The University has a very old record of the Jobs placement. If the records of previous to previous records are seen, then almost all the students have been given jobs. The University also provides the training of the needed base for the student to easily get the job in the reputed company.

Top placement companies of International Institute of Information Technology Chhattisgarh

  • HP

IIIT Naya Raipur Facilities



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