Updated On - December 5th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Yes, University offers the scholarship on the basis of RGI support and sports . which is following - National level 15% State level 10% Inter National Level 20% Intercollege 5% University also provide 15000/- educational scholarship to Brilliant and meritorious students .
Transport, Banks & ATMs, Student Education Loans, Securities,Classroom, Healthcare Services, Campus Shops & Malls are some other facilities which is university offers to campus students .
Yes , many companies are visit in our university last year and placed students . These are :- HEXAWARE, TCS, AMAZON ,IDEA ,IBM, SOMA, ZENSAR , ADANI , SOLAR , Reliance Infrastructure , ORACLE , MAHINDRA , COGNIZANT, SAPIENT , HSBC BANK, ESSAR GROUP , L&T Infotech
Some require documents are :- Admission Test Admit card Category Certificate Transfer Certificate Income Certificate Character Certificate High School Mark-sheets and Passing certificate Intermediate Mark-sheets and Passing certificate.
Many courses are offered by university . They offers UG , PG and Diploma courses . These are B.Sc in Agricultural science , B.Tech in , B.Sc in Information Technology , B.Com , B.Tech in (civil Engineering,Mining Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering , Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering , Information Communication Technology ) BBA, MBA (Logistics, Banking and Finance) , M.Sc in (Agricultural science, Biochemistry, physics , Microbiology , Environmental science) M.Tech in (transportation Engineering , Construction Technology Management , Structural Engineering , CAD/CAM, Computer Science Engineering ,) Diploma in (Mining Engineering,Agricultural science, Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Science Engineering , Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Automobile Engineering)

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