Updated On - December 4th 2023, Updated By - Aksh


Banasthali University Placement: Banasthali University's student year 2021 got direct campus placement in top companies like ICICI BANK, Hindustan copper limited,  Oracle, American express more. Students of Banasthali University received the highest package. 

Record of Placement

Banasthali University has a large number of companies are coming over there. The university placement is coming to multinational companies are to for every year.

This university provides goods placements records of the students this also provides off-campus and on-campus placement will be provided to the students. This university provides internship offers to the students. 

How to get a placement opportunity 

There is a practice of direct placement in the job as university recruit their students directly after completing the desired course And a good amount of package is provided to the students they are satisfied and eagerly work for it.

placements depend on students' marks, knowledge, and capabilities. Banasthali University 99% chances of placement but only for computer science, electronic engineering, and electrical engineering.

Regarding placements, you do not worry if you are in this university, as for as the placements of the computer science department are considered placement. 

This university has provides that almost all students get placed every year, also takes the responsibility to increase the soft skill of all the students and getting them prepared for the placement.

The placement cell also organized various industrial visits and guest lectures to benefit the students at the placement time. It is useful for the students to get placed in companies very easily. This university provides good opportunities for placement for the students.

Top recruiter companies

  • IBM
  • Kotak
  • ThoughtWorks
  • Aricent
  • Oracle
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