Updated On - December 29th 2022, Updated By - ishika


CLAT Result 2023: The CLAT merit lists include the India merit list and state merit list. ALL merit lists are prepared separately for students belonging to different categories as- SC/ST/OBC/WOMEN/Unserved for the 2023 CLAT exam. 
Law aspirants searching for admission to 3-5 year integrated LLM AND LLB programs in 19 NLUS and another private school can apply in online mode in January 2023.
In this article, Education Dunia sharing information like the releasing date for the result, how to check the result, details provided in the result / Scorecard, what to do after result declaration in the article below.

CLAT Answer Key 
CLAT Admit Card 
CLAT Result

CLAT Highlight 2023

Level of the Exam

Name of the organizationNational University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi
Exam PeriodicityYearly 
Mode of the ExaminationOffline (Pen-paper based)
CLAT result declarationNotified Soon

CLAT Result

CLAT Result 2023

The result of CLAT will be declared on the official website of CLAT. To open the result of CLAT students required to enter their login account details which are the username and password that is provided by them while filling the CLAT 2023 application form. National law University authorities prepared the CLAT results. 

Some Details Mentioned In CLAT 2023 Scorecard

Name of the CandidateName of the Test Taker
Father's NameFather's Name of Test Taker
Roll NumberNumber code and Digits which is allocated to the CLAT aspirant
Application/Registration NumberRegistration time filled application number by the aspirant 
Category of Candidatecandidates category will be mentioned at the time of registration
CLAT ScoreObtained score by the candidate in CLAT 2023 
All India Rank (AIR)Rank scored at All India Merit List
Category Rank (CR)Rank allotted in the category merit list
Rank of NRIThere is mention of those rank who applied under NRI Quota
NRI Sponsored RankThere is mention those rank who applied under NRI sponsored Quota

The National Level Law Entrance Examination Is Done As Per Mentioned Below-

  • Students with higher marks in the legal aptitude session of CLAT 2023 Will be ranked higher.
  • The computerized draw of lots.
  • Students who have higher age will be ranked higher.

After Declaring The CLAT Result 2023

CLAT Result: Students required to take participate in CLAT centralized counseling process which is conducted by the examination conducting authority when the CLAT Result 2023 has been declared.

It is through this counseling process That students secure admission in the undergraduate and postgraduate program provided at colleges accepting CLAT ranks. On the basis of rank, the seat of CLAT provided to the students.

How To Check The Result Of CLAT 2023?

  • Visit the official website of CLAT at
  • Click on the Tab of CLAT 2023 result.
  • fill the email ID and date of birth.
  • Click on the login button.
  • Move the scorecard tab to the registered account.
  • Then click on the scorecard tab.
  • Check the score, rank, and qualifying status.
  • then download the scorecard and CLAT Result 2023.

Counselling Process Of CLAT 2023

CLAT Counselling round: The university will be organized a counseling round after complete an examination. The counseling rounds have two parts in one part group discussion and the second is interview rounds.

At the counseling process, students must carry their certificates related to education. In the selection, rounds must bring some documents such as address proof, aadhar card, pan card, 10 mark sheet, 12 marks sheet, etc.  

There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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