Updated On - December 29th 2022, Updated By - ishika

Admit card

The Admit card ofCLAT is available on the official website of CLAT. students can download the admit card from the official website. NLU Odisha, Cuttack conducts CLAT 2023. The Law entrance examination will be held in the month of May 2023 in computer-based mode. The admit card will be released through the University of CLAT on the official website.
Read this article by Education Dunia to check the complete information regarding admit card, Way to download admit card, important dates, important instructions on admit card.

CLAT Answer Key 
CLAT Admit Card 
CLAT Result

CLAT Admit Card 2023

Hall Ticket of CLAT: For access to the hall ticket of CLAT students required to enter the registered registration number and password.

Students need to carry a valid photo ID along with the hall ticket on the examination day. this is computer-based examination will be conducted in nearly 60 cities across India.

CLAT Admit Card

Highlights Of CLAT 2023 Admit Card

Availability of CLAT Admit cardLikely April 2023.
Issuing BodyNLU Odisha Cuttack.
Mode of AvailabilityOffline (Pen-paper based)
CLAT official
Details in Admit cardExamination details and test taker.
Acceptable photo ID proofAdhar card, PAN Card, Driving license.

How To Download The Admit Card Of CLAT 2023?

  • Visit the official website of CLAT at
  • Click on the login page of CLAT 2023.
  • the clink on the CLAT admits card tab.
  • Be carefully enter the registered email ID and password.
  • Then click on the submit button.
  • The drop-down column will open with course, action, and assessment as a choice.
  • Click on the generate button.
  • Check it and download CLAT Admit card 2023.
  • Take the print out for further use.

Exam Pattern Of CLAT 2023

LLM Sectional Distribution




Rest of the topics like Contract, Torts, Criminal Law, International Law, IPR, etc.






Constitutional Law






LLB Sectional Distribution




Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability)



General Knowledge & Current Affairs



English (including comprehension)



Legal Aptitude



Logical Reasoning




200 questions

200 marks

Exam Day Instruction

  • All electronic things like- Mobile Phones, Electronic watches, calculator,s and other such equipment are prohibited.
  • The rough work is needed to be done only in the space available on the exam booklet.
  • Any students will not able to enter the examination hall after 30 minutes to start the examination.
  • The report at least one hour prior to the exam announcement.
  • Students required to carry the valid CLAT Admit card 2023, without the admit card any students will not be able to sit in the examination hall.
  • On the examination night, the candidate needs to take the proper sleep and rest, take proper meals, healthy food and drinks.
  • No need to take tension.

Details Mentioned In CLAT 2023 Admit card

Candidate Details
NameStudents name who appearing for the exam of CLAT.
Parent's NameName of students' parents as provided at the time duration of filling the application form.
Date of BirthThe date on which students were born and should be the same mentioned in class 10th and other certificates.
Roll NumberThe CLAT committee to provide the roll number to the student.
Program NameIt is named of law program which the students searching for admission.
Category Applied for NumberName of the category to which the student belongs.
Invigilator SignatureThe Empty box is provided in CLAT Admit card 2023 where the invigilator has to sign in the examination hall on exam day.
Examination Details 
City of Exam centerIt is the City where the Common Law Admission Test will be held on a scheduled Date and Time.
Address of Exam Center It is the address where the candidate must have to report and give the law examination.
Date & Time of Exam It is the Date and schedule time to conduct the exam by the NLU Odisha. 
Reporting TimeIt is the time when the student has to report to the Exam Venue or Location. 
Instruction for the Exam dayThere are guidelines and instructions that need to follow strictly by the candidate.

There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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