Updated On - March 9th 2024, Updated By - Tabrez


BCECE Examination Board declares the result after the completion of the entrance exam. This exam is the state level exam that means only the Bihar state candidates can apply for the admission. After qualifying the entrance exam the candidates can get the admission in any colleges and institutions of Bihar. Here we will discuss the Result of the BCECE Entrance Exam. 

In this article, Education Dunia sharing information like releasing date for the result, how to check result, details provided in the result / Scorecard, what to do after result declaration in the article below.

BCECE 2024 Result 

BCECE 2024 Scorecard: The Candidate can check the BCECE entrance exam result on the university official website only. University does not send any hard copy sheet of the result to any candidate by the post. After completion of the all BCECE entrance exam, the candidate declares the result. After the declaration of result and till the before the selection process, the applicant can download the result from the university official website.

The board of examination mentioned the all required details of the candidate like candidate name, candidate roll number, obtained marks and other details.

The Board also mentioned the interview details like the date of the interview, the time of the interview and place of the interview on the printed BCECE Result 2024. BCECE board of the exam will declare the result in the third and four weeks of June 2024.

After the result, the university publishes the merit on the basis of obtained marks in BCECE result and last qualifying exam. after this process, the university invites the candidates for the next process that is counselling.

Answer Key Of BCECE Exam
The Result of BCECE Exam
Admit Card of BCECE Exam

How To Check BCECE 2024 Result 

For checking the result the candidate needs to follow our given step. The candidate checks the result easily. 

  • Open the university official website on the desktop or mobile that is
  • Open the link and click on the "Click Here" for the BCECE 2024 Result .
  • The university displays the result in the PDF format.
  • the candidate mentioned the roll number and date of birth that is given into the admit card and click on the submit button. after the processing, the result will open to the particular candidate.
  • The candidate can download the result and take the print out for the future use and hard copy proof of the result.
  • Check the mention details on the result are correct or match to the candidate information.
  • If it is incorrect then update in the exam authority department.

BCECE Result

BCECE 2024 Merit List And Rank Card

Merit list of BCECE 2024:  The University publishes the merit list on the basis of obtained marks and the candidate previous qualification marks obtaining. For accessing the merit list the candidate uses the roll number and DOB of the applicant. The university declared the BCECE 2024 Result  of the candidate after the 2 weeks of the examination.

The university provides the rank card only the PCM and PCB candidates. The rank card is generated on the university official website in online mode. In the rank card, the candidate gets the counselling date, time and place, documents verification date. 

The Counselling Process 

BCECE 2024 Selection Round: The counselling process will be delivered via online mode In the counselling process there are 2 rounds 1-part is group discussion and 2-part is a personal interview. That applicant name is shown in the merit list they will participate in the counselling rounds. The seat allotted will depend on the BCECE 2024 Result card in the exam. 

Required Documents 

  • 10 and 12 marks sheet
  • Category certificate
  • Medical certificate
  • Domicile certificate
  • Aadhar card
  • Pan card
  • Voter ID card
  • Category certificate
  • Address proof
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