Updated On - March 9th 2024, Updated By - Tabrez

Answer Key

BCECE entrance exam is conducted by the Bihar board. after qualifying for this exam the candidates can get admission in Engineering and Pharmacy courses.

In this content, we will provide all the information about the BCECE 2024 entrance exam. For all the information, the candidate will read the content until the end. 

Read this article by Education Dunia to check the complete information regarding Answer Key, how to download the Answer Key pdf file, important dates for the official answer key, important instructions to download the answer key.

BCECE 2024 Answer Key 

BCECE 2024 Answer Key: The University publish the answer key on the university official website after the one week of the entrance exam. The main motive of the BCECE 2024 Answer Key the candidate can get a rough idea about the obtained marks in the exam. Before the answer key, the candidates know about the marks obtained process.

University declares the 4 marks on each right answer and deducts the 1 marks on each wrong answer. By using the marks the candidate knows about the obtained marks from the university side and also knows about the college's eligibility criteria. 

Answer Key Of BCECE Exam
The Result of BCECE Exam
Admit Card of BCECE Exam

Downloading The Process Of BCECE 2024 Answer Key 

The university declared the answer key after the entrance exam first week. The candidates can cross-check his/her performance and know about the minimum eligibility marks criteria of the colleges.  

  • For the answer key, the candidates know about the university's official website is, and visits on this website. 
  • Some private institutes and coaching centers also provide the BCECE 2024 Answer Key.
  • Click on the answer ket option on the website and open the page.
  • University asked the question paper set number and candidate registration number. After filling in these details the candidate needs to click on the submit button.
  • The answer key will open on another page in pdf format. The candidate clicks on the download option and downloads the answer key.
  • After this, the candidate can check the correct and wrong answer on the basis of eligibility criteria. 

Application Payments/Amount 





OBC, General


Male, Female

₹ 1000



Male, Female

₹ 500

BCECE 2024 Answer Key  Challenging

Raise the Objection against the BCECE Answer Key 2024: If the candidate gets any wrong information in the BCECE 2024 entrance exam answer key then the candidates can give the challenge to the answer key.

The candidate can send his/her concern to the university by speed post or by email. Before the challenge, the candidate also has valid proof and attach it with the same. At the challenge, the candidate needs to pay for the challenging question. before the challenge, the candidate needs to have valid proof if the university not gets these types of information than the candidate not get any marks on the claim.

The candidate also will pay some amount for each question according to the university rules for raising the objection against the BCECE 2024 Answer Key .

BCECE Answer Key

How To Challenge The BCECE 2024 Answer Key 

  • Visit the official website.
  • Click on the complaint box.
  • Fill your problem
  • submit some certificate that uploads at the admission time.
  • Upload the number of the question with a call letter.
  • After submit on the official website. 
There is no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate. It is provided solely for informational purposes. In spite of our efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. If you find any inaccuracies or improper content on the website, please e-mail We will be able to make any changes that are necessary as a result.It is not possible to enroll in education courses or to apply for admission through this website. Only useful information is provided to students in order for them to make informed choices.  Fees are not collected, admission is not granted. All career advice provided to you will be free of charge.

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