Updated On - February 7th 2024, Updated By - Aksh


MKBU Admission 2024: Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, formerly Bhavnagar University is a state university located in Bhavnagar city in the western province of Gujarat, India. Maharaja KrishnakumarsinhjiBhavnagar University creates an environment to provide the solution of career through the programs which are offered in the university. The campus of the university is 269 acres. 

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University Admission 2024 Highlight

University NameMaharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University-MKBU
University TypeState
Accredited byNAAC, UGC
LocationBhavnagar, Gujarat
Application ModeOnline & Offline 
ChancellorOm Prakash Kohli
Vice-ChancellorS N Zala
Accommodation Facility For both (Boys & Girls)
MCA FeesRs 1,50,000 (Approx)
Founded In1978
Sports FacilitiesYes
Distance LearningYes
Wikipedia Page Click Here

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University Bhavnagar Admission 2024

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University is situated in Bhavnagar in the state of Gujarat. It was established in the year 1978. MKBU has offered various types of courses like undergraduates in the field of B.Com, BBA, BSc, BCA, and B.L.I.Sc, postgraduate in the field of MA, M.Sc, M. Phil, Ph.D., MCA, MBA, M.Com and M.phil and Ph.D. Research level programs.

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University Eligibility

  • MKBU Admission to Undergraduate. The candidate should have to pass in 12th with the relevant subject of any recognized university student eligible to apply the admission of UG programs level courses.
  • For admission in PG. The candidate must have passed in a bachelor's degree with the relevant subject of any recognized university student eligible to apply the admission of Postgraduate programs level courses.
  • MKBU Admission to M.phil and Ph.D. The candidate must have passed in the master's degree of any recognized university candidate eligible to apply the admission of M.phil and  Ph.D. programs level. The merit list should be a prepared basis of marks obtained in the last qualifying examination.
  • All the offered courses are admission done on the basis of marks obtained in the last qualifying examination.
  • Candidates can apply for the application form online mode. If a candidate wishes to apply the application of online mode visit the university's official website and fill in the all correct information in the application form.

The Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University has offered education in a good environment for all students to achieve more knowledge and solve the world real problem.

MKBU Main Features 

  • MKBU has provided a separate hostel facility for girls and boys. It has provided all major facilities inside the hostel but the hostel provides the based on the merit list should be prepared based on the university itself. There is on the hostel has a separate mess food facility. It has provided a good quality of food.
  • MKBU has provided library facilities within the campus. It has major books collection. Textbooks, reference books, e-journals, and many major books are there in the library.
  • MKBU campus has fully located green and there is on campus has a very good educational environment and the campus has a sports facility also the university has conducted various games. The university has its own playground.   


The maharaja KrishnakumarsinhjiBhavnagarr university has provided the first time placement opportunity to the student. The company visits the university and they hired 10 students for a good job with good salary packages. And the university has given a good job opportunity for all the students. The student got satisfied with the placement.

MKBU Top Requirements of Last Year

  • HAL 
  • BHU 
  • Cochin Shipyard Limited 
  • SIDBI 
  • West Bengal Police 
  • IRCTC 
  • BSNL 
  • UIIC 
  • Central Railway 
  • NPCIL 
  • BOB Financial Solutions 
  • NFL 
  • Syndicate Bank 
  • MMTC 
  • India Post Office 

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University Scholarship 

Right now we do not have enough information about scholarship regrading. The content will be updated soon.

Contact Details 

Address: Gaurishanker Lake Road, Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364001

MKBU Facilities



Yes, The University provided the M.Phil and Ph.D. program for the students.
The University has provided the best placement opportunity to the students.
Yes, The University approved by the UGC.
The Chancellor name is: Om Prakash Kohli
The University location is Gaurishanker Lake Road, Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364001

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